Today is Groundhog Day... 2/2/12... Now the legend says... if a groundhog comes out and Sees his Shadow... it scares him back into his hole... and we will have 6 more weeks of winter.. BUTT if he comes out and it is all gray and stuffs and he can NOT see his shadow...he will stay out and we will only have 6 more weeks of winter. Isn't THAT cool???
There is NO truth to the Blogville Rumor.. that says I (Mayor Frankie Furter) have given Puddles my pawmission to dance the...
BOOGIE woogie at the Valentine's Pawty. I'm just sayin.
BUTT.... This one IS TRUE... Sarge has his PRICE.. and that would be ... $1.00 which is just FINE with me!!! Details to be... RELEASED at a later DATE... 
See this Heart??? My Wives made it... out of some of my Tail Furs. Aren't they TAILented??

Now about Ernie.... He DID have his Drain removed... and everythingy looks GOOD.. so far. He still has the Stitches though... They won't come out until Feb. 8th.. I want to thank all of you for your super strong VIBES and good words and everythingy. It means a LOT to ME and to Ernie too!!! NOW let's all concentrate our vibes and thoughts on CORBIN.
Please Mr. Groundhog, don't see your shadow! :)
And yep. Watch out, Sarge is on a mission... ;)
We are hoping he doesn't see his shadow either. But either way we will still have 6 weeks of winter left. That is what the calendar says. And yes, POWER OF THE PAW for Corbin. Have a great GroundHog Day! Sniffs, The HoundDogs
So glads to hear dat Ernie hads da drain out, hims will come on in leeps n bounds now n bee backs to normals befor yoo knows it sweet Frankie. How could hims not do well wivs all dat wondyfuls care n attenshun yoo givs him
Ronnii, Uji n Izzy
xxx xxx xxx
Mommy says she don't really care what the ground hog sees cause we havn't had a winter here. We gotd the A/c on.
Glad Ernie got the drain out BUT another whole week with stiches, Yuck.
Glad to hear Ernie is better! Whew! Our thoughts are with Corbin. Happy Groundhogs Day!
Woof! Woof! Happy Groundhog Day. Golden Hello to Ernie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hey Frankie!
Wow, that rotten groundhog just saw his shadow, so I'm gonna have to bash him fur sure!! Rotten rodent anyway. I'm so glad Ernst is on the mend. Continued vibes for him and truckloads of them for sweet Corbin.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Glad Ernie is doing a little better!
Oh we Beaglebratz r so furry much happy tu hear that little Ernie iz duin'good now - so much tu go thru fer such a little pup, That heart with sum of your furz iz really cute - your wivez iz furry much talented.
Shiloh'n Shasta
Glad to hear that Ernie is back on the right road to recovery. Still sending vibes his way and also sending a bunch to Corbin.
And as for dat Phil guy! Well, what does he nose anyway???
Isn't a Groundhog just a SQUIRREL with no tails??
PeeS. YAY fur Ernie!
Glad to hear that Ernie is on the mend. I have been thinking of Corbin and sending good thoughts his way. I'm glad you figured out how to follow me. I guess I should add some info about that like Mayzie has on her blog to help people that have come to visit me.
Glad Ernie is back on track. And are prayers are going out to Corbin.
I think a ground hog is just an over weigth SQUIRREL. nuff said.
In olden times you would keep pieces of a loved ones hair in a locket.
Well Buckeye Bill and Puxatawny Phil are going to duke it out on the weather front.
Sarge is going to have a Price! hehehehe
Sweet Wiliam the Scot
Sending lotsa woofs & hugs to you and Corbin! :)
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Six more weeks of winter -- I certainly hope it WILL be real winter -- snow and everything! Happy Ernie is doing better.... Love the heart....
Here's hoping to actually having winter! Do you know I have only seen a teeny tiny bit of snow. *sigh*
We went straight from Fall to Spring down here in Mississippi. I'm not convinced we'll see winter, but sure do hope we get at least a smidgeon of one!!
Glad Ernie is better!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
And exactly what does six more weeks of winter mean? More of the same as we have now or some real winter??? Mom wants more of the same, we all want SNOW!!!
Glad to hear that Ernie is on his way to full recovery.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Love the hairy Valentine! And we're glad Ernie had that drain out.
No way would that groundhog see his shadow's all dark and rainy.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
I don't know if I trust a rodent to tell me the weather . . .
I'm so happy to hear that Ernie is healing!
My paws remain crossed for Corbin.
Love ya lots,
SO...either's STILL winter!? silly groundhog. who gave him the authority to forecast weather anyway? Who is this LEGEND peep? Glad to know Ernie is on the mend.
Loving your fur heart! It'll help keep you warm on even the coldest nights :D
All4UrPet Representative
Request an invite to our private beta launching in April!:
I'm really happy your little bro is doing better and super sorry that I haven't been around to wish him well through his sickies. Corbin definitely does need our good wishes right now - so does Lilly, the Border Collie at Champion of My Heart. Too many sick dogs!
So glad Ernie got his drain removed and that he seems to be doing better.
I've definitely got the vibes going for Corbin.
That is a pretty cool hairy valentine!
Hey, our Groundhog (Hedgehog in Portland) did not see his shadow, even though it was perfectly sunny today. But we are not complaining..heehee!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Glad that Ernie is doing better and your hair heart it cute. and we want Spring here in Ill.
Jazzi and addy
So glad Ernie is doing so well. We're keeping all our paws crossed for Corbin.
Jed & Abby
Someone asked me to the pawty, can you believe it? Someone actually likes me!
Glad to hear that Ernie is doing good.
Your wives are so creative.
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