Saturday, July 7, 2012

Countdown 19 days....

Furst let us show you some of our MARATHON CHEWIN...   the event is hosted by Stanley and Murphy.. and will AIR on AUGUST 3rd..    They posted their RULES on their June 24 post...

This picture is of Ernie on his 3rd. day as being MY PUPPY.   I started his Chewing Training WAY back then.. in OCTOBER..   Now that might LOOK like a TOY.... butt guess WHAT??  It is REALLY a Partially RIPE Bell Pepper...    NOT a hot one....       I told MY Mom to STAND BACK WOMAN.... this puppy teachin is MAN's WORK...    
 So after about 87 seconds of MY EXCELLENT Instruction...  LOOK At that boy tie into that beautiful pepper!!                Also LOOK at how LITTLE he was.... back THEN...
 Check THIS we were just 3 weeks ago...    and BROTHER  (as in my brother Ernie) just look at US going at CORN ON THE COBS....   Of course we would NEVER eat the cob pawt... that would plug up the ol' Poop Shooters.....  and I did fur sure warn Ernie about THAT.
 We even tried a bit of SYNCHRONIZED Chewin.   THAT was kinda fun.      What are YOU gonna be CHEWING on fur this DELICICIOUS EVENT???????????    Of course it does NOT have to be FOOD....  you could be chewing STICKS (and get that ol' DOUBLE DUTY thingy going again) or STUFFIES...  again Double Duty... if you CHEWS to RIP ITS GUTS OUT   oOOPS... I MEAN... TO DE-STUFF it....  

On August 3rd.  PUDDLES will be Hosting.....     DIGGING.      Of COURSE , beCLAWS,     SHE is a DACHSHUND... and We Dachshunds are Master DIGGERS...     here are some of OUR digging pics...  
THIS is ME (Frankie Furter)  WAY back in 2009.... helpin my dad plant BLUEBERRY BUSHES...      SEE... you don't have to have NEW stuffs to enter the Events...  
 I had to do all the diggin...  beCLAWS... ol Sure shot thought that he would use that stoopid Shovel....  and I had to show him the bestest way to make a nice DEEP hole.     My work is NEVER done up here on this hill.
 NOW check THIS out.... from way back in OCTOBER... when Ernie was my Puppy and not yet my brother...     I am teachin him how to dig a hole.      It was his FURST attempt and he was all scared and nurfus and stuffs...    BUTT I kept him calm and workin on the HOLE..GOAL.
 BaaaaWaaaaaah     THIS was his VERY FURST...  Dirty Nose...    I was SOOOOO PROUD of him.   Even MOM said it was PRECIOUS..
 BUTT WAIT.....   There's MORE....     he had to HOLD ON TO ME... beclaws he was afraid he would fall in.... and it was ONLY 3 inches deep at that time... NOT my USUAL 87 inches Down.      BaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaah       BOL BOL....    When I showed him THESE pics he got all em bare assed and started sayin it was NOT HIM.    BOL BOL.....       He really was just a tiny thingy back then...  NOW he is like a MINI Golden Retriever instead of a Red with Black overlay Dachshund. 

Now we come to the event you have ALL been "HOLDING YOUR BREATH" for...
      On August 4th....    DECLAN will be hosting....TUNEFUL   FARTING...     Yes, folks you   "HEARD" it RIGHT.            Come on....  don't be Em Bare Assed...  you KNOW we ALL do IT.        So get some Cabbage and Broccoli and a HUNK of Cheese or a hard cooked Egg... chow down and..... TUNE UP... and LET 'er RIP.           ERNIE AND I DID.     It was a real GAS blast.
 Here it comes.......           AHHHHHHHHH     !!       YES!!   one of my FINER      F Sharps.... fueled by some FINEly aged CHEDDAR.               mom and dad keep those clip thingys HANDY.
 YEP.....  FUR SURE that one was an       F #....     Tuned to PERFECTION and CLEAR as the Final note of a Symphony.          Hey  where did mom and dad run off to???
 You KNOW that it takes YEARS of Practice to reach my level... BUTT    BUTT give it your BEST SHOT.   
 Ernie chose to try fur something... more in keeping with his inexperience...   He wanted something to Match his FURSonality (like my F# fur Frankie) and all...  so he is BROWNish... and he said his Brown Butt was involved, so he is going after the Perfect     B FLATulance.        I told him his FURST few were more in the Blubbery Butt Range... BUTT    he IS still TRAINING.      Give the boy time and he will be able to CLEAR A ROOM....  as easily as he Cleared the POLE Jump....   
 Well now.....  that was REFRESHING.  Wasn't it!!
PeeS..... I wanted MOM to take a second picture of Ernie's Back side... BUTT her EYES were Watering and She was running to the Bathroom fur ??? Somethingy!  

Moving ON...   let us now see some examples of  CASEY's Event.....    KEEP AWAY...   (funny that THIS ONE should follow Deccy's so closely, isn't it.   I WONDER who was in charge of Scheduling?)     Keep Away will be held on AUGUST 4th...   Fur all the RULES see Casey's post dated 6/26/12.
 As you can SEE this is Yet another EXAMPLE for YOU... of how to get Double DUTY from your practice and Training...    Ernie and I played     KEEP AWAY with our   DE-STUFFED squirrel.
 AND Here I am Playing     KEEP AWAY.......    from ERNIE....   with our BEACH BALLs.
 I know you all keep thinkin.....  HOW are Frankie and Ernie gonna be able to train fur ALL 34 Events...     butt TRUST Me.... by the end of this Training Series (and this is just Day 3 of it) you will SEE that we did it ... EASY PEASY.... and SO CAN YOU!!!    EVERY ONE OF THEM...     Just be CREATIVE and you can do it.  

