Happy Valentine's Day to my WIVES... the lovely Penny and the gorgeous Ruby.
NOW fur a bunch of the FUN Stuffs that is going on today and TONIGHT... go to see Glacier..right
HERE... I got some grrrreat Virtual Treats fur my girrrrls... from there.

We are already Rockin out with PawsBang... and LUCY is Here with her Grrreat new Bidness Kick Off... DONKEY KARAOKE. You will not have one second of Dancin downtime... we now have continuous DANCIN.... and gettin down. THANKS to Lucy and PawsBang fur makin this a grrrrreat Pawty.

I have flowers fur my Brides...

BUTT I gotta WARN you....
SARGE our Chief of Pawlice is out Pawtrol and he is gettin SERIOUS about givin out TICKETS... fur... all sorts of stuffs...
if you would like to REPORT some "infraction" and Squirrel out the culprit .. go there and leave a comment... Tell it like it is.
Need an EXAMPLE?? Well, I just saw PUDDLES drivin by.. with her head out the window and her EARS flappin in the breeze.. SARGE... go GET HER BUDDY!!!!
PEES... if you get a TICKET... you can go to This link fur GLACIER to pay your fine.. all you need to do is click on the $1.00 or the $2.00 BILL to get to PayPal..
I know that FRANCINE got Ticketed fur Driving on the WRONG side of Snack Street.

Ernie is gonna be with Cussin FRANCine's Puppy ERNESTine... with the Puppy Sitter that Francine made arrangements fur... If YOU have a Puppy or Kitty and you need to have them taken care of... While YOU are ROCKIN AND DANCIN and stuffs... just take him or her over to the BACK CORNER of the Community Center. I think they are gonna be watchin Lady and the Tramp and Marley and Me and stuffs like that... PLUS they have some little games. Well, that is what FRANCINE said anyway. Come on Ernie... I'll walk you over to the Corner..

Hey REMINGTON... I just saw Sasha... She is over by the SNACK TABLE... and she can't quite REACH..
OMD... Look at THAT... Shasta and Shiloh just arrived... Turkle and Froggle and Marshie ... Beachnut and Shelldon are already down by the Blogville Aquatic Center... OMD EVERYBUDDY is comin in so fast that I can't keep track of WHO all are here... Let the Goooooood times Roll.
Woof! Woof! Happy ♥ Valentine's Day. Enjoy your ♥ day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
What a wonderful day for love! We hope you all have a wonderful time at the big dance.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hey Frankie!
Wow, this is soooooo exciting! Your wives are gorgeous as always and I know you'll have an amazing time together. There's so much to do, and see, and hear and dance and etc etc etc. Woohoooo! Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Your girls always looks gawjuss!
Are you absolutely, pawsitively sures you seen ME drivin' likes dat in some wild manner? Okay, so it MAY have been me...but maybe not.
Wonders if Rooney has met up withs Fancy Francie yet.
I can smell it! Love is in the air... Happy Valentine's Day!
Lily Belle
Your ladies are lovely Frankie. You are one lucky pup.
Happy Valentines Day to woooo.
Happy Valentine's Day Frank.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
WooHoo!! Happy Valentine's Day!
You are so good to your wives...Dey is 2 lucky pups! And speakin of pup...you are trusting Ernie with Ernestine? Dis is scary!
What beautiful wives. Their dresses are so lovely!
We're so excited to be here at the dance!
Sweetie Peetie and Lovey Dovey
Boy I hope the dance lasts all day and night. Charloote just arrived and I am going to show her around a bit before we come to he dance
See ya soon
I just picked up Addy and we are heading over to the Blogville Community Centre in the tank....
Toodle pip!
I knows you wheres you lives...you lives on Twerp Rd...bwhahahahahaha...oh, I cracks myself up...really, I do!
Everyone has arrived and they all look great! Let's PAWTY!
PS: Puddles, will you be bribin' Sarge or servin' jail time? ;)
Happee Valentine's Day
Benny & Lily
Woooo hoooo
Happy Valentine's day evewyfuwwy
what a gweat paaaaawtie!!!!
I'm so glad the little ones awe occupied i(if you know what i mean) hehehe
come dance wif me
smoochie kisses
pee ess
youw wives awe the best looking giwls hewe
YES, Frankie, I'd luvs to dance! Do you know how to Fox Trot?
Oh, isn't this pawty Most Wonderful? PAWSBANG is super duper awesome and I can never get over what a great voice Asta has!
Did you gets any of the CHEESE cake? It's DEE-lish!
Okay, let's go dance!
Wiggles & Wags,
What a magical night this is! Thank you for your help, Remington did help me get some snacks. It is so amazing to see everyone here after all this preparation. Your wives are beautiful and we have been chatting about you(snickers), they both love you very much. Take care, be safe and have a wonderful evening.
Happy Valentines Day
loveys Sasha
"Can you feel the love tonight"
Oh Dog! Everybody better be on their best behavior! Sarge means business!
Ah Frankie, you is such a fuddy dud. No worries, I broughts my own chandelier, just in case. Let da good times begin...or swing.
Dis cheeeese cake is delish!
Sure, sure. Rub it in. You have 2 wives and I don't even have a date!
That's ok. I'll be my own date!
I think I'll go mingle by the bar.
Happy Valentine's Day!
There is alot going on, Did you see me and Berties tank? We are dancing up a storm and having a blast!!
HAPPY Valentine's day Frankie!
Dachshund Nola
You know, Sarge do be in that noo fire engine red Subaru Forrester today so you be seeing him from miles away in time to pull your head and ears back in the car windows! Happy Valentimes Day!
Ohhhh! We do love meeting new people!
Sweetie Peetie and Lovey Dovey
Alien has martinis....woooohooooooo!
Tell Sarge you hasn't seen me.
The Community Hall??!!! We thought you'd taken the girls to a posh restaurant!!! They certainly did go a great job.
XXXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Oh, look out cause Roxy is going to give you a huge smooch at the kissing booth.
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