CAN you SEE how much Ernie has GROWN??? He is as TALL as I am.. and actually a little LONGER than me.
PeeS..... ERNIE got TWO thingys in the Mail Yesterday... One is a big BOX and One is a Card with somethingy inside... It was all very much EXCITING... fur him... I will show you Pictures.. Tomorrow.. I hope.. THANKS to the DWM and Sarge... In ADVANCE..
We are so excited to see Ernie outside getting some fresh air. He is growing up so fast. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Wow Ernie!! Good to see you having a good time outside. You sue are growing up fast.
Sniff ya later....Weenie
Ernie is huge! Well, huge for Ernie, that is. I'm so happy to see him outside playing. That means he's feeling better, and you've been doing a great job looking after him. Good boy, Frankie!
We can't believe how big your baby brother has grown! and good to see him outside having fun!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
It looks like you had a fun time. Did you find that groundhog guy???
I am glad Ernie is better.
licks and sniffs Sasha
OMD, what in da world does ya'll feeds him?
It's always a good day to dig in my opinion.
So glad Little Bit is feelin betters and he gots his tube outs.
Hey Frankie!
Wow, you two look like you're having a ton of outdoor fun! I'm so glad Ernst is feeling better and that your weather is cooperating. Great excavating!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Woof! Woof! DRY Day. Glad to see you guys enjoyed your day ... Golden Hello to Ernie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hey Frankie, it's great to see young Ernie out and about and cone-free. And digging.
Toodle pip!
Nice Butts! Heehee.
Good to see Lil Ernie feeling so good! Now we need to work some Blogville healing magics on Corbin. We are filled with the worries about him!
Hey Little (NOT) Ernie!! We're glad that you're feeling the betterment!!
-Bart and Ruby
Ernie looks good helping you dig your hole outside. This winter sure has been nice with its lack of snow cover hasn't it? In a normal winter you wouldn't be able to be out there digging in the dirt!
Ernie is HUGE! Wow! Looks like you both had lots of fun outside yesterday.
Your pal, Pip
We are still sending good healing vibes for Ernie!!!!!
Zoie will get her stitches our tomorrow!!!
Spring is in a hurry this year!!
We will have to get our seeds started!!!!
xx, Zoie & Fern
I'm so happy to see Ernie outside playing with you! He sure is growing just like that hole in your yard! hee!hee!
YAY, we're happy to see that Ernie felt up to getting outside and having some fun.
Love to y'all.
Here be da FUNNY thing. Mum was makin ME some angel wings and then I gots da Devil outfit not even an hour later! I was like how crazy is dat?
ME in Angel wings? Really?
Digging....I have never tried that....I'll have to see if that's something I would enjoy....
Hap-pee to see Ernie up and around. Bigger den you???? Do dat mean he gets to be da boss of you now???
Wow look at Ernie go. I am so glad he is feeling better and ya all are outside enjoying the day.
Good job digging! Also, it is very hard work keeping the humans healthy =)
Woo Hoo - Ernie is without his cone AND having fun outside!!! Phantom hated wearing shirts but they sure beat the dreaded cone.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
I am so glad Ernie is allowed outside and without his cone of fame!
So glad he's outside!
Dachshund Nola
I see your shadows. Do that mean you has 6 more weeks of winter or do that only count if'n you be a ground hoggie? Ground hoggies dig, too, you knows, so easy to be confuzzled. NOT saying you LOOK like ground hoggies, howefur - just to be furry clear on that. You look like DOXIES fur sure. Our ground hoggie (the fur real one), Essex Ed, say we is getting an early spring. I think we been hasing an early spring. Fine by ME!
Looks like y'all were having a lotta fun outside!
You two are soooo cute together.
Happy be-lated Groundhogs day!
Ernie is getting big!!!
Stop on by for a visit
I bet it was nice for Ernie to be free of the cone of shame for awhile! Good thing you are taking such good care of him:) Good diggin there too. That Wyatt. Hope to be back to find out about the package.
Ernie's incision can't be bothering him too much if he's eager to do all that digging. Good to see the little guy bouncing back so quickly.
Jed & Abby
We can see your shadows....does that mean anything?
Glad to see Ernie feeling so much better.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Hi Mr Frankie, it was so nice to see Little but Getting Big Ernie outside without his collar. Bet he loved it. Looks like fun for both of you. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
So good to see Ernie outside sans collar! And you are such a good big brother! Did you guys see Punxsutawney Phil??? He didn't come near us...I think he was worried about one of the Sibes catching him! I hear he predicted 12 more weeks of better arrive soon, it's been 60 here and it should be about 10 and snowy...we don't mind that it's not 10, but we do mind that there is no snow. So, if you guys see him, can you ask him to send some snow???
Looks like you both saw your shadows!
Critter Alley
Good thing he has you there to take such good care of him.
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