Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our MOM is MAD....

Our Mom has been Throwing FITS about this......... GUY....   he keeps hanging around and scaring all of her pretty Birds away...   WELL except fur the ones that he EATS...      We thought mom was gonna CRY when she saw what HawkEye ...  LEFT after he killed a Female Cardinal.          Dad says that we are saving LOTS of bird food... since they are all afraid to come and eat.   Mom made a MEAN face at him fur saying THAT...        WE stayed outta that conversation.

 Ernie says he is kinda SCARED of HawkEYE....          
Speaking of ERNIE.....      Wait until you see what I post about BLUBBER BUTT HIM tomorrow.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We keep all the birds away from our garden. We don't need Hawkeye!

XXXOOO Daisy and Bella

Frankie, I've warned you about that blubber butt stuff. I'm going to get Jennifer Jeep to backfire and scare you if you don't stop!


The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz don't like birdz like him either. Even tho we r bigger than u guyz (only in fisical size) our mom still worriez sumtimez 'boutz thoze mean birdz gittin'us. Thoze r the original angry birdz.
Mom sez u'tue need tue b careful when he iz around - hopefully he will never bother u.
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Unknown said...

Yikes Hawkeye looks mean. I don't think we'd want him in our garden. The poor birdies are too scared to come and feed. Be careful guys. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hawkeye looks purrrty mean. Don't mess with that guy. Maybe we should call Puddles to dead him!

Frank The Tank said...

Oh Frankie that big bird is very scary, dont go out in the garden while he is there because he may eat you up! Gulp! I'm with (your) Ernie on this one, he is one scary guy!
Those poor little birds just want to feed and play in your trees and he is scaring them too!
Love and Licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxx

Ranger said...

Scary Bird! Stay away from him. He may try to gab you with his scary claws.

GOOSE said...

I hope you two keep an eye out when you go outside, would not want Hawk Eye to carry you off. Well carry you off Frankie, I think Blubber Butt will be safe.

Anonymous said...

He does look scary! I wouldn't go out today AT ALL if I were you! :)

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie, is there any dog in Blogville prepared to stand up, paw on heart, and state categorically "My Mom/Mum is NOT mad"??
Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

Oh that's a scary Hawkeye... your poor Birdies... I think your dad could be related with my dad for his comment :o)

Mollie said...

Morning guy's.. He is a bootiful bird but wez like your Mom, wez like'z the little'z pretty one'z..

ROFLMAO...rolling on floor laughing my ass off. I can't take'z credit for diz though..BOL xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie

Matilda the Boxer said...

Poor birdies. Why don't you bark at him lots and skeer him away?

My Mind's Eye said...

OMCs....that is one honking big hawk.
Once mom saw a feral cat jump from the ground straight up to the tray of a feeder...he also got a cardinal.
Mom was so made she said she was not going to put out a bird buffet so the feral cat could have a buffet. We have a taller feeder shaft now. But of course that will not help with the hawk.
Hugs Madi your BFFF

stellaroselong said...

We also have these big birds that circle our house called Vultures...for some reason they perch themselves on the radio tower by the jailhouse,,,,you can imagine the conversations around town when you have 100 vultures hanging around the jail...ummmmm...just go out and show him whose boss...um..you might want Ernie to go first or i could send mags over to do it she is pretty fierce.
stella rose and mags

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We saw Khooper D Hawk on our way bakhk from getting khorned beef and khabbage fix'ins -

Mom even took a pikh - but didn't frame it in time but did khapture the exiting from the scene of the khrime -
As well at the khrime scene -

PeeEssWoo: My white is sinking and the skEYE is bluing - not a good khombo fur me ;-(

Millie and Walter said...

If my dad sees one of those in our yard he runs out and scares it away. They don't seem to stick around long when he does that every time.


Posie said...

My gooderyness F n E thatss wunn bigg birrdie, I'z cood eet himm furr ya if yoo liykes?! heeheehee! Niyce to bee backk to bloggland ees troo! Onli a fyoo morre weeks of anti-socyialness to goo! heehee! Can't wait to see whot yoo is gownna say abot Ern tomorroww Mayor Frank, love pdiddle, xxox

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those things are pretty but he better go take a hike. Mom was walking once and one kept swooping down by her. Nutty
Benny & Lily

Idaho PugRanch said...

