Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Recipes.. fur Pie Filling and the Crust...

Since so many of you have asked....   and some are folks that we can't find a way to get an ANSWER to...    (you might want to leave Email and BLOG ADDYs if you are new to a blogger)   we decided to give you BOTH recipes...   HERE GOES...

Apple Pie Filling.......      Quart Jars...   HOT WATER BATH CANNER....  

We go to the Orchard and have them give us a MIXTURE of 3 types of  Pie Apples...   but all Granny Smith would work also...       enough to make  7 pies worth...

4 cups white sugar
1 cup Corn Starch
1 teasp. Salt
1 teasp. Allspice
1 teasp. Nutmeg
1 teasp. Cinnamon......  MIX all dry ingredients together THROUGHLY...      in a 4 qt. Dutch Oven or other large pan...  
10 Cups Water
5 drops red food coloring...(optional)
4 teasps. Lemon Juice...    Mix and cook until the liquid is Clear and Thick...   MUST STIR Constantly while cooking...  it will need to come to a very LIGHT boil to be thick enough and fully cooked..  

Fill the Hot Jars 1/3 full of the HOT mixture...   PRESS  Peeled and cored Apple pieces down into the Hot mixture  until each jar has only  1/2 inch of headspace...   CLEAN Rims... CAREFULLY... add the Seals and Rings and put into BOILING Canner...      when last jar is in the canner...  and all are covered with gently boiling water...       CAN for 20 minutes...  

Pie Crust...         This makes  2 double crust pies   or 4 single crusts ...   The Recipe says that they are INTENDED to be FROZEN... for at LEAST 12 hours...     if you cover them well they will keep Frozen for SEVERAL months...

4 1/2 Cups  All purpose Flour
2 teasp. Salt
4 teasp. Sugar
1 3/4 cups  Crisco SHORTENING
MIX for a bit until incorporated...
1 Beaten Egg
1/3 cup Water Plus 5 teaspoons additional...
   MIX until it forms a ball...
Pat out into a BRICK Shape... and cut into 4 equal parts...     Pat each part to the size you wish... Cover each with PLASTIC WRAP...   and Freeze...  
     THAW before "ROLLING" to fit pie pan...  




Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
mmm cinnamon... mmmm am still thinking pears though &*> Perfect autumnal fare... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Linda said...


Cinnamon,`` ha I am not jumping into a pot of boiling water in a jar.
Oh wait my mom cant cook so i am safe.
xo Cinnamon

Idaho PugRanch said...

We have a bag of apples at home, we better try this! Thanks for the recipes!
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Julie said...

Perfect guys. Now we need our nice neighbour to bring over this years crop !
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Kinley Westie said...

Dis are makin me hungry!

Duke said...

You have us drooling!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

We were hoping there would be samples!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! Thank you!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my goodness, this sounds delish!!
Mama has apples she was just going to bake...now she may have to go a different direction!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Kismet said...

I like green beans on top.

Ruby said...

Ma makes the BESTEST pie crusts EVERS!
butts she doesn't really make the bestest pie fillings, so maybe she should try yours...really..hers are terribles!! BOL
Now...I heard there were samples....
Ruby ♥

Two French Bulldogs said...

Lily & Edward

M. K. Clinton said...

If we could get mom to actually make a homemade apple pie with crust! OMD! It would be so special! You guys are so lucky. ♥

Millie and Walter said...

We love to hear about all the canning you do.