OMD OMD.... ERNIE got TWO (2) Pressie Packages in the mail on Thursday. One Big box had this Big Blue Bag in it.. (plus the grrrreat Yellow Heart) and Ernie was sooooooo excited he didn't know what to do furest.
Inside there was this grrrrreat Snack Bag... WE love APPLES.. Do you see Ernie's nose on the Yellow heart???

It took him about 87 seconds ... butt he FINALLY got the rest of his pressie stuff out and started lookin at everythingy.. BUTT NOT the Yellow Heart.. beclaws ... the DACHSIES WITH MOXIE... Ginger ,Tasha, Anna Rose. Chip, and Thai Said they sent THAT to ME . there was a super Stuffie Bone and a ROPE TOY, too. He was goin WILD Squeeeeeeeeeeeakin and shaking the bone and then he RAN from ME when I tried to just sniff it. Butt that is OK... later when it got DARK we had some grrrrrreat funs with EVERYTHING and I (Frankie Furter) let Ernie play with MY Yellow Heart.. fur a WHOLE 87 seconds.
THEN guess what ELSE he got He got these TWO really Cool Bone TAGS with HIS name (ERNIE) on them ... They were from SARGE... Who Congratulated Ernie fur Joinin Club No Bobbles.... Sarge ordered them from MY FUREND... Sweet Sugar's Paw House...
(The back side says Amazingly CUTE). THANKS Sarge... Ernie has one on his collar Already.

Now.... I am gonna TRY my bestest to have Ernie leave his thanks to the DWM and Sarge.. remember ... he really doesn't know much..... I'll make it in BLUE ... here goes...
sxftvfythnbk, k;lslbuoipw; nmvdoiutjw uoiwfhiiow jiwqsapowu4u30 o9a 8kh;9rua9o ai83e fi8 r5y h8uy3wsiokljdsfjl02qp[ask;oiuwyerfoikju hdfiio ui iowh9832083-129wefups
sUJ903HYO;ATH33E93HJOI4793POJUFGIFMY3W NUIOUO;N Y8UFHYO8; RFDHUIW EPUOJSDLKMF M BWIV JH8YYG2Q=[];A=-2HFNVC Well, that isn't very good is it? I think he is better at diggin and sniffin and PLAYIN than he is at typin and bloggin. BaaaaaWaaaaah
PeeS.... Sweet Sugar is gonna be havin a Special Tag Give away and she would like fur you to take a look at all the other stuffs that she does... Just go to Sugar's Paw House... or to her Blog to see all about the grrrreat stuffs. Her TAGS are really wonderful.
What great presents and it is super seeing Ernie doing so much better.
pawhugs to both of you, Max
I is so happy that your puppy is feelin' better Frankie, he gave us such a scare. I loved seein' the gifts too.
I think Ernie should work on his typin' so he can contribute when he is older.
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
He's looking better! Great packages for the lil' guy!!
Oh, Ernie.....kdjijuifjidj 87efiudnfdjd kd;ifidnffkdk dkkdkdkd, dkdfifefdkfd. We love you. Sniffs, Bella
P.S..I am still trying to get the hang of blogging as well. BOL
Superdee Duperdee on the great prezzies Ernie! Glad you're feeling much better.
I think that Ernie wrote a great thank you note! He's just typing it in Doxie Code.
Lily Belle
Great pressies!! Hey Ernie, I'm with Lily, I understand every word you wrote. Nothing like Doxie code.
Sniff ya later....Weenie
Yay for pressies! :D So Ernie is feeling better? Looks that way :D
Hurray! :D
Waggin at ya,
Woof! Woof! SWEET of Sarge to send you a surprise present. Golden Happy you guys like the TAGS we made for you. Happy Weekend. ENJOY! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
FYI: We are giving away a very COOL! HIGH Tech Pet Tag not from our shop but it is a must have tag nowadays. Giveaway will be on our 2/11 post. Golden Thanks n Woofs
YAY for Ernie and feeling the betterments!!
-Bart and Ruby
Hey Ernst!
Wow, what great pressies! I bet those treats are delish and I'm so glad you like your tags. You definitely are Amazingly Cute and it's great to see you feeling better. Enjoy!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
What cool pressies! You're a lucky kid, Ernie! So much stuffs in one day!
How fun to get surprise pressies! Sounds like you two boys had a great time playing with all your new toys.
Mail is so fun! You must be really good at sharing. I've been told that I am not a very good sharer but what do they know.
Ernie's looking good! Those sure are great presents!! I love Ernie's letter, at least he tried! LOL! Lucky dawgs!
Ernie is looking GOOD. I am glad to see that. And what wonderful presents. I love the tags.
Soper duper pressies you got there. Enjoy.. Glad to hear Ernie is feeling better.. HUgs GJ xx
Did yousa see the cool Daschie stuffies on the "All in the Name of Love" Auction. Wesa thoughts they were super cute'ums...just like you and Ernie. :)
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
WOOHOOO...TOO COOL...(We're working on our "oooo" sounds today.) ;-)
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow grate loot!!! ok bye
What a lucky boy....that's lots of great stuff.
XXXoOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Y'alls got some great stuff in the mails! I'm gonna enter Sugar's tag giveaway.
So glad Ernst is feeling better.
Oh dat luckee wittle guy...Him be soooo cute. His pressies are pawsome and so is your yellow heart!
Ernie looks like he is recovering from his surgery nicely.
It's nice that your friends send you gifts, I know I like getting things in the mail. :-)
Wow, those are some pretty pawsome presents!!! Those apple thingys look yummy...
Oh they're great! Love the tags
Dachshund Nola
Ernie is trying. It's good that he is starting off learning to write thank yous. What cool pressies.
Sally Ann
Pressies!!!!!! Pressies!!! How cool and fun and super totally great for you both of you. I don't type so good either, my Mommy helps me a lot. I have to pay her but its worth it for me.
licks and sniffs Sasha
What great pressies you got, Ernie! Those apple treats are soooooooooo yummy!
Love ya lots
What terrific pressies! Enjoy!
Critter Alley
Wow! I didn't know that those made for good chewing. Indy will likely never find out. The hunter at our house refuses to share!
Critter Alley
Those were some great pressies. Mom likes to put those Apple treats in my Kong Wobbler. :)
WOW wots wondyful goodies fur Ernie butts hims does deserves dem afta wot hims has been frew.
Izzy, Uji n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx
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