Thursday, September 12, 2013

Flint Ridge....

Every year at the  Flint Ridge Museum  there is a gathering of Flint Knappers...     Now those are not like PUPPY KNAPPERS who steal Puppies...    this kind of Knapping has to do with how the native Americans made their Arrow Heads from Ohio's GemStone.... Native FLINT.  
      The Native Americans used other Flint to Chip (Knap) away parts of the flint to fashion their hunting Arrows and their KNIVES    Remember that the native Americans did not use METAL tools...     When the flint is struck right it Flakes off and will leave very VERY sharp Edges.
      So Anyway near Brownsville Ohio there was a super deposit of very GOOD quality Flint and the Native American's came from MILES AROUND to gather Flint and to Knap it and to Trade thingys fur the flint.  
      AND we got to go to the Flint Knappers Weekend.
 THIS is the SIGN that tells all about the area and the museum that is there.
 We saw our furends Paul and Ann there.... Paul was selling all of his KNIFE Collection...

 And Ann makes these BASKETS....
 After we visited with them...    we moved along to see what the other 87 booths had to offer...
 Did we mention that there were LOTS of Dogs there?     We took our No Walkin Wagon, butt it was such a nice day WE decided to just WALK It .....   instead of Riding.
 THIS guy wanted to be GOOD furends with Ernie butt he wanted to get Moving.  
 THIS was a really nice guy.... we talked to him fur a while...  and did some sniffing and stuffs...    His Dad was Knapping... and not the Sleep kind either.

 We kept Dad on the walking string... so he wouldn't get lost or stuffs.
 THIS way dad....      We want to see what they have in this booth...
THESE are mostly GEODS that some of the folks brought to TRADE...
 THERE were like 87 different places where they had their trade goods spread out fur us to look at.
 Grrrrrreat big spots like THIS...
These are some examples of the arrow heads that the knappers made...
We could hear the Klink Clink Klink of the guyz chipping away...
      It was a FUN day fur us...   even if we WERE tired after walking like 87 miles.


Mollie said...

OMD what a fun day out, look at all those beautiful flint fings.. Wez all behind guy's AND GayLord is about'z as useful as a chocolate teapot, so I'z having to do all de catching up..BOL xx0xxx

Mollie and Alfie

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Frankie that does look like a super fun day. You know how much I love rocks of all sorts. And how interesting to learn about the non-sleeping variety of (k)napping.
Toodle pip!

Ruby and Penny said...

A fun adventure.

Love Ruby & Penny

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie and Ernie...both my peeps need to be on a looooooooooong walking string. They are furever getting out of my sight here in the homestead. Sometimes I park my butt right in the middle of the hall to keep an eye on them.
My dad would have loved that very interesting show you attended.

Hugs Madi your bfff

Lovable Lily said...

What a great history lesson fur all of us. That was sooo much fun. We never knew there was such a historic area!

Your friends baskets are lovely! We hope she sold a lot of them.

Thanks for taking us along with you two.

Lily Belle & Muffin

GOOSE said...

Cool cool. So does your mom have to pull the no walkin wagon as you walk your dad?

Unknown said...

What an unusual but great event. Never heard of knapping before. Thanks for enlightening us. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

stellaroselong said...

Oh my gosh our parents would have had the grandest time with all those rocks! That looked like a real fun time!
stella rose

Millie and Walter said...

You guys always have such fun places to go around your hill. We think we want to move to Ohio.

Millie & Walter

The Army of Four said...

That looks like tons of fun! My mom would LOVE to see all those baskets!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You guys have the best time all the time!!! You boys have a great life!!!
WOW it is fun to be you!!!

Idaho PugRanch said...

You have the neatest places to go and walk and see lots of neat stuff!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, what a fun and historical day! I remember my peeps talking about this and the fun they had there too. Nice that you got to see some furiends along the way.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Cowspotdog said...

Mom loves those little fairs....and loves exploring new places

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is really interesting about the flint.
Looks like a fun day out - send us a flick knife, we want to be bad, a-ahahahahaha!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom likes that stuff. Cool little baskets too. If that four legger with the big nose came after us, we would run too Ernie
Benny & Lily

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Grrrrreat day out! So interesting. SHE loves rocks AND arrow heads and Geods (called thunder rocks here). We have a couple. Thanks for showing us all the knapping.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Dachshund Nola said...

that looks cool!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow, did you guys get to knapp anything??? It looked like a nice friendly place to visit with lots of pals to meet.

Loveys Sasha

Taffy said...

What a great day you had! You get to do the bestest things. I hope you like tomorrow's is for you!

Unknown said...

We don't share this very often, cos people don't really understand it, butt our dad collects knives!
Wally & Sammy

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I like geodes, my peep has a pretty pink one somewhere...

marley said...

Oh...yoo guys ROCK.!!....Eh? Geddit? Rock? ....sheesh.... I do be ere all week....

Duke said...

What an interest day you and Ernie had, Frankie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

You sure have fun events by your house. We don't have many fun events here, just in Salt Lake City.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley