Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Apple PIE....

Many of you asked about how the Apple Cucumbers TASTED....  they taste just like chicken REGULAR CUCUMBERS....     they just don't cause the BURPS and Belches that Regular Cucumbers do....  AND they have very Very teeny tiny seeds...   that made them nice and Solid.   We really did LIKE THEM A LOT...    

We will be showing you a BUNCH of Pics from the Circleville Pumpkin show... in a couple of days... Butt TODAY we wanted to share the Making of the Apple Pies.....
    Furst you gotta go to the Apple Orchard... that is 15 mins. from our house... and buy a Sink full of MIXED Varieties of Apples...  Wash and Peel Slice and Core them...

 THEN you gotta mix together...  Cornstarch and Sugar and Spices and water... and Cook until it is Thick and THEN...
 You put that HOT Sauce stuffs with the raw apples...   in JARS...      then you gotta put the Jars in the Canner of Boiling water fur 20 mins...   and   ......
 THIS is what you get.....   Apple Pie Filling... all set to go...   you just need to make the Crusts and dump jar of filling in... and BAKE...
 THIS is how to make the Crusts...   you put flour and Crisco Shortening and salt and sugar and some vinegar and an egg and water in the Kitchen Aide...   (which is our Mom's Favorite Kitchen Furend)  and Turn it on...  it will mix the stuffs all together and then...
 you have to divide it into 4 pawts... and cover them with Plastic Wrap...
 Pat them out nice and round...
 Seal them up... and Freeze them...   so that when you have a PIE THOUGH... you just thaw them out... Put the bottom one in the pan...  Open a jar of Apple Pie Filling.. dump it in...  Jam on the TOP crust...  poke some holes and Bake...                        It only takes mom about 87 seconds to go from Pie Thought to Pie in the oven this way...
We   WOULD have shown you a picture of a finished pie... except....
      Sarge's Dad and Our Dad...  ate it all up BEFORE there could be any Pictures taken...    
THEY did NOT seem to be One Bit Sorry about it either...  Just sayin.
     And when Sarge's Dad left here the other day... he took a Jar of Pie Filling With him...
    SO between that and the 2 pies worth that have ALREADY been eaten...  we no longer have 14 jars of filling....       Wonder if there will be ANY left by Spring???


Julie said...

Apple pies, I luffs Apple pies.
We has a very nice neighbour who gives Mum apples from their tree, they get cooked and frozen for later eatings and there's never any left by Spring !
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

It must of been one tasty pie if it didn't last long enough to get a picture taken. We don't think the pie fillings are going to last until Christmas!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL F&E if my dad had been there he would have helped it that pie and had no regrets!! Yummy looking apples and your mom is a Star in the kitchen.
Hugs madi your bfff

Unknown said...

Lovely and well yummy. We had apple crumble yesterday and we will make a pie later this week too. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Zoe said...

So very tasty! It's probly too late to go get More apples? Remind yur folks to Buy More Apples nex' year.

My GBGV Life said...

Bummer, sounds like something for da humans. We like apples, maybe Mom can figure out a pie for dogs?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Crikey, that's one intense pastry; mine has only three ingredients. Allergic to apples here...pears though, pears with plums... pears with apricots.... peaches.... mmmmmmmm..... pies. Anything but apple. Sigh.... No knocking the industry of the kitchen on the hill though!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ranger said...

APPLES !!!!!!!!!! Oh my heart is racing and my mouth is drooling. I lov me some apple bits.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz haf not had apple pie BUTT we love applez - our aunt sis makez apple pie butt our mom duzn't. Our mom iz tue lazy - she just eatz the pie that aunt sis givez her.
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

Unknown said...

Dudes, that is the most BRILLIANT idea ever! I didn't know you could pre-make the pie filling so it is ready to go when you need a pie?!? Of course, my Ma would just buy a pre-made crust because she doesn't have one of those fancy Kitchen Aides (even though Daddy-dog really wants one). BOL You two are the luckiest dogs ever.
*high paws*

Saundra Romanus said...