Next Event for your viewing pleasure is......    RUBIE and her mom Poot's    EQUESTRIAN EVENT.What's that you say?   No Horse...      NO WORRIES as Rubie would say...  get some western wear  OR... YOU become the HORSE and give Somebuddy or Some THINGY a ride..    "HOP ON"   SADDLE UP...     and STIRRUP  some FUN with this TOTALLY CREATIVE event...  
    Come on Ernie...  this is OUR... "horse"   Don't be Afraid...   he won't hurt you.
 Hey MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM       hand me another Carrot fur our trusty steed.
 Pull your hat down TIGHT and jump on Ernie...  
WHOA.....   What happened HERE...        WHOA...  that is a Frankie Funny fur you.   Just horsein around a bit.   
Glad none of the other pics are THAT big........       My Butt is gonna be SORE fur 87 hours.
   SEE?????     I told you that Rubie said ... be Creative.     You KNOW you want to enter this one FUR SURE.     Show us the Spirit of a TRUE   Horse Whisperer.   

And NOW we will head over to Mayzie's   Camera Avoidance Tae Kwon Do...     THIS will be a "SNAP".   RIGHT????   It will be held on Sunday August 5th..   
THIS is ERNIE on his VERY furst Day of being MY PUPPY.... back before he became my BROTHER...         Look at THAT!!    He could AVOID the CAMERA almost like a PRO.

 I was SOOOOOOOO Proud of him...      Way to GO ERNIE.....  DON'T Look!!!
 I really only had to how him the WAY... once.   
 You might think that he WASN'T avoiding the Camera here...  BUTT....   trust me... Mom was WANTING a picture of his WHOLE FACE....         The boy was a NATURAL I tell you... Right from the furst day..

 Now you all be SURE to come back TOMORROW fur Day #4 of my    You CAN DO IT ALL series.  You won't be sorry you did........     BUTT PLEASE .... Air Out the House Furst beclaws I am leaving you with  another     F# and a B FLATuant.       Sorry folks. 


Finn said...

Nice work on those equestrian pics! BOL! Good training guys!

Unknown said...

HOL funny. We have really enjoyed your entries. Have a great Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

BordoggyTerrier said...

BOL - jeepers we all have our work cut out here looking at your entries - I am gonna have to up my training and eat more Kibble to stand a chance! Love Barnie x

Scooter said...

Man, you guys are doing tons of stuff. Pretty cool.


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

It's OK for you boys to F##T all over the place......mum says girls do " love puffs" ....... So I'm gonna have to think if that qualifies for the event....BOL!

Great pics......that horse looks like its gonna ROCK my event........get it! ....... Rock....... I'm so funny!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxxx

Matilda the Boxer said...

I think the scheduling of my event was absolutely perfect. We all want to KEEP AWAY from Deccy's entrants!

Bunk said...

I am so happy that you guys are diggers! When I go to park, I love to put my pug butt into a hole or try to fit in at least because it looks a special little spot made just for Bunk (you know me, I'm not very humble).

P.S. I have a new contest! Check it out. :)

The Websters said...

Super fun. I'm a really good digger!


My Mind's Eye said...

I'm so excited about Monday I'm about to jump out of my furs...but Mom told me that was not an Olympic event.

Bocci said...

Thes pics are amazing (and so darn funny!) PU is laughing her head off here!

Duke said...

OMG, our mom and dad were diggin' all morning and do you think they asked us for our help? NOOOOOOOOOOOO and anytime we are digging, the flashy box never comes out cause we're always gettin' yelled at!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

Wow, we are all exhausted just from looking at your action photos!! You are doing some great advertising too!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Sankissjuice said...

Haha, this post really got me laughing. The photos of little Ernie were so cute and precious. Then, comes your F flat and B flat!!! LOL

I ditto Murphy and Stan. Great advertising and amazing action photos.

I'll be back,

PS Piggies fart too. Let me see if I can catch them in the act. Haha

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

OMD. Mr Frankie, we have to keep this short cause mum is holding her breath! Thanks for the hints for the olympics. OMD, OMD, mum's turning blue! Quick Rory, get Dad for some mouth to mouth. Ewwwwww. See ya mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Lots of stuffs going on ... got reminders on my moms calendar for the events we r participating. We got an announcement of an event we r currently joining so make sure to check out our blog post this Monday. Oh we have our 2nd blog hop this coming Friday, info on our current blog post. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I don't think I can enter the f**ting event, I just don't do that sort of thing... Floyd on the other paw... He has one STINKY bottom!

Lorenza said...

Sure this is a smelly post!
I do that from time to time...
Never caught in camera!
Good job with all your training!
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs

Sagira said...

You boys are so creative!

I can't believe Ernie used to be that little...they grow up way to fast.

Dachshund Nola said...

Nice work you two!

Two French Bulldogs said...

you guys are absolutley killing us. Mom is showing every buddy your posts
Benny & Lily

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie and Ernie, another excellent guide for training for the Olympics. I am surprised the Olympic Committee in London hasnt tried to snatch you up for help. Ernie was so little and so cute, he sure has grown up nicely thanks to a big brother like you. I have more training to do but I am almost ready.

Loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

ROFL! I wanna enter the farting contest.... actually, I wanna enter DeDe! That girl can cut a meanie!