Wednesday, November 13, 2013


It's ME.... ERNEST vonSchnitzel...

  Can you HEAR ME NOW?  

You will    NOT   believe this.....     I gotted to meet ROXY's MOM ... in the FURS!!   I DID!!!   I REALLY REALLY DID...

Butt ROXY was NOT there with her.     WaaaaaaHaaaaaa...   I cried and cried about THAT...  

YEAH ERNIE.... tell everyBuddy how you got a SHY and acted like a TOTAL Squirrel Brain.

MOOOOOOOOOOM.......  Tell Frankie FARTer that he has to go out and PEE...    PLEASE MOM!


OKAY....   HE is out in the SNOW... and I can talk more now...
        THIS is Roxy's MOM.... holding Mini Roxy and Mini ME...          Look at what her shirt says...   it is fur Bella and Daisy...     BUTT.... Look   it says they are PRICEless.    WELL, since I am Ernest vonSchnitzel   PRICE...      My ROXY is NOT without a PRICE.    RIGHT???
 See the PIN on Roxy's Mom's Shirt???    THAT is somethingy I (ERNIE) gave to her...   it is a tiny ME... with a Santa Paws hat.  
 Do you Remember the MELTING Snowman that Daisy and Bella and ROXY sent to us last year??  I made MOM take it and put it together on the TABLE... so Mini ROXY and Mini ME could Watch it MELT while all the Peeps were flappin their lips  talking and getting to know each other.  

  I gave Roxy's Mom the PUMPKIN that I won fur the Prize from the WEIGHT GUESSERing Guy..

 SEE???    I said I wanted the PUMPKIN fur MY Roxy...   as a Pressie that I WON fur HER... from the PUMPKIN SHOW...
 Do you See Roxy's Mom Holding ... ROXY's PUMPKIN???         SHE liked it...   I just HOPE that MY Steady Girrrrrl... ROXY does.

I will Have MORE to show and Tell you....   LATER...
     BUTT NOW... I gotta go get FRANKIE back Inside... before he FREEZES...
  MooooooooooM...      hurry .... Frankie is OUT and he will be SCARED to Death WithOUT ME  be REALLY cold...   HURRY MOM....    he is screaming like a squirrel  Barking to get in.


3 doxies said...

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...OMD, you locked Frankie out in da snows??????
Okays, anyways, I am so THRILLED dat you gotted to meet HER! I bet her is a hoot and a half. And dat was awfully sweet of ya'll to gives HER an Ernie pin and pumpkin. I knows Roxy will likes her pumkin.
I SOOOOOOOO wish I could has been theres to meet everybuddy in da furs too.
So, how comes you went all shy?


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Great post Ernie. How exciting!!
Poor Frankie, is it snowing there already? It's 39 here right now but it's gonna get warm again because after all this is Texas.

♥♥♥Mommy's girls

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey mom was nearly as excited as you were over the meeting but I can tell you one thing the old gray mare would not have been shy. She will literally talk to a telephone poll and if it doesn't talk back she'll talk for it.

MOL MOL MOL you put Frankie in the deep freeze. We are so glad you all had fun and the meet and greet was not messed up by bad weather.

Looking forward to more.
Hugs Madi your bfff

Unknown said...

Yikes you got snow already? Here it is still sunny and mild. Wow that was a great visit and we can't wait to hear more. Looks at those sweet gifts. Nice one we say.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Millie and Walter said...

It sound like you all were having a great time. We can't wait to hear more about it.

Millie & Walter

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We are so happy you got to meet Roxy's Mom. Those mini stuffies looked just like you two. Roxy is gonna love the pumpkin stuffie!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are so happy that you all got to meet! What a great day. Nice pumpkin. Roxy is gonna love it. Lee and Phod

HH and The Boys said...

Sounds like you have plenty of excitement going on over there. So glad you got to meet Roxy's mom....

Have a great day.

hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

marley said...

Glad yoo had a good day Ernie my pal….shame it wazznt Roxy in da furs….but mebbe new time

Linda said...

