Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We had SNOWFREAKS on our backs....

OMD     you have two impawtant DEADLINES comin...    CIRCUS pictures and Readings are going to CLOSE on Friday   FEBRUARY  FURST (1).      AND    Mollie's VALENTINE's Day BALL will be SOLD OUT on FEB. 5th...   better get your Picture(Ticket) in fur it.

 OKAY.....We wanted to show you that the SnowFreaks are STILL trying to procreate.
 BaaaaaWaaaah....  ERNIE was trying to RUB them off on our Blankie...    he kept sayin   87 mur   87  rx  87   sttt    87    rx   87        over and over and over....     I don't know if he thinks 87 is an HBO word... or if he was sayin there were 87  S.F. eggs on him..      Sometimes he is kind of hard to figure out.  
MOM finally came to our RESCUE   and PICKED wiped them all off of us.    WHEW.


Lovable Lily said...

Just can't get rid of those snow freaks can ya? Good thing your Mom was there to save the day.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Frank The Tank said...

Oh Noooo dont let the horrible SnowFreaks penetrate your Furs and procreate!!
We have been having rain and thinderstorms (very scary loud banging from the sky, I've been scared!) and now all our snow is gone but now there are floods!!
Looking forward to all the events coming up, I'm not taking part because Mum is busy with College work for her Massage course but we will be sure to watch everyone having fun! Love, Licks and Hugs from your Furiend Frank xxxxxx

3 doxies said...

Oh they law has mercies. I thought we was done withs da snow freaks but thy has returned and is making quadrillion sextuplets or sumptin' likes dat. They is gonna be ALL overs da place!
Poor Ernie, he is such an odd little fur ball. Maybe I needs to teach him da difference in HBO words. Oh, was dat a no Frankie?


Anonymous said...

Wow! were very excited for that wonderful event,we will pray for that Valentine ball to be successful! were very sure that everyone will Enjoy this is one of the memorable valentines ball Ever! Yaahoo!!


Keep our PetSafe and make them happy!

My Mind's Eye said...

Thank my dogs I don't have to go out in the snowfreaks world. and double thank goodness you provided me with indoor facilities in the mayor's office.
hugs madi your BFFF

Berts Blog said...

Oh Frankie, we have em breedin all over the place here and they are comin out all sizes. Sorry that they bother Earnie, you just send more our way. I'll take care of those SF ers.


Unknown said...

Those snowfreaks are everywhere. Luckily you have your servant opps mum to help get rid of them. Have a wonderful snowfreak free Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

The Daily Pip said...

Oh NO!! Not the return of the snow freaks! We have the rain freaks here, which I don't much like either.

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: I may need some assistance getting Puddles away from that donkey! She keeps thinking she can teach him tricks. Old Smoke is not having any of it!

Marg said...

That must be the number of snow specks on you two. You do look kind of cute all flecked.
There is a lot going on right now. But it will all be so much fun.

GOOSE said...

There must be something about your house that attracts the F.S's. 87 can, at times, be an HBO words. But I think Ernie is a bit confused.

Remington said...

Snow careful, my friends....

stellaroselong said...

Well I have a little dictionary that i stashed under my bed that has all those words in it and their meanings that i am NOT supposed to say...I practice repeating them late at night while everyone is a sleepin.....we have snow and ice here says she will take us out later to play in is home with us today but he is to lazy.....
maggie and stella rose

3 doxies said...

So I was thinkin'...dis is like Attack of da Zombies"...only with Snow Freaks.

Did you knows donkies don't do tricks? Well, I had no idea.


Sheltie Times said...

We love our snow cookies. However, we do let Mama brush them off out coats as they get cold when they melt.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Holee Snowfreaks! Dey is multiplyin like wabbits!

Murphy said...

Yes, those eggs can get bad. We had 87 of them and kept going back outside and then getting another 87. They kept multiplying!!

Keep Calm & Bark On,

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

Hey Frankie send those snow freak eggs over here. All my snow is gone and it is a muddy mess outside.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Hope mom is not wishing you turn into snowmans!!
Benny & Lily

The Army of Four said...

The snow is flying here, too!

Idaho PugRanch said...

WE got lots more snow AGAIN, but lucky fur us, the snow freaks don't latch on to our short pug furs. They just make our paws cold.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Sketching with Dogs said...

Our snow is gone for now, thank Dog!
Brr, quick, get em off!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

The Websters said...

We got a little of that lovely snow here this morning...not enough though!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We have our Ball pictures in, and Daisy is doing the clown thing, and we're all in the House of Mirrors. But try as we might, we are not contortionists.

We love those snow freckles you guys have.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hey Franki - it'z us Beaglebratz down Kansas-way. You NEED tue round up all them snowfreekz an'keep'em up on YOUR hill. They iz spreadin'a bit down here an'we don't like'em. PLEEEEEEEEEz????
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Duke said...

Send your snowflakes our way, Frankie! It's warmish at our house today and we're in for rain and lots of it. YUK! We much prefer snow!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Frankie and Ernie,

We has no snowfreaks at our house only rain :(

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

PeeS Thanks to both of you fur comin' to my pawty today!

Dachshund Nola said...


Ruby said...

Oh, they never leave you guys alone, do they?! Geesh, well good things you Moms was there to rescue you guys! Who knows what they were up to?!

marley said...

Our snow freaks has all gone now my pal....we is releeved

ShellePenn said...

Snowfreaks are awful... we have them falling even now.

Don't tell anyone, but our mom kinda giggles a bit... see when Newby poops his you know what comes out and it gets really cold... he does this odd little dance to clean it off then runs straight to the house.

She LOLs so much...He is just wishing for spring!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,