Friday, July 6, 2012


Due to some very GOOD NEWS (a new JOB) the Dachshies With Moxie are going to have to make a rather QUICK Move to another State...   and are not going to be able to Host Events as they had planned.      HOWERVER....   CORBIN WILL BE TAKING ON THE ROLL OF HOST FOR......    CROSS NEIGHBORHOOD WALKABOUT..          
     We   WILL still have TWO events that day.. thanks to Corbin...     
Here is what you will need to do...   in order to enter  
Furst... make sure that you are FOLLOWING  Corbin       HERE   is the Link to his Blog..
   Just Click the link and be sure to set yourself up as a FOLLOWER..
Second...     here is Corbin's  Email addy     ohcutecorbin(AT)gmail(DOT)com.
You may begin sending your pictures to Corbin  on July 9th..
      The Cross Neighborhood Walkabout Event will be aired on...  JULY 30th. as originally planned.
Thank you CORBIN fur lending your paws.   

The Blogville Olym. Committee (of One) has CANCELLED...  Catch me IF you Can.     
           Sorry for any inconvenience....   
CONGRATULAIONS TO Mr. GEOFF AND MISS AGNES...   WE ARE ALL SO PROUD OF YOU FUR THE BIG PAWMOTION AND NEW JOB!!!         St. Louis... the Dachsies with Moxie... are headed your way!!!        Whoooooooo   Whoooooooooo  


Val said...

Woof! My assitant Kate made a badge for the olympics. She is wondering what to do with it. Echo.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey VAL + Girls-Bk +Ck.... You have four blogs listed on your profile and I couldn't figure out which one to leave a comment on... BOL..

SO... could you please email the badge to me??? THANKS !!!!!

Murphy said...

We bet the committee of one is being kept busy! Thanks for the update.

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thanks for the update
Benny & Lily

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Thanx fur the PUPDATE! Hey, we just thought of sumthin'the DWM are gonna b our NEIGHBERZ - sorta since we live in KANSAS - next tue MIZZOU.
Shiloh'n Shasta

BordoggyTerrier said...

Good luck in your new job/home - you will be back with us all very soon - you'd better be! (Mummy2Legs was called into the office at work and offered - after tax - about a £15 per month pay rise, they asked what she thought, she said "well it is better than being smacked in the face with a wet fish" - don't think that is quiet what they were expecting to hear but then neither was Mummy2Legs! - I don't get it, I cannot think of many better things than a wet fish in my face but that is only my opinion!) Love Barnie x

Scrappy Angel said...

A MOVE and a NEW JOB?!

That is all very exciting! Sounds like a LOT of work though!

Duke said...

Thank you for the update, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Pat Wahler said...

St. Louis is our neck of the woods. Hope the move goes well!

Critter Alley

Sagira said...

Congrats on the new job to them. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job Moxie pawrents! That's very good news in today's economy!