Girrrrls do either of you have a PAIN Reliever in your evening bag? THAT mess with Cussin Francine and poor Rooney has left me with a real headache. 
Thank goodness Lucy was here... I couldn't get the Janitorial Closet Door Unlocked and SHE was able to KICK it IN... and I DO
ASSure you that my Cussin Francine will NOT be pullin any more stunts like that again. NO... the rumor that Blogville Rents the Closet out... is NOT TRUE.. Francine is just used to Loose Livin in the Big Easy.
Now let us get back to the GOOD TIMES and Let em ROLL...
LUCY Girrrrrl Thank you fur the Door Buster Help.. Now let's get back to your super Tunes...

NOTE TO SELF: Make a big poster advertising Lucy's Door Buster price break fur new Karaoke Customers.

Have you been over to
Glacier's Blog lately??? THAT is where all the Smooches and Voting and other grrrreat stuff is located. Don't miss out on any of that stuff. AND if you have been given a TICKET by SARGE... you can go there to take care of that too... unless you were able to talk him out of it... Which I am NOT sure Bertie is going to be able to do. I'm just sayin.
Can I request a song?
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did Bertie take Sarge out?
Bah....a ticket??????
I don't do tickets...burp.
OMG....Sarge's blog HAS been removed.
What's going on?
Oh my goodness, what kind of trouble is your cousin starting now?
Cheeseburger, cheeseburger ...guess who?
Sorry, I am late for the party. Which way to the buffet.
I will request a love songs for Remington and Miss. Sasha for their date today! I'm so excited for both of them!
Happy Valentines Day to all!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Someone stole a blog?
Who wants a coffee martini?
Puddles, put down that pawtini......I just got back from Sarge's bloggie. He's all safe and sound .....sportin' his new ride!
Ha!!! ARen't cousins great!!
Whooaa, what a pawrty
Benny & Lily
What a great pawty! Roscoe and me has been dancin' da night I needs a break and a beer!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
poor brudder Rooney.....he will prolly NEVER be the same again.
Frank, why don't we find a nice corner to have some snuggles before we have to make the long journey back to the Freezer. Whe have some pain relievers in our carryalls.
What a Pawsome pawty my friends :o)
Neeko and my Pack :o)
Wow, I sure was scared that I'd been hit with a tank blast, or an alien light beam or a Puddles burp or something! All seems to be fine now. Whew.
Anyway, the party's amazing! Pawsbang will be thrilled to play Remington's request. Poor Rooney is totally corrupted now...I bet he doesn't mind one bit! BWAR HAR HAR!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Oh my what a night, my paws are barking but it is so worth it. Whenever I get tired my handsome Remington lifts me up on his shoulders. Its getting a little crazy and I fear that wasn't just water I drank and I am feeling a might dizzy. I think I will step out with Rem for some...oops sorry I tinkled again, where is the mop...fresh air.
Lsoow Ssaha(hic)
What a fabulous pawty! But boo to not renting out the closet!
Dachshund Nola
Ugh, first time drinking+too many cheetos... I NEED THAT MOP! That is if everyone is done with the closet someone (cough Frankie cough) won't let me rent....
Dachshund Nola
most full of the romantics
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Oh My Dog! It gets pretty rowdy over that way!
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