Let the good times roll! It sure looks like you all had a pawsome day. You got snow OMD more excitement.
The squirrels ate my pumpkin Mom left it on the porch. :(

xo Cinnamon

stellaroselong said...

WEsa never thoughts about giving a pumpkin as a gift and since Christmas is a coming up and wesa doing the gift exchange and mom has two big pumpkins still sitting outside well.....
It looks like you all had such a nice time together, its funny that you locked frankie outside...well not funny but funny.
stella rose, mags and gussie

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD Ernie, I am so excited for you to meet Foxy Roxy's Mommy. I bet you gave her a good sniffing and sent some nice scent back to Roxy from you. I hope Frankie isn't too cold outside, you better let him in before he gets freezy paws. I hate freezy paws.

Loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

Great post! I hope Frankie is back in your crib now. Maybe he looks now like the melting snowman you've got from Roxy?

Idaho PugRanch said...

WOW what a totally pawsome time meeting Roxy's Mom. Can't believe you have snow! We might get some in a day or two.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Ruby said...

OMD!!!! You gots to meet Roxy's Moms in the FURS??!! Oh, how excitin'!! Did you pee yourself Ernie??! BOL heheheeee....
I would have!! I bets Foxy Roxy is gonna LOVES her pumpkins!!! It is sooo cool Ernie! Now, abouts poor Frankie...good things he has the long furs to keep him warm! I thinks you owe him like 87 thousand treaties for that!! BOL
Ruby ♥☺

Scooter said...

Hey Ernst!
Wow, I heard allll about this cool meeting with HER from scotsmad! My peeps had a great time with HER too and I could smell you and Frankie all over Mom and Dad when they got home. I wish I had been there too! SHE is a pawesome peep and I'm so glad you all got to meet with HER.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

sprinkles said...

That's cool you got to meet another blogging pal. I've not met anyone in person yet.

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are furry excited you got to meet your true love's mom Ernie. Hope she brought a few stray hairs with her from Roxy.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Hey there furends!! So glad you stopped by our bloggie yesterday! We are so glad to be back!! Wanna swap Christmas cards this year?

Woofs and Kisses!
Indiana, Shingo, and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

How exciting EVS. Hope Frankie doesn't turn into a snowman out there

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

That is sooo cool!! Can't wait to hear more

WFT Nobby said...

Oh that truly is a privilege, to meet the world famous Roxy, Bella and Daisy's Mom. And I am totally certain that Roxy will absolutely adore he pumpkin. After all, what more could a girl want?
Toodle pip!

Murphy said...

Wow, you were so close to seeing your girl Roxy in the furs! Maybe there was some Roxy hair on her mom's shirt? Did you sniff her down to see?

Your pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ernie, Stand up to that Frankie for all the grief he has given you! Hope his pee pee ain't froze in the cold snow.
Wow You got to meet the downunder crews Mom, we be jealous

The Mad Scots

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL! Meeting the parents? This is quite serious.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

So great to hear that the meeting' went without a hitch ….. well apart from the shyness that is!! Ernie would have been just a little overwhelmed I think Frankie. I know Roxy will love her pumpkin!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

animal lover, quilt lover said...

That is so very special that you get to meet so many bloggers!!! I have talked to a few but never met one in person!!! I be jealous!!!! TOO!!!!
Thanks for coming by!!!

Taffy said...

Gosh, Ernie! It sounds like you had a Twixerrific time!!!! I can't wait to hear more about it.

Scooter said...

How exciting and Thats NOT really fair at all. WHAT!! A pic from the neck down??? Geezzz scardey cats ROFB


Kat said...

So cool that you got to meet Roxy's mom! Can't wait to see what else you guys did. The pumpkin is swell. I bet Roxy will love it!

Unknown said...

OMD that is SO exciting Ernie!! We are SO happy for you bru!
Wally & Sammy

Duke said...

We can tell that you guys are having a blast! We can't wait to hear more of your visit with Roxy's mom!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Mollie said...

Bawahwhahhahwhahhawaa Oh too funny Frankie out in the Cold SNOW..BOL..Watch out Ernie, revenge!. You got to meet Roxy's Mom, now that is super cool xxooxxx

Mollie and Alfie