Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I have PROOF that Ernie is a ....

As you might recall..... Last week we went to our DogTor... fur our annual Physicals...   and HE said that ERNIE  is a LARD BUTT Over weight...     Well, some of you Like ROXY. didn't BELIEVE that...       BLUBBER.... BUTT   BUTT     I   (Frankie Furter) have PROOF that Ernie REALLY        IS a BARREL BUTT Over Weight.      Looking at  BUBBLE BUTT him is like...  

SEEING    DOUBLE...                 DOUBLE  BUBBLE BUTT  I tell you.....         SCARY isn't It???
        You should be HERE to see LARD BUTT in PAWSON...    THAT is truly scary I tell you.  
BUTT WAIT....  I said that I have PROOF that he is a   BLUBBER BUTT.....    

 HERE is the    PROOF.....        that   ERNIE is a      Double BARRELed   LARD LADEN BLUBBER BUTT!!!        THIS picture is worth    87,000 Words..
  I (Frankie Furter)  do NOT lie.            

PeeS.......   Happy Furst day of SPRING...   


Lovable Lily said...

OMD Frankie! Just how did it get so outta control over there? Ernie looks like a Bubble Butt fur sure! Are you sure you're not pulling our paws and doing some trick photography on us..... We think you're trying to pull the wool over our eyes or somethin'.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

BOL! Ernie I think I might have to bite the paparazzi who took that photo. The nerve!

Happy 1st day of Spring to you all! :D

Waggin at ya,

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL you have mom standing on her head and leaning sideways...saying how in the heck did they get that first picture!! Excellent photographer to get such a pose of a potential large than life buttocks.
hugs madi your BFFF

Scooter said...

Hey Ernst!
Wow, I think Frankie's been drinking. Er, well, maybe I've been drinking! hmmmmmm Anyway, something's all outa whack here. Gosh, if you keep this up, you'll be as big as me! BWAR HAR HAR
BTW: It's snowing all over my Spring here. Ptthththt
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Unknown said...

Ha ha Blubber Butt! Well they say the camera never lies. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Pat Wahler said...

Time to hit the treadmill, Ernie!

Critter Alley

Anonymous said...

Maybe the camera is kidding you? If the vet says the word with "O" (overweight) then the following procedere is horrible... the word with "D" (diet)... I feel with you Ernie :o)

GOOSE said...

He looks like a HUGE Groundhog. I guess in a way he is a "Ground Hog" Bawhahhaha

Random Felines said...

ummm yikes - we heard cameras added 10 pounds, but that is just wrong....

Scooter said...

Oh he must be eating too many bones off the bone tree!!! BOL

Jazzi and Addi

Linda said...

Oh I think you might be in the House a Mirrors at the Circus.

Happy Spring.

xo Cinnamon

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Has Ernie been getting into your Milk Bone tree when you wasn't looking?

Peggy Frezon said...

haha Is that a nice trick to play on your brother?!

stellaroselong said...

Maggie thinks Ernie is perfect no matter if he is big or little...i have heard that camera's do had least that what I tell myself when i look at our pictures....
stella rose and mags

Val said...

Woof! Both of you have multiplied! Woof! -Echo

Anonymous said...

Whow, Frankie your outta control, Ernie is gonna pounce on you one day and squish all the goodie out of you!

Your Good Pals
The Mad Scots

Anonymous said...

Oh Ernie. As the younger brother, I completely understand the harassment you are receiving at the hands of your older sibling. How horrible! What can we do? Charley (not Finn)

Sheltie Times said...

Ernie its tough to deal with older brothers. Stand firm and you'll be fine.

Mollie said...

Bawaaahhh Oh Ernie buddie, what have they been doing to you..BOL xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

The Army of Four said...

Aw, c'mon! Don't pick on Ernie!!!
Play bows,

Duke said...

That's definitely proof, Frankie! We know you'll lose the extra poundage once spring comes, right, Ernie?!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ranger said...

Yikes! Look away. Wooooo.. scary.

Millie and Walter said...

Poor Ernie! Why are you picking on him so much Frankie? I'm sure once spring really does get here he will drop some of that extra weight working in the yard.


LetterstoAndrew said...

The camera adds pounds!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Thats all we have to say
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Sketching with Dogs said...

That was a little unfair - very funny though!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Heehee. Hey Ernie, just because you've got a 'wide load' sign tacked to your butt doesn't mean you are fat. Just as Abby! She's not fat, but she's definitely got an, erm, ample bottom! ;-)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Ruby said...

Oh Ernie, I feel your pain dude. I, too, have been told I have a large hinnie...I'm suppose to be on a d.i.e.t. I protest!!
Yeah, it didn't work for me either.... I still have 5 more lbs to go, too!! pffft!!!!

Jo's World said...

Hmmmn, thats strange. He looked fine to me the last picture I saw of him. Nobody photo shopped him, did they? That would be a very cheaty thing to do.


Two French Bulldogs said...

He's got like 87 extra bones
Benny & Lily

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL chunky!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohhhh Ernie is a Chunky Munky Likes Izzy, it jus meens dere is more ovs dem to lovs

Da K Krew

animal lover, quilt lover said...

The camera DOES add pounds and pounds to you in pictures!!! Is that not right??????????????? YES!!!!
Well maybe just a little Ernie too much here and there--maybe!!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Whoa! Ernie needs to move to NYC and let their mayor Bloomberg help him loose the weight!! He sure has grown since last we saw him.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We can tell when things are done with smoke and MIRRORS, Frankie! Roxy is ripping apart stuffies here and announcing they are all FRANKIE! I'd watch it if I were you, when she gets RILED...there's no telling what will happen. She's been digging a huge hole in the back yard, so she may end up in your yard...just sayin.

XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

Did you borrow Asta's mirrors?

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I do see double?? Happy 1st day of Spring. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

GizmoGeodog said...

Oh Frankie you are such a kidder...I know you hired a stunt double for that photo...No way Ernie is a double barreled dawg

Bunk said...

Haha! Frankie you are the keeper of the truth. How does Ernie feel about your nice comments about him today? I gained a lot of weight last christmas and my humans had to work hard to get that blubber off of me.

Good luck to Ernie!

Thanks for participating in our contest errrrry day. We love you, friend!

Lorenza said...

I guess you are right!
Poor Ernie!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

I'd be careful if I were you Frankie...Roxy sounds ANGRY!!! *BOL*
Wally & Sammy

marley said...

Well, I dussnt be shy of a snack or two myself Frankie....but I finks you haz a point bout Ernie...he do look like he needs a run or two

ShellePenn said...

The picture of Ernie made our mom LOL... he is a blubber butt for sure, if you just look at those pictures.. But we are sure it's just a trick of the eyes...

He is a big boy though... you might want to rethink your sharing options with him.. cause he just might be top dog soon.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,