What is your recipe for pie crust? I never used sugar & egg and would like to try it!
Kisses & Licks from Ms. Saundra and Emmy(choc.& tan) and Cocoa (chocolate)short hairs.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

{Big Sigh} I's gonna hitchey hike to your house. Here is Mom's recipe fur Apple Pie...

Grab Car Keys
Start Car
Drive to Grocery Store
Pick up Frozen Apple Pie
Drive Home
Turn on Oven
Bake for whatever time is says on the box

{Putting on my sad face now}

stellaroselong said...

YOUR momma is so talented with baking and canning!!!!!!
stella rose

Linda said...

Can you ship one to us ?
My mom can't bake she burns stuff.
They sure look yummy and must smell incredible.

Anonymous said...

wow that's the bestest apple pie ever, I'm sure...I hope my momwill make a pie for me too, butt with apple cucumber what tastes like chicken, lol.
... uhoh... now she sings "Sugar and spice and all things nice
Kisses sweeter than wine..." wish I had a teleport tunnel...

Kismet said...

Do your apple pies taste like cucumbers? One might have snuck in with the apples.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Could we rent your mommy?
Lily & Edward

Matilda the Boxer said...

Momma tried to make a pie like your momma does, and it didn't go very well. She says she'll stick with cookies and cakes. Fine by me!

Bocci said...

Hoo boy,that looks delicious! Could ya pop one of those in the mail- it 'll still be fresh we it gets here:-)

Flea said...

Aw MAN!!! I can't eat pie! AND NOW I WANT PIE!!!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Oh my paws, our mouths are watering just looking at all those jars! Mmmmm!

Talking-Dogs said...

Somehow I can't blame the guys for eating that pie! Your post has made me so hungry :-)

C.L.W.STEP said...

Oh how yummy! My Mom has a story about pie. One day when the kids were little (there were four of them!) Mom was making pie from scratch. The kids were so misbehaved that she ruined the pie, threw it all in the garbage and never made pie again! But your recipe looks encouraging. The kids are all grown up now. Maybe she'll start making pies again!

Shawn said...

Can we just come over and have a piece of pie? It will take a smidge over 87 seconds to get there butt we will hurry as fast as we can!
Winston, Chloe and Cecil

WFT Nobby said...

How interesting to read your apple pie recipe. Sounds absolutely yummy, although Gail has never heard of adding vinegar to pastry. You learn something every day!
Toodle pip!

Cowspotdog said...

looks like you might need another trip to the orchard

Lovable Lily said...

We didn't know you could can the apple pie filling! Mommy only does pickles. Do you have to give them a hot water bath? Now you've got her thinking!!

Sure does look yummy. Maybe you should send us some of your jars and we could be your Inspectors, just like the Dad's.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Sagira said...

That looks super yummy! Mom enjoyed the pumpkin donut and cookies your mom mad for her as well! :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yum! We'd have to buy the pastry, though. SHE doesn't have a kitchen friend!

They grow apples close to us in....now wait for it......Orange! You'll be able to laugh at that snow this year.

Duke said...

That apple pie filling sure does look yummy! Apple pie is a favorite at our house!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey .... you make it all sound so easy!! It would take my Mum 87 MILLION years to make one of those. Thank goodness she knows a good shop where she can buy them ready made. Wouldn't taste as good as yours though!! AND Bella, Roxy and Dui are dead right. They do grow apples in Orange. How weird is that??

Kinley Westie said...

Looks tasty!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...you guy are lucky pups to have such a talented mama to cook all those good things for you and your Daddy (and Sarges Daddy too)!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Unknown said...

I would doubt there will be any left for spring, I mean I think about apple pie quite a lot. :-)

marley said...

we luv apple pies at Border terrier HQ Frankie my pal...we dussnt ave no conveyyerr belt makin em like yoo do tho...mites haz to start wun