I can't speak fur all of YOU butt I am having a BLAST. It is so good to see all of you gathered here... havin a good time and eatin some super snacks and foodables.. and OH the DANCIN to the fangtastic .... PAWSBANG!!! Drum Roll Please Sarge....
I think this is one of the BIGGEST Pawties we have Ever Had...
Now we DO have some NEW Folks... like Nora and Shasha and Nola... You Fellas make SURE to make them feel WELCOME and WANTED...
Just Remember everybuddy... All Pee and Poop Belongs.. OUTSIDE.. Just go through that nice YELLOW door.
Now Everybuddy.... Enough TAWKIN... let's start Eatin or grab a pawtner and lets DANCE...
Okays I'll post it again heres...Alien has Martinis...wooooohooooo! I'll be at da bar.
We have hotdogs, Cheetohs and beer by the case in all three Weinermobiles! More snacks for the after party too!
Daaaaang, I was so excited bouts martinis dat I furgots to say I has nevers seen da community center looks so beautifuls! Ruby and Penny did a smashin' job.
Great to see you Frankie! I gotta say, Puddles, Mayzie and Maggie Mae got me hooked on Cheetos and beer!
Dachshund Nola
Well, I do make the best martinis.
Oooooh yes he does, I thinks I has had a few or twelve....Aaaaaaaack, I sees a chandelier....help me up Alien!
Wheres my step stool??????
Nola, good to sees you...here, have a beer.
Oohhh beer is so yummy! Hope I'm not hungover tomorrow! Alien, your martinis are greeaat! I'll give you a boost Puddles, lets swing on those chandeliers!
Dachshund Nola
I love all the pink!
Pink is our signature color. Good work ladies!
Sweetie Peetie and Lovey Dovey
Well I will take a good stiff drink of water. The way my Jazzi drives, I got birds stuck to my furs, bugs stuck to my teeth. My a** has been shot at by Bertie, my ears are ringing, I was almost ran over by a tank. My Tam o'Shanter beens insulted. I am walking home.
Sweet William The Scot
Oh William, have a beer!
Dachshund Nola
OH Sw. William you can stay on my hill and I'll get you home safe ... later..
BUTT fur Squirrel Sake..stay away from Addy and Bertie.. until the Fumes wear off... they have been goin WILD from sniffin TANK FUMES..
Hey Puddles... THAT is NOT a Chandelier... THAT is a mirror ball.. KEEP OFF!!!
Whooooooo this is gettin out of control and it isn't even DARK yet.
OH NO... WHO did THAT??? YUCK. MOP.... WHO has the MOP??
Oh dear, I had maybe better go and say something nice to Sweet William about that Tam O'Shanter...
And explain how he has totally misunderstood the tank incident....
Bwhahahahaha...OMD, S. William...da was da bestest comment evers! I do believes you needs a STIFF drink.
Can I waers your Tam O'Shanter?
Ooooooh me likes da mirroe ball...is it new?
Here is the mop!
Oh, wait. I think that is a Komondor...
Hehehehe....a Komondor...bwhahahaha. Oh dat was funny!
From heres on out...ignores ALL my typos.
Oh, Alien, those mawtoonis awe gweat, sluwp,now sweet william and Bewtie, this is a night fow love and no disagweements about Tam O'Shantews ow tanks ow such..gwab youw sweeties and dance and while you'we at it, give us a kiss, heheheh
smoochie kisses
Man oh man! You doggies sure know how to throw a party! Thanks for hosting and many thanks for letting me be a part of your celebration.
Sending Valentine's wishes and love to you and your family!
PUDDLES!! NO hanging from the Mirror Ball!!
Has anyone seen my brudder Rooney?? Last I saw him, Miss Francine had him by the tail..........
He's over by the bar!
Dachshund Nola
oh Minna, you knows you wants to swing from da ball too! I broughts a step stool!
Uh Frankie, why is Ernestine in da punch bowl?
OMD, Rooney is drinkin' outta da punch bowl!!!!!!!!!
Ooops did you say pee and poops outside or inside. Sorry Frankie, I will get the mop, the excitement was too much for me. I am having a grand time and dancing with my Remington who has become quite the good dancer I must say. I do however have one problem Miss Nola has also been dancing with Remington and I am not one to share(although there is enough of him to go around snickers). I may have words with her soon, I know Glacier is busy running things but she needs to stay with her own man.
Loveys Sasha
OMD OMD... WHY is the Janitorial Closet LOCKED... I need in there to get ANOTHER MOP..
Have any of you seen Rooney lately.. I gotta tell him no drinkin directly from there.. that is NOT a Toilet Bowl.. it is a PUNCH BOWL..
And has anyone seen Cussin FRANCINE??
OH SQUIRRELS.. I gotta get in this closet.. HEY... What is that NOISE comin from INSIDE the Closet?? OMD.. it think that sounds like Cussin Fran... Aiiiiieeee....
OH MY... I HOPE the Puppy sitters have PLENTY of LOUD Movies to show the young'uns... THIS pawty is gettin totally out of paw..
Come help me get... you know who and you know who... outta the mop closet...
HEY I told you... OUTSIDE fur that... go through the YELLOW Door and right to the trees and posts.
DARN, my paws are SOAKED... yuck. I'm gonna smell like a squirrel nest!!!
BERRRRRTIE... you and Addie QUIT shootin that Tank off... it is causin everybuddy's Pee and Poop shooters to fire in response..
I am saving you a dance fur sure! How fun!!
SARRRRRRRRGE SARRRRRRRRRGE come to the Janitor Closet.. and bring your LOCK PICKS... AND PAWCuffs.. AND... your Ticket Pad!!! YOUR..cussin Francine is INSIDE the closet ... with ROONEY...
OMD... this was supposed to be a G-Rated event...
Note to Self: Count days left in this mayor job.
Aw Frankie! Pretty please let me rent that closet? BOL
This Pawty is pawsome!
And Sasha, I'm sorry for dancing w Remington. It's my furry first Blogville Pawty and he is a good friend whose made me feel very welcome here. He only has eyes for you and I only have eyes for my Glacier.
Dachshund Nola
Oh, what fun! Let the pawty begin!
Critter Alley
Hey Frankie!
Wow, your wives did such an amazing job! The hall looks amazing and I'm so glad everyone is having fun. As to Francine & Rooney...well...it is Vday, so I might cut them a break as soon as I cut them out or break the lock! BWAR HAR HAR.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Hnadcuffs you say...burp!
Ahhhhh....Remington just be a big teddy bear. I don't thinks Sasha will mind at alls. Gosh, I hopes not, I danced withs him too.
Burp....did ya'll evers gets them kerazy dawgs outta da closet? I needs to go pee and it's too cold outside
A Fury Happy Valentine's Day!
woos, Tessa
Wow, they sure know how to decorate, it is beautiful.
Better get da mop again...me tinks me is gonna be sick! Fresh air...me needs air! (Yuck, I said air...not gas)
The hall looked fabulous!
PS: Is anyone else having troubles getting to Remington's blog? It keeps telling me it's been removed...?
Mi likkle head has finally recovered nows, dis wos da most pawesome pawty mee n Miss April hads da most majikal nite it wos da bestest ovs mi life, dat Puddles is a riot wots a pawty aminal hers is. Dids yoo all see Ronnii n Pip doin dat most romatikal ovs waltz's didsnt dem looks gawjuss whirlin rounds da floor. Mee neva knews dat mi sista Izzy cood do such wilds dancin her ikkle paws is still sowllen from all dat hers dids wivs her fiance JD wots a pair dem are.
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