WoooooHOOOOOO... Roonie Woonie... Kissy Kissy Woo Wooo... It is ME.. YOUR FRANCINE!!!! and my Ernestine... We have been to the Furs Salon and even had our NAILS done... All in preperation fur Seein YOU Big Boy!!! Hubba Hubba!!
I Can't WAIT to Dance and Snuggle with you at the Blogville Community Center. (I DO know the way to THERE). I just hope I Leave early enough so that I don't have to Speed... I have heard that FRANKIE's Cussin SARGE is gonna be PAWtrollin the Roads and stuffs. 
I am gonna be wearin...
and I even have a
couple of extra dresses that I'm bringin.. just in case we get to Swingin a bit to... Wildly... and I have a WARDROBE MALFUNCTION..
And this Delicate number... just fur YOUR EYES ONLY.. I had Wally Marte whip it up the other day.

I have hired a Puppy Sitter fur Ernestine and Ernie... so
WE will have the evening to our selves... How does THAT sound to you.. Roonie Woonie??? I can't wait to get you in a corner and .. feed you some Snacks and ... make up fur some LOST TIME.
HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY (and Night) Sweet Rooney... and Everybuddy Else.
See you all Soon.
Oh, I love that lacey number!
Sexy is all we can say about that lacey number. We thinks you will be fighting them off with sticks to get to you in that dress. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Ooooooh, yes...I does likes da lacy frock theres. And you both match too.
Rooney is just gonna melt when he sees dis fur sures. I am just really hopin' and prayin' there will be NO wardrobe malfunctions. Am I ever hopin'.
I so hope Sarge don't sees me.
We all nose you'll be a rockin at da pawty!
And, that is how it's done, Ladies.
LOL Have fun dancing, but try to keep your wardrobe...under control. :)
PS: Puddles, Sarge is on the lookout for...erm, well, you.
Happy Valentine's Day!
You ladies look wonderful.
Let's party!!!
You look great in lace, Francine.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
call the fashion pO lice, BOL...you really look adorable!!
Happee Valentine's Day
Benny & Lily
********GASP ***********
My beautiful Francine!!!!!!!!!!!
You are truly a vision to behold!!!
Will you do me the honor of being my Valentine??????
Blushingly yours,
Mr. Rooney Dachshund
This party ROCKS! Thanks for letting me know....I will go and help Miss Sasha out....
I'm swooning fwom all the bootifullness awound me and all those vewy handsome men, sigh...I bettew get back to my band, anothew set is about to begin
smoochie kisses
Hey Francine!
Wow, you and little Ernestine look lovely as always! Love that lacy number and I'm sure that's what lured Rooney into that closet with you. BOL Something tells me Blogville will never be quite the same after today!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
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