Saturday, November 15, 2014

Battle of the UPS GUYZ.....

OMD   the UPS guyz are FIGHTING over WHO gets to deliver OUR Package to us....

 One was Blocking the Other from coming up our Drive...   and we were WORRIED that we were not going to get ANYTHINGY...  They were Honkin and Revving and throwing gravels...      It was an Epic Battle, butt FINALLY the one on the RIGHT PAWvailed .    THAT is how our   Package from   CHEWY.COM  made it safely up the Hill..
Maybe they heard that Mom had a new batch of Pumpkin Cookies...         They Love those thingys.   Butt we didn't think they were worth FIGHTING OVER...      Just sayin.


bichonpawz said...

BOL!!! We are very glad that you got your Chewy package!! Those things are SO worth it!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

Cowspotdog said...

UPS - Under Pup Supervision - you guys made sure they did their jobs :)

Zoe said...

Yikes! I'm sure glad yu got yur Chewy package. VIP (very important package)!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
The Hill is a happenin' place!!!.......... did someone mention pumpkin cookies???????????? Stay warm guys. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Julie said...

Wow, those UPS men are a bit feisty !
Glad your Chewy package got through safely…what was in it , are there pictures!?! I can't get Chewy goodies so I has to drool over the photos!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Unknown said...

BOL! Oh those UPS guys...I am sure it was your mom's cookies that they were battling over. Too funny...even more funny that you caught it on camera.
Happy Saturday,
P.S. Be forewarned if you stop by my blog today...I had to do a holiday post which means some holiday "things" came out for a photo shoot. Can you guess which "things"? :-O

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, that's crazy! I know those UPS peeps love to deliver to you because they get to see you and they get Mamaw's yummers. It's a two-fer for them. BOL You almost had a demolition derby there!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Anna the GSD said...

You cannot trust the UPS guys! I know they bring stuffs, but I always do put the major barky mean face on, even if they just drive by and don't stop. Mailman, I'm good with, those way!

Kismet said...

Too bad that you couldn't have your package and then they could resume their fight. Nothing better than snacking and entertainment together.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the one who had your chewy-package won the battle. maybe your mom's pumpkin cookies are magic and none of that guys can resist? can you share the recipe, maybe it works here too?

Murphy said...

Wow, you two must be the bestest customers!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

My GBGV Life said...

Those guys in the brown suits can really be weird. The main thing is that they deliver your packages and don't steal them!

My Mind's Eye said...

mol mol I'm purrty sure the tree beavers told them about all the good food up on your hill
Hugs madi your bfff

Anonymous said...

If a UPS truck came to our house it would be a many thieves taking package, Mom and Dad have everything delivered to there work.

The Mad Scots
Pees; Dad calls them "OOPS, there goes another lost package"

Scooter said...

Oh boy!! a BIG brown truck battle!! Hope the box had some good goodies in it fur you guys!!

C.L.W.STEP said...

We see those guys drive by almost every day, but usually just one at a time. Hope you did some good barkings!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a battle! We're so glad you got your package safely! Bet that was exciting to watch.

Millie and Walter said...

So did you get two packages from the men in brown? That would be twice the goodness.

Ruby said...

OMD, TWO trucks??!! I guess it's one for you and one for Ernie!!! That's just how popular you guys are!!!!
Nows....about those pumpkin cookies....
Ruby ♥

The Army of Four said...

Wow, that was scary for a minute there!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, at least in the end UPS won the battle!!! Glad it was the one with Chewy on board. FedEx used to deliver our Chewy orders and Mom liked them better - the driver was muc more customer friendly. He would always ring the bell and wait for Mom to open the garage so she wouldn't have to carry the big boxes from the front porch. We get 3 or 4 big boxes at a time. The UPS guy drops the boxes, rings the bell, and then literally RUNS to the truck:(

Hope you all enjoy what is in those boxes.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Duke said...

You have our mom falling out of her chair and rolling on the floor and laughing out loud, Frankie and Ernie! Thank you ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Ditto to what Mitch and Moly said! It apparently was an epic battle-so glad your package was delivered before they destroyed each other!

Charliedownunder said...

Pumpkin cookies!!!! NOT worth fightin' over!!!! You blokes mad or something?? I'd fight those UPS blokes for some pumpkin cookies. What UPS stand for???

Kinley Westie said...

I'd fight for a cookie.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow it is just like the too tribes wot went to war in the epic song too tribes wot went to war by the faymus minstrels frankie goes to hollywood!!! only with a packadj frum chewys so this is eeven better!!! ok bye

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

BOL..we think between your UPS battle and Dennis's comment Mama will never stop laughing!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Two trucks? Wow u must have gotten a ton of stuff delivered.

Anonymous said...

GAH! Your UPS guys fight with each other?? That seems wrong. I am usually the one picking a fight with those guys. I know that they secretly want to kill me.

Love and licks,

sprinkles said...

How funny that your UPS guys' fight over who will bring your Chewy package! Good thing they got it all figured out - it would be tragic if you didn't get your treats!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You guys are so funny. A battle of the UPS trucks? How many packages a day do you guys get? :)

marley said...

Did wun of dem letter the uvver one win Frankie my pal? Eh? Geddit? ...letter....wahahahahhah...I do be ere all dis fing on?