WE sometimes get some big HAWKS like that flying around and Mom makes us stay in the house. We also have OWLS sometimes hooting in the trees. They can be scary too!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Val said...

Woof! That bird looks dangerous! Kate thinks it is beautiful, but prefers them well away from other birds. -Echo

Sketching with Dogs said...

Hope your hawk goes away soon and stays away. We haven't seen our falcon since the other Saturday (thank Dog).
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Piappies World said...

Hello Frankie and Ernie,

Would you believe us when we tell you that we got birds visiting us here and they eat our kibbles?! Piappies Mom thinks they are getting fat by the day.

We do hope your Mom would not be so mad anymore and that the scary bird would go away.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

LetterstoAndrew said...

Whoa Frankie, no wonder your mom is mad! They say bright shining spinning things will scare the birds of prey. Some suggest hanging some old CD's from twine and letting them spin in the wind.

Good luck with this!

Unknown said...

He does have an evil eye....we have a fake owl (which is very creepy to me) to scare off things birds.

Murray's Mouth said...

We keep squirrels away over here! hehe

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie, if you mum is going mad, tell her to get to the back of the line behind our mum hehe. We like your big bird and hope he finds another place to live so your little birdie friends can come back. Blubber butt, hehehehe, that's funny. Sorry Little Ernie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

The Army of Four said...

Well, shoot. He IS really cool-looking, though.
Play bows,

Dandy Duke said...

Our mom has been divebombed by a hawk before and all she was doing was having fun in her garden! Hawks are NOT her favorite kind of birdie and that's putting it nicely. grrrrrrrrr

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

I agree with our pal Goose. You better be careful Frankie, but he probably couldn't pick Ernie(giggles)blubber butt.

Loveys Sashy

Maggie Mae and Max said...


We has a few HawkEyes in our back yard too but we is WAY too big fur dem. :) Sometimes dey hunt in da field behind our house, mom likes to watch dem but her does feel sad fur whatever dey have fur lunch. :(

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

ShellePenn said...

We have a pair of turkey hawks at our house who do similar things... but mostly the stupid crows/black birds eat all of the food and never leave anything for the little birds... It is sad. IDK how to keep them away so we can take care of the little sparrows, bluejays, cardinals,etc.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

ShellePenn said...

PS Have to admit when you called it Hawkeye I could only think about MASH.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Dachshund Nola said...

I think he's purty! I killed a cardinal the other day. Mom says I'm worse than hawks.

Wyatt said...

I guess Mr. Hawkeye has to eat too....watch yourselves Frankie and Ernie! Those big birds are scary and sometimes they like bigger meals :(


Sweet William The Scot said...

Well we have hawks around here also, but we see them eating road kill. Maybe the hawks in my hood are to lazy to get fresh meat.
Sweet William The Scot

♥ Sallie said...

That bird does look kind of evil...Better watch out! :)


detroit dog said...

Beware Frankie & Ernie, These guys like small dogs. Though in our area it's squirrels, rabbits and pigeons, mostly.

Last summer our local hawk was in a tree, me thinks trying to eat the birds or their eggs. There must have been a good 50 of those birds (I think they were crows or grackles) chase him out of that tree down the block, some were even dive-bombing the hawk from above! I've never seen such a thing.

Berts Blog said...

Now this is a quandry. Cause we like all the birds. But we understand hwo you feel cause we feed our little birds, they move in and start familys and then those old magpies come in and eat the children. WE like magpies too but sometimes we don't.
I know I am rambling, but you know what I mean don't you?

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, I can't believe I missed this yesterday! Sorry for being late. Well, this is a big, fierce predator fur sure. Be careful he doesn't decide to change his diet to a more German menu. BOL I feel bad for the pretty songbirds missing out on all of that food. I'm sure Mamaw misses them bunches. Maybe you need something bigger to scare him away...like an ostrich or pteradactyl! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

marley said...

Yikes! We gotta keep dat mean birdie away from I snacks...thanks for da warnin my pal....