He likes to hang around between the Woodshed and Mom's building. Charcoal is NOT a wild bunny like the babies I found in my garden. My mom has called everybuddy she knows of that might be missing a TAME rabbit. No one is. .... Good.
Isn't he grrrrreat lookin??? He is NOT black... he is just like the name I chose for him.. Charcoal gray.
He has been staying under my SUN Porch. He goes in and out in the corner by where I keep my Snow Locker thingy. I told him he can stay here RENT FREE as long as we can be furends and make tons of Zoomies together. I really do NEED a Furend to play with and stuff.
I miss my baby bunnies Stripe, Spot, and Brownie. I have not seen them in about 87 weeks. Maybe they sent Charcoal here to be my furend.
PeeS... about the Thanksgiving DUO... Your Adoption Stories & What you want to buy for your Mom & Dad and WHY.......
PeeS... about the Thanksgiving DUO... Your Adoption Stories & What you want to buy for your Mom & Dad and WHY.......
I have been asked... Can we Post ONE to come up on T-Day and the other on "Black Friday"? YES that would be super if that is easier for you!! I want it to be fun.
I have also been asked if it was going to by a LINKYED UP actual Blog HOP or just like we did for the Fourth of July Name Game... WELL, I have Not talked this over with Minna Krebs so.... I can only answer fur myself... I prefer NOT to do the Hop thingy. If Minna Krebs wants to do the Linky thingy that will be up to her.
I think everybuddy can just read the blog and the COMMENTS.. and I HOPE that the commentors will say that they have a post up.. THEN we can just click on their name in the comments section and get to any New blogs that we don't normally follow. That is how I did it for the Name Game. To be brutally FRANKie... the linky and hoppy things SCARE me a bit. I Truly believe that is how I got the bad stuff on my computer this summer... and just Yesterday I had an email saying that this person had just gotten a VERY Yucky email that LOOKED like it came from One Of Us in Blogville.(a Known, and trusted Name) .. BUTT, it was for a not so nice "product" if you get my drift.
Congratulations on your new friend, Frankie. He's very good looking. Your offer to stay rent-free is most generous, too.
I'm going to try to get things together to pawticipate in both the adoption story and what to get my humans, but I haven't thought of what to get them yet. I am thinking very, very hard, though.
lotsa licks, Lola
What a great new friend. He is HUGE!!!! He must be nice and warm under your sun deck. (Make sure he hides when Sarge comes to visit.)
Your new friend is very pretty! Do you have a feed (for horses, livestock, etc) store in the area? I wonder if they might have a posting for a lost bunny.
Charcoal looks very nice and we love his name. U did a great job naming him. It was very nice of you to offer to let him stay with you rent free as long as he would play with U.
Hi Frankie, I like your new friend. You know we have a foster bunny right now, but she doesn't like me very much ...
Do you think someone just let Charcoal go? People do that around here and it makes mama very mad. They buy them for easter and then let them go and then bad things happen cause most house bunnies aren't able to survive in the wild like wild bunnies.
I guess we are both bunny brothers now!
Your pal, Pip
Happy Saturday! Your new furiend looks like lots of fun to play wif. The name Charcoal fits him too. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
What a cool new friend!! :) We're excited about think posts for Thanksgiving. Our Mom said she'd help us write them before she goes for Thanksgiving so they will post then. Our Mom goes out of town for Thanksgiving, so we'll be with our Dad and he doesn't know how to use our bloggy. What a dumb dumb.
~Milly and Shelby
I like your new pal. Stanzie likes him too, (but, more like "can you come over for dinner?" way!)
You are going to have to tell Charcoal the rules of the vegetable garden...LOL
He sure is a cute new friend!
Heeeheee.....I just sent you an email bout the Thanksgiving postings, and then I come to your blog. I should have read this furst!!!
Now bout your furrend, Charcoal....I think you two make a wonderful pair!! I imagine that Charcoal is very excited to be living with a dachshund!! Who wouldn't be??????
PeeS.......Don't you mean to refer to the Shed and Trees and stuffs as "our" instead of "my"? Are you forgetting that it belongs to your wives, too??? heeehehehehehehehhee
We love your new bunny. He must have seen all those preparations you're making for winter and decided that's the place to be.
All those zoomies, Frankie. You'll be ready for the Olympics.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Those linky things scare us too.
Hey Frankie!
Great new yard buddy! He is very cute and I'm glad he's in your yard and not in mine. Definitely not welcome in my territory, but I like the pix of him in yours. Have lots of fun!
Grr and Woof,
What a cute friend. I bet he can really run. Mommy wants to know if ya got any of that pie ledt. It looks jummylicious.
Mom is in LOVE with your new bunny Charcoal! She wishes we had a tame bunny, but she knows we would probably scare it off.
Thanks for the info about the Thanksgiving Day post!
The Road Dogs
Your bunny friend looks like a lot of fun. Glad you found someone to burn off energy with. Mom wants to get me a little brother, but dad needs more convincing. Have fun with the zoomies!
Bunnies are interesting creatures. And much safer than turkeys.
I ccan totally see you and Charcoal doing zoomies, how cute!! I know you two wil have fun playing together.
I like everydog just posting their own stories and we go to each blog!! So I agree with you! have a great Saturday
Hey!! Is your mom gonna put some comforts under the porch for Charcoal?? Some nice bunny things?? Just wonderin....
Glad you found a new friend, Frankie! Dennis has been trying to make friends with the bunnies and squirrels that raid our yard, but so far, no luck ...
I'm really going to have to get cracking on this adoption story thing. If I do all four of our stories, it's going to be one long post! We may have to do one for each day or something.
Charcoal sure is cute! I hope you convince him to come inside before winter comes. He won't have much camoflauge from predators in the snow.
Oh, how very much wonderful that you have such a fun furend to play with, Frankie! I luvs playing with the bunnies in my back yard. I bet Charcoal thinks it's awfully fun to have a furend like you to play with, too!
Are you gonna share your milkbones with him?
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. Thank you for saying that we could do our pressie post on Friday!
Your new friend is so pretty! Is Charcoal a girl or boy bunny? Are you feeding Charcoal?
You're so nice to let him/her stay at your house rent free.
We had a pet bunny for ten years...she was a lop-earred bunny...
Charcoal is a beautiful bun.
We hope you will be very HOPPY together...teeheehee!!!
What a khutie!
Mom has had two bunnies and enjoyed them
I betcha somebody did not want the bunny any mores and dumpted him. Peeples is rilly bad like that sometimes. Nice that he be a good furrend fur you. He is prolly not so skeered and lonely out there when you come to play with him.
Charcoal is very cute - will he come close enough for your Mom to touch him? We hope he finds a home, he might not survive the winter cold:(
We will try to post about the gift thingie but none of us are adopted, so to speak.
About that email, we got one in each of our mail accounts today and told the person they originated from. We sure hope if one came from us, that people would tell us so we could fix things. That seems to be happening more and more frequently. And we don't know if we even know how to fix it.
Have fun zooming with Charcoal.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Love your new Friend, super cute.
Charcoal is pawesome!
Sure you two have been having lots of fun zooooomie times!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Frankie, Charcoal sure is a cutie. What a afun friend, hope no buddy claims him.
Benny & Lily
k3wl bunny! . . . ^^
Aww...what a cute new friend. He looks like a huge rabbit though! :)
Hey Frankie! Your new pal is HUGE! Better watch out for him. Those bunnies can be very crafty.
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