Monday, January 19, 2015

Remember back when we told you about MOM coming into the NEW AGE???

She had owned an Actual KINDLE fur AGES butt did NOT like reading on it much...  She kept saying that she preferred the feel and smell of a REAL BOOK...

WELL that has sort of Changed...    She has been reading her books on the New TABLET that she got...

 She just taps the KINDLE thingy...  and UP pops the Book she is reading...
 Now she CAN get E-Books from the local library...   butt does not like to much beclaws it is sort of SLOW and complicated  and the books can only be kept on the kindle fur 30 days... and if she is in the middle of one and the 30 days are up... POOF... it just disappears and there is a LONG waiting list to get it BACK...     SOOOOOOO        She discovered this thingy called BOOKBUB.COM
EVERY DAY she gets an Email with 3 Books on it.... they are either   FREE or very cheap... the most expensive one she has seen is $2.99...     Most are around 99¢       and she is really liking        She "TOLD" it that she likes MYSTERIES and that is mostly what they send in the emails...    if there isn't anything there that she wants she just hits Delete on the Email...  
    She still looks through Amazon now and then...   butt says she is LAZY and this is EASY PEASY.
     So mom said that we should tell our furends about this BookBub thingy...   and there you have it folks...          you can chews to tell your peeps.... or Not...


My GBGV Life said...

My mom has the Kindle app on her phone, ipad, and laptop so she can get her books on all the devices, but she doesn't read much...except for blogs with me, of course.

Cowspotdog said...

Mom misses the day when she use to read a lot of books - over the years she just lost interest in them

My Mind's Eye said...

Woohoo what a convenient modern technological gadget. When the weather is lousy no worries mom always has entertainment to keep her out of your furs.
hugs madi your bfff

easyweimaraner said...

that's interesting to get books via mail! we aren't in the kindle-club, we prefer to be free and use a tolino, where you can use any format of books... but as cool as it is to have 87k books in one thingy, we miss the smell of brandnew real books a little...
Easy Rider

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh dat does sound easy. BUTT dere is anudder problem. If Mommy tried to sit down and read a book, her would fall asleep instantly. She says da only way fur her to stay awake these days is to just keep on movin i


Linda said...

Oh this is great, mom got one for christmas, hers is pink. Now she will have one more thing to keep her from paying attention to me.
xo Cinnamon

The Daily Pip said...

How fun! My assistant buys books and reads them on her phone. The ones she really likes (after reading them on the phone) she also buys real books and then reads them again.

Duke said...

Our mom loves the way real books smell! She'll always be behind the times, Frankie and Ernie. She's old as dirt!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Our Lady has put these apps on, but doesn't read on them. We will have to encourage her.

PS our post today is in honour of you:)

Kismet said...

Your peeps can read? I have to read stuff for mine.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We will tell Mama, we like it when she reads on her tablet...we get to take turns sitting on her lap to snuggle and she has a free hand to scritch behind our ears!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Scooter said...

Wow, tell Mamaw she'll never be Bookless now! BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Wyatt said...

That's cool, we didn't know about bookbub!

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool. We like her background picture best
Lily & Edward

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
hehhehehee schnigger....hic...oh.. that is sounding like a turn in the page, as it were!!! Your mum has discovered her inner tablet.... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Kinley Westie said...

My momma still does da paper books, she says she'd always worry bout losin a kindle or whatever.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

SHE just has a Kindle and loves it. We don't even use our mobile phone......

LBJ said...

My Mom likes the paper kind too but she put The Book of Barkley out on kindle and Nook cuz so many peeps like those. The local library even has it on ereaders people can check out.

We have LOTS of books in our house, and only a couple have teeth marks in them as I've been good.

Charliedownunder said...

Your Mom's got time to read AND blog?????? Crikey .... I'm impressed

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Our Mama is reading the Little House on the Prairie book set. Shesa LOVES the smell of a book that is in her hands. Sometimes shesa reads aloud to us...okay...lots of the times. Shesa tried electronic books, and only uses that option when that isa the only textbook option hersa instructors have given her...which so far was only one instructor. Mama finds that shesa busy looking at an electronic screen too much lately...thus shesa thinks, "There is a thing as TOO MUCH technology." When all books go to electronic only (heaven forbid), then oursa mama, the dinosaur, will miserly convert over.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom loves her Kindle and never spends big $$ for books. In fact, all of her books were free. Try
for more freebies!

The Florida Furkids

sprinkles said...

I still prefer actual books. I know a lot of people really like Kindle, but my eyes hurt if I'm reading online too long.

Taffy said...

I totally agree with Charlie down under mom has a hard time helping me with my blog much less finding time to read.

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD, Mommy got her first Kindle for Christmas and she found BookBub too!!! Do you think we have smart Mommy's or is it just that we make them smarter by being around them??

Mommy loves hers, she is reading something called "American Sniper" which she says is sad and hard to read, but she wants to finish it. I am making her read something happy next

Loveys Sasha

Idaho PugRanch said...

Mom wishes she had more time to read, she loves reading.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Millie and Walter said...

Our mom has one of those Kindle Fire thingys so we will let her know about that book bub thingy too.

Unknown said...

We're very impressed. Our mom refuses to get a Kindle or a tables of any kind. She says she can do everything she needs to either on her phone or laptop and that she refuses to give up on printed books.
So rock on and high five paws to you, Mrs F&E mom!!
Wally & Sammy

M. K. Clinton said...

When you have worked in libraries, it feels like you are abandoning all of the books that you've cared for through the years. However, I LOVE my Kindle and my tablet. I have a Kindle app on my phone too. I have used BookBub to advertise my books on before. They are great!

Julie said...

Mum does luffs real books as well butt since she has to commute to the 'City' now she takes a kindle, it's easier to manage. She's always on the lookout for cheap but good books as she reads such a lot
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
( who's tried chewing the kindle but got told off!)

Unknown said...

In the end we all find ourselves moving with the times mainly for the ease of it. Happy kindle reading to mum. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Fozziemum said...

I love boks but have so little time any more...and I must say curling up with a book is a real treat for e...but go mum! loves Fozziemum xxx

Unknown said...

Totally agree! I've only gotten a couple of duds, which taught me to be a little more choosy about the authors, but most have been good reads at an amazing price.

stellaroselong said...

OUR mom is a book ADDICT on her kindle also and uses that site sometimes, did you know some books you can share wif your friends for up to two weeks, what kind of books does your mom like to read??? Mom likes books about dogs, and mysteries.....let us know if you want us to check about sharing any of our books.
stella rose

Sketching with Dogs said...

BookBub sounds great. That is a bit much when they only give you a Kindle one for 30 days - if you are busy or not a fast reader it must be so annoying.
Dip and Elliot x

Noodles said...

We are an eBook, Kindle, iPad , BookBub kinda family. Someone is always reading a new book. Welcome to the New World!
Love Noodles

LetterstoAndrew said...

I love BookBub!!! I get so many books and they are just there to stay forever!!

Yay for Mom and great idea to share this with your readers.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow dada gits buks frum bookbub too!!! they ar reesponsibul for him having fifteen paydjes of unred buks on his kindle!!! he sez that he lukd into gitting his own buks into bookbub but he kannot afford it rite now on akkownt of stil paying off things like tuckers vet bils frum last yeer but maybe wun day he wil do it so tel yore mama to keep an eye owt for dadas naym in those eemails sumday!!! ok bye