You will NEVER believe this....
Ernie and I got a VALENTINE's PRESSIE PACKAGE... FROM: Minna Kerbs, Pickles, ROONIE and Ditto. AND Look at the COOL DROOL Picture they made of Ernie and Me??
This super NOTE was in there too... hehehhe .. Look..ERNIE is pawtending that he can Read.. it is even UPSIDE DOWN.. I didn't tell him though... I just let him TRY.. He DID do a good job of puttin his paw there fur each Word though. Little ones are SOOOOOO funny aren't they?
Here is the NOTE and the Poster...
I told Ernie that we would put them on the WALL in OUR Toy Room.
AND can you EVEN Believe THIS???
There was a super VALENTINE Dachshund Stuffie... WHICH WILL REMAIN STUFFIED... in there fur us. OH my Furends I am sending you a KISS of Thanks and ERNIE is givin you a LOOK of LOVE. And Speakin of LOVE... this Stuffie says: I love you THIS much... and THAT is just how Ernie and I feel about Minna Krebs and the Crew. (We put it up HIGH on a shelf in our toy room... beclaws if Cussin Francine catches a Whiff of ROONIE on there... she would TAKE it.. 
Here we are looking VERY appreciative for the Valentine Stuffie... BUTT
WAIT.... there's MORE.....
THIS was ALSO inside the pressie package and Ernie and I are in Mad
LOVE with it... Check it OUT..... THIS is the Coolest door mat I have EVER in ALL my Life SEEN!! (of course I had to have a little talk with Ernie.. to explain it to him) My MOM wanted to put it by the DOOR.. butt Ernie and I BOTH said NO WAY... WE want it to go in our Toy Room... not gonna have Peeps puttin their dirty Paw Covers on OUR Special thingy... NO WAY. I could Hardly stand puttin my paw on it.
THANK YOU ... Minna Krebs and crew.
Butt there is STILL More... Valentine's Day pressies to discuss... not nearly as super as the ones you have already seen... butt..Look what ERNIE gave to ME... A
Red Bone Shaped (temporarily) STUFFED toy that says PLAY... I didn't even KNOW that he knew about Valentine's Day . Look at his Hat and Jacket.. mom made THOSE fur Him...

And I (Frankie Furter) gave Ernie a Heart shaped (temporarily) Stuffied
Heart that says:
I thought that was just the mostest PERFECT Valentine's Gift fur HIM.. beclaws he IS my BUDDY. THANKS ERNIE... You are the best BUDDY a guy could have.
Valentine's Day 2012 is one that I (Frankie Furter) will NEVER Furget!!!!
Wow! Those are some pawsome pressies :) Frankly speaking.. :P
VEry nice pressies - that new mat is really great - love it!!! And yes, best to put that cute wiener dog up high, can't have Francine getting at it.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Well Frankie, you and Ernie just had the best Valentine's Day ever! I love your new door mat! LOL!
Holee Molee...such nice pressies. That Minna Krebs and Gang are purrty darn special!
You sure get a lot presents over there are your house! :-)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the door mat.
snort...snort...I gots me one of them mini me's too. Mine ain't cam o thoughs.
And OMD, da door special is dat? Dat was super duper saweet of them to send yuo dat too.
Awwwwe...da Bean is your best buddy. Get it? Likes Frank and Bean...bwhahahaha.
Dat darn Sarge! He didn't even has nuff room on da ticket.
Awhhhh....I'm so glad you all liked it!
Butt, I'm thinking you and Ernie need to 'pee-nitiate' the mat at least one time each........just a suggestion. Heehee
You guys got some great stuff. That Ernie is getting big!
What great pressies. Ernie looks adorable in his visor & coat.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Pees - we especially like the pink long dog stuffie.
Awesome score on the gifts Frankie and Ernie!
Looks like you had a pawsome time at the pawty last night!
Lily Belle
WOW WOW WOW That is the bestest present ever!!!!!!!!!! You are lucky boys!!!!
Haha. That mat made us laugh. We might get it for our aunts.
Hey Frankie & Ernst!
Wow, what great pressies! Minna K and her pack are the bestest furiends and that rug is BOL funny! Love the stuffies too. I think everyone had a blast at the big Vday event yesterday and it was great to party hardy with you.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
AWESOME presents! Love the mat....too cool!
What a wonderful Valentine's Day.
I'm cracking up over here... That doormat is toooooo much. Great.
pawhugs, Max
OMD those are some grrreat pressies! Mommy loves the door mat!
I love them!
Dachshund Nola
OMD - what pawsome pressies you got!!
Cause I'm going straight to jail
Just like my momma said
I'm going straight to jail
I'm going straight to jail
Just like my momma said
I'm going straight to jail
OH GAWD...I sooo hope I won't be roomin' withs my neighbor....bwhahahahaha!
the mat just made our mommish bark out loud so thank you
we loves to see smiles from her from time to time
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Those are way cool pressies! I just love that mat!
Love ya lots,
Ohmidogness! LOOK at all those very much cool pressies! That Minna K surely did out-do herself, didn't she. My mom was all gaga over the picture of you and Ernie but I pawsonally liked the weiner mat...heehee! I also likes the pressies you gave each other and Ernie sure does look cute in his hat!
What a Most Wonderful Valentine's Day that was!
Wiggles & Wags,
Pawsome gifts!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Great pressies fur you both! We luvs dat door mat!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
Looking pawsome guys! Such cool stuff, you are so lucky! :)
Hey! Today (Thursday) is my daddies birthday and we have a post up where for every comment we get we are going to donate some money! :) Come check it out and let everyone else know! :D
Bwhahahahaha...OMD...OMD...OMD...da WITHERS Donkey...bwhahahaha...oh you is good Frankie! Dat cracked me up and I almost pooped on myself.
OMD Frankie and Ernie those sure some pawsome pressies!
Mena Krebs and crew sure are nice!
woos, Tessa
Um I believes the grass is brown under your wiener cause that is where you pee... BOL>
woof - Tucker
Wowser, you guys made out like BANDITS for Valentimes Day. Oh, shhhh, I cannot woof "BANDITS" out loud coz there be popos out there with pawcuffs making arrests fur the BIG HOUSE! I know you heard coz I seened you ofur at Puddles place, BOL.
Nothing more wonderful that a lil something from those we are blessed enough to call friends. Loved your prezzies but I have to admit I loved your photos more! *cute!!!*
This is the BESTTTT mat in the world!!!! Put it in front your house so that every one can get a great laugh!!!!! HAPPY V-DAY!!!
Bunk the pug.
This is the BESTTTT mat in the world!!!! Put it in front your house so that every one can get a great laugh!!!!! HAPPY V-DAY!!!
Bunk the pug.
Hi Frankie and Ernie - you are very lucky boys to score all those wonderful presents - I am especially taken with the door mat - and I agree with you - don't let the mucky humans smear their shoe stuffs on it!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Wow, this is quite a package. First that drawing of the two of you in the shape of a heart! And that mat - I want one of those. Too cute!
Enjoy all your loot.
Your pal, Pip
hahaha that is a funny mat. The grass is yellower under Kelly around here!
What a lot of exciting pressies, Mr. Frankie! Sounds like you had a super duper Valentine's Day!
Oh Dog! You got LOTS of love at Valentines!
WOWSERS How kewl is all ovs dat ?
xxx guys sure got some pawsome things.
I LOVE that mat, how funny!
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