This is the woods splitter thingy. It kinda scares me so I don't help much with that Pawt.
It belongs to our bestest neighbor... Jim the Grinch Guy... He even gives us the TREES and... comes and helps us do the splitting. I just call him Jim the Grinch Guy... to tease him. hehehe
PeeS.... Somebuddy asked me if it would be OKAY to write our Adoption Story and our Parent Pressie (and why) thingys on the SAME post... That is PERFECT. It is how I am gonna do mine.
BUTT I will we putting a Link up to Minna Krebs' blog though... beclaws she is hostessing the Adoption pawt.
Remember to put something on YOUR blog so Your readers will know that THEY are WELCOME to Play too!!!
PeeS... Did you guys hear this??? Puddles NAMES her Calendar. She says she calls it Marie. What a nut.. Marie the Calendar.. I think I'll just name my three calendars May, June, and April. BaaaWaaaaaah Marie the Calendar... that just takes the CAKE or PIE. haw haw
That is a most curious centerpiece. Happily, no snowman persons in it, right?
The wood chopping is tiring for the humans even with the choppy machine, but much better than the propane.
Dat dere pie looks delish....yum! But, Frankie (Furter), did ya'all takes a really good looks at dat centerpiece thingy. It says "Franks and Beans". Day not think of putting da Frankie in dat can, are dey?
What an interesting centerpiece! ...and those pies look delicious! We hope you stay nice and toasty this winter!
I think the centerpiece would be perfect with just the buckeyes and antlers!! Tell your mom she went overboard BOL!
Brutus the Frenchie
That pie is the bomb Frankie!
I bet it gets real cold where you live - enjoy that nice fire!
Oh, I think your mom's centerpiece is super...uh...CREATIVE! Yeah, that's the word. Creative!
And that pie looks DEE-lish! Yum!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. Um, do you think it would be okay if I puts up my Christmas pressie thing on the Friday after Thanksgiving? You know...the day where they all go shopping? Cuz between my adoption story and Brudder Ranger's, I think my postie is gonna be kinda looooong and I don't want anybuddy to fall asleep before they gets to the pressie pawt.
I'm with Mango: NO SNOWMEN! but wait, the flag is out. It's like she's gearin' up... or askin' fur it! bah!
I wanted to reach right through the computer screen and eat that pie. oh my. delicious!
we come from a family of wood burners too... but out house in CA and here does not have it. boo hoo.
Oh my gosh, that pie looks amazing. Slobbers and drools!
There is something obviously missin' outta dat centerpiece! Where's da bottles and cans?
Uh, dat wood cuttin thing kinda gives me da creeps...maybe we watch to much news.
Oh and tell your mom I would likes some ice cream on my slice of pie and I'll be by to get it afters lunch.
Frankie 'dat pie looks really nommy and as paw ways...IzZY always bumps her head evfurytimes she sees foods on 'puter sceens~
hee hees
The wood chopping thing must be a lot easier than the humans doing it themselves. Guess you will be nice and warm this winter.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
that pie looks awesome and I do like the centerpiece
I think we are going to need that recipe (minus the milkbones) OMD!
Looks divinely yummerful!
We have been stacking wood too, that propane gets mighty expensive!
Wyatt's Mom
Is your mom canning Frankies? I see a can of Beans and Franks...personally very scary to me!
Mmmmm, pie.
Hi Frankie
That pie looks delish. Mom is drooling along with us.
Love Ruby & Penny
That's a lotta wood, Frankie!!!
That pie looks oh so nommy!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
The beans totally make that centerpiece!
You lost me after the picture of the pie...
Nubbin wiggles,
Frankie that antler center piece is the nuttiest thing we have ever seen. We like your snowman flag and wood burning stove. You sure did chop a lot of woods.
Benny & Lily
Wow...looks like you are well prepared for winter.
That centerpiece is kind of funny. Just don't eat those buckeyes they are not good for us pups.
We know where Eastland mall is. If you're ever in the area let us know. :)
We're glad you're going to be warm this winter, Frankie. Is your Mum trying to attract the snow with that flag?
The pie looks good, but we agree it would've been GREAT with a few Milkbones thrown in.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
PeeS. We've discovered--by accident--that after we've downloaded our pictures, (We're using that newer blogger version) that if you click on each photo and then click on them in the order you want them, they come up in that order. Just a hint in case you want the pictures in a certain order.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
I'm drooling along with Maggie Mae!
Ummm... that can of FRANKS is a little disturbing. I hope it's just a play on words!!
You are so lucky that your two-leggers work so hard in your garden and chopping your wood!
PeeS: I couldn't see the picture on Sarge's bloggie either!
Oh, pie sounds lovely right about now!
Mom says when she was little, her grandparents had a woodburning stove and they let her roast marshmallows and Cheese Nips in it!
Very creative centerpiece! But we (and Mom) is drooling over that pie! Why don't y'all move down to SC and open a PIE shop!
PeeS - Is the Thanksgiving Day post a blog hop? Or are we just posting like the name game sort of? We're not the sharpest tools in the shed and getting duller by the minute ;)
The Road Dogs
OK, at first I was amazed at your HUGE yard, but then I saw those pies ...OMD!!!! You have the most perfect life ever - pies and a nice yard!!!
Your pal, Pip
The centerpiece sure is interesting!
And looks like your mom and dad were really busy with the wood chopping!
Aaaand.... I don't know why but my mom is drooling looking at that pie!
Kisses and hugs
Fiwst off, thank you fow being such a gentledog..I know youw bootiful wives appweciate it. as do I.
That wood cutting thingy is amazing..i think it would scawe me, but I suwe would love being in fwont of that lovely wood buwning stove on a cold night..and to have that snoopew doopew pie(even wifout milkbone custawd) would be just the thing to enjoy while I'm thewe, heheh
you awe a lucky pup
smoochie kisses
All I can say bout that centerpiece is......good thing there isnt a snowman on or with it!! YIKES!! The flag!! Dont tell us that the snowmen are starting already??? Awwwww.. BOL
Oh and that pie looks yummy. My mom is gonna try the pie crust. I will let you know how it turns out ok?
Hey Cousin!
The centerpiece looks sort of yummy to me...I could definitely chew those antlers and munch on the beans. I love the snowman flag even if you don't. The pie looks wonderful!! Did you get some?
Grr and a Drooling Woof,
Interesting center peice.
My dad used to have a woodcutter. He'd go up in the woods and get a bring back a bunch. Then he'd chop it up and I'd have to help stack it. I always HATED it because there'd invariably be bugs in it after it sat for a day or two. My dad sold his woodcutter and has a pellet stove now.
That pie looks yummy!
I told my boys to be thinking about what they'd buy me if they could. Shiver knows but Chico hasn't decided yet.
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