Friday, May 11, 2012


 Inside these Red and Black thingys are MY Blueberry bushes...   
 When I had mom and dad buy them...  I thought they needed NAMES.. so I chose RUBY PENNY AND FRANKIE.  
 I know that it is kinda hard to see the berries.... they are still GREEN... butt there are about 870 of them..
 We have to keep the cover thingys on them... to keep the BIRDS and RABBITS out of em.
THIS is Ernie lookin at them...   the Cages kinda Scared him... at furst, but now he knows what they are all about so he isn't worried any more.        I surely do HOPE that we actually do get some Blue Berries this year..    AT LEAST enough to TASTE.  
PeeS....   Don't furget to get your cards ready fur Jazzi's Sister Addy... Her birfday is comin up and Jazzi wants to do a Card Shower fur Addy...   You can read about it on Jazzi's blog...     We are supposed to mail them out on Monday 14th..      The addy is on Jazzi's Blog too.   
   PeePeeS...   I STILL don't know what to give Mom fur Mother's Day...   (the one that we celebrate in the U.S.A.)   I have a Head Ache just thinkin on it.        I gotta have SOMETHINGY By Sunday Morning...   I'm just sayin!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Blue berries .... Yummylicious? ....
but we will never know sicer Mommy is starving us.

Have a Happy Mother's Day Miss Lana!!

Sniff ya later....Weenie

3 doxies said...

Oooooooh My Girl LOOOOVES booberries! Her just eats them plain outta da carton cuz we gets them from da grocery store...go figure.
Dat is a neat little contraption you has furs yours. I bets it would come in handy fur dogs dat likes produce too.

Hmmm...momma's day gift? I will has to ponder dis situation and gets back to you.


ShellePenn said...

My little boy loves blueberries just like Puddley-Dudley-Doos little girl. He eats them right out of the carton before our mum can make anything with them!!!

That is such a smart way to keep the critters out of your berries. Seriously, you oughta patent-leather it or something. I prefer the white patent leather on shoes myself... tasty!!

We went in with my little boy and bought mom some fancy, smancy bags from Pampered Chef. They are black and white with a little pink on them. One is for bringing home treats from the store (and blueberries, too) the other is for her take her lunch (and bring home stuffs for us to eat). Mum's bff and old college roommate sells the pampered chef stuff. I had no clue so many women cooks needed to wear diapers!

Hope you figure out something soon!!

Milo and Dixie

K9 Katastrophie said...

Cool blueberries! You could give your mommy a big lick and snuggle with her!


Declan said...

Breakfast in bed.... with a side order of complimentary dog fur...? Deccy x

Posie said...

okaayz guyz, i haz it, whot abowt yooz wriyte herrz a pooem, yoo may need sum help wiv it tho so thatt shee dusnt cotton own, butt I thinnk that wud be a grayte eye-dea and cost-freee too! heheeehee! pdorgi xox

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Blueberry bushes wouldn't have a chance in our yard - never mind the rabbits, we just LOVE blueberries. We get to have some every day too, but just thinking about having our own bushes in the yard is making us drool.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, your berry bushes are doing great! Hey, I recognize those cages. BOL. I can tell you that Mamaw will be totally thrilled with a big blueberry crop...she loves them!! Give her somethingy Sunday with blueberries and she'll be happy fur sure. I like Posie's poem idea too.
Grr and Woof,

Anna the GSD said...

Mom loves blueberries...I'll tolerate them, but I'd rather have something non-berry. Great job protekting them from birds and critters!!

Millie and Walter said...

Hi Frankie, We have a few blueberry bushes here too and we don't cover them up. Our blueberry bushes are for the birds to eat. It is a fun way to attract birds to the yard with natural fruit.


GOOSE said...

Oooooo I love the blueberries. MOM has two bushes, but the crazy woman mowed one over the other day. Don't know how she didn't see it. sheeesh. But I am hoping she will replace it, cuz I like to help my self to them.

Patrice and Higgins said...

Yummy, yummy Blueberries!! Good thing that there are cages over them, cause it would be sad if some other critter got to them first!


Matilda the Boxer said...

Blueberries right off a bush?! I thought they only came out of the freezer! Wow. Learn something new every day.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Yummy....BooBooBerries! And dey even gots dere own house! Hopes da tree rats don't invade!

The Websters said...

You should catch her one of those rabbits trying to eat the berries!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! How COOL! LOVE LOVE Blueberries. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

Murphy said...

We have strawberries at our house. Maybe we need to get some blueberries too? Thanks for the reminder, we have Addy's card all ready to go.

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Finn said...

YUM YUM! The cages are so I don't come over and eat all of them! Have a good weekend and treat your Momma to a nice spa day!

Berts Blog said...

Wow I just love blueberries, strawberries, and sugar snap peas and My Vickie has them all planted just outside the fence. Now all I can say is, that is wrong......

Sure hope you get to taste lots and lots of them. Oh and blackberries adn salmon berries. Oh I love the salmon berries but they are hard to find out here. My Vickie says they are mostly found when she is way back in the back country in Oregon by Mount Hood. Do you have Salmonberries there?

Shawn said...

Hi, Winston hewe!

I Love, Love, Love blue bewwies!
Hope you comes up wiff da pawfect idea soon....I know you will!

your furiend,

Dachshund Nola said...

I love blue berries!! You need a bush named Ernie!
Dachshund Nola

3 doxies said...

By golly, I has an idea furs your mom...
I could SING her a song!


Duke said...

We hope you and Ernie get to eat lots of those blueberries, Frankie. They're so yummy!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

I love berries, I hope you get to snack on lots of them and teach Ernie about them. I am picking some flowers for my Mommy, thats all I can afford, I spent my allowance on the ice cream man. I was catching up on your posts cause Mommy and Daddy went away to celebrate their anniversary and I love the ice pops, I am getting Mommy right on that. Thanks my pal.

Loveys Sasha

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie, you are one lucky dog. All these yummers you get to grow and eat. Mmmmmm. Have a great weekend. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

houndstooth said...

I hope you get some blueberries this year! I've seen some great treat recipes with blueberries in them. I'm glad Ernie got brave around them!


P.S. As long as you and Ernie don't make any presents in the house, I'm sure she'll be happy!

Julia Williams said...

Frankie, I hope you get lots n lots of blueberries on those bushes, cuz that would be super yummy!

Bassetmomma said...

We love blueberries!! Snoopy says hugs are good for Mother's Day. So give your Momma a hug and a big wet kiss wouldn't hurt either! LOL!

Lorenza said...

Blueberries are yummilicious!
Too bad they don't grow here!
I hope you get lots of them!
Kisses and hugs

Scooter said...

Oh, those are pretty snazzy cages over them!! cool! You will be eating them soon enough!


Anonymous said...

Can you eats them?


The Army of Four said...

How exciting! I like blueberries. My favorite berry is the watermelon, though. I wonder if I could get my mom to plant some watermelon bushes? Wouldn't that be cool?

Anonymous said...

mmmmm... pretty smart to cover 'em to keep the berries for yourself!

Kari in Alaska said...

mmmm blueberries are yum yum yummy

Stop on by for a visit

Wyatt said...

That is a clever little blueberry device. We gave up on blueberries, cuz we just couldn't keep the birds away...everybody likes a GOOD THING!
