Friday, November 14, 2014


Our BELOVED  Furends at     sent us Free of Charge...   a package of DELICIOUSNESS...   to sample and give our HONEST and FAIR Opinion of.

Dick Van Patten's    NATURAL BALANCE..... BURGER BITES....   VENISON Formula.
    Now these treats came in a Cute Package...  butt LOOKS can Sometimes be deceiving... sooooo
 We gave it the SNIFF TEST....
 And the SHAKE test....      Just to be SURE they were SOFT Chews like the package SAID...  YEP, they Passed THAT test, Too...
 So we had mom OPEN the bag and give us EACH one to SAMPLE... and we went CRACKER DAWG CRAZY...   DEMANDING that she give us another... and she DID...   THAT gave us the chance to FULLY Taste them...  and let us tell you THIS... The Package SAID   Delectable Delights right on it.... and they did NOT fib to us... not one bit...    These thingys ARE Delightful and Delectable fur SURE...         HOWEVER,  while Mom was cutting the package open... we saw something DREADFUL on the Back...  
We are NOT going to SHOW it HERE  and we Did NOT show it to MOM either....      we don't want the peeps to be getting any STINGY Ideas...  
    Shhhhhhhhhhh don't Mention this pawt... butt on the back there was a sticker that said.....
             Break into SMALL pieces for your SMALL dog.  

OMD  OMD    we do NOT want THAT to happen...    Not when these BURGER BITES are SOOOO good...    and good fur us...beclaws they are Made in the USA.. and the MAIN Two Ingredients are VENISON and TURKEY....        Friends, THOSE are MEAT   and you all KNOW that MEAT is GOOD...  
   BUTT WAIT there was ANOTHER Scary thingy on the Back... it says...  KEEP Package SEALED after Opening....    NOW WHAT IS UP WITH THAT ONE..?????   Furst they say break into teeny tiny pieces and then the say SEAL IT UP After Opening...   We don't want EITHER of THOSE thingys to occur... We want FULL SIZE Pieces...
 and we can't have THOSE if the bag is KEPT  {{{SHIVER}}}  SEALED.  
Thankfully our mom did NOT see Either of those thingys...  and she IS giving us Full SIZE BITES and SHE IS opening the bag... when we ASK her to.      WHEW...  
    So furends, when YOU get out YOUR FLEASA Card, and make your CHEWY.COM order,    do NOT let your moms be puttin on their CHEATER GLASSES... and reading the NOT so Fine Print on the package... when it arrives.     BTW.. We THINK squirrels put those on there.

   We would like to THANK fur giving us the chance to sample and review these Natural Balance Burger Bites...  and to tell you that we are giving them 8 paws up... fur what is IN the bag... butt not fur the sillyness on the OUTSIDE of it...   BaaaaaWaaaah.


Unknown said...

NOOOOOOO why oh why do they do that breaking into small pieces thing? Really honestly. Big pieces need to stay big we say. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Zoe said...

Those sound real yummy, fur sure!

But really guys. Yu could get into the package if yu tried. Then yu could snarf the hole deal.
Mommy had a dachsie once upon a time who opened a kitchen cabinet an ate a package of ramen. Then she had a bad case of guilt. But a happy tummy.

Anonymous said...

you should remove that stickers immediately. you are big dachshunds and you always need a whole piece... and I bet this treats are so tasty that they will disappear after the first opening.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We think we would go cracker crazy over those things too
Lily & Edward

Cowspotdog said...

Denny also went cracker dog over them - must to Reilly's disgust because he wasn't allowed them

stellaroselong said...

those sound so good, we are on our way overs right now...will you save one for each of us.
stella rose

My Mind's Eye said...

OH F&E had I been there I would have used my daggers to open that package lickety split. I think I can smell the goodness all the way down here
Hugs madi your bfff

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just love that you gave the bag the shake test!! Gotta make sure things are soft!!

Those sound so very nommy!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, great job hiding that break-into-small-pieces part! whew That would cost you a bunch of your treat. SOunds like those are fabulous and we all love Chewy.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Anna the GSD said...

Whew! So glad your mom can't read! Why would they put horrible instrukshions like that on a bag!?!?!

Duncan said...

Now I really REALLY want a burger for lunch. Know any drive thrus that carry them?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Tsk really, whoever reads the small letter stuffs....oh you just did... Oh well... I guess as long as there are no self-destructions there too, all is well! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Duke said...

Thank goodness your mom didn't read the small print! Enjoy the entire bag of yummy treats, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We are droolin' here. SHE forgot to get our breakfast bones yesterday when she shopped....would you believe. SHE said we'll get enough to eat when we go to the river. Today is TREAT day at the river, all the peeps bring something.

Bet that packet also says keep out of reach of curious dogs, too. Sheesh!

Idaho PugRanch said...

oooh venison and turkey - yum!!! I guess we are on Chewy's part time list - we got Aug, not Sept, got Oct, not Nov. But we love hearing about all the good stuff
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Jans Funny Farm said...

Don't worry, humans often forget what they've read, so you're probably safe.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Looks yummy to us. Just ignore that silly label!

Ruby said...

Not right. Just not right! Why would peeps say that??! Smaller pieces?? never. NEVER!
oH, Just snag the package and hide it under your bed for a midnight snack...☺
Ruby ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are glad your Mom missed those fineprint details. We get venison in our canned food and we love the taste. We totally agree on unbroken treats - we want the WHOLE thing:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Murphy said...

That was the other thing we thought of ordering so good to know they are good. We still have Frankie's black card so we can order 87 million if you want us to!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

M. K. Clinton said...

Who in the world would ever consider our pals Frankie and Ernie SMALL dogs? Pfft! They must mean the little guys that fit in teacups not y'all. They look just like burgers too! Dudes, you gotta find a way to open that bag!

Anonymous said...

Great review, boys. Those treats look awesome. (Except for the naughty things on the package directions) Unfortunately, Mom breaks EVERYTHING into tiny pieces for me. She's afraid I will get F-A-T. She's demented!

Love and licks,

The Army of Four said...

Mmm... yeah. I think you're supposed to eat the whole thing in one sitting. Really.

marley said...

Fink yoo had a narrow eescapes dere Frankie my pal...brakin into small peas? No fanks....haz to be viggylunt at all times fur Da Man Frankie....