Ol' Sure Shot went to the woods and he found some SHEDDED Deer Antlers... They had 10 points.... Until he Fixed them fur us... He took them to his Tool Building and cut them nice and neat fur Ernie and Me (Frankie Furter).

We don't like the sound of the Saw thingy... butt OMD let me tell you how GRRRREAT sawing the antlers Smelled... AND THEN... we started GNAWING. DELICIOUS.
Yum yum yum delicious!
OMD are you CRAZY! What if the deer decide to come back for them? No way Jose.... My Mommy bought some at the store for Muffin and I and we didn't like them which was too bad 'cuz Mommy said they were 'spensive. They also gave Mommy the creepies every time she looked at them. Be careful.... I don't think the deer know the saying "finders keepers." Hey, I'm just saying.
Hugs, Lily Belle
Lucky Frankie, Lucky Ernie - those are pawesome. We used to have one each of those, but Mom says they are way too expensive to buy for four of us. Happy gnawing!!!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Dang woo got freebies! so 5 fur woo and 5 fur ernie?
nom nom- enjoy!
Ol' sure shot didn't even have to shoot! That's pretty darned good, Frankie!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, isn't Papaw Pantslegs the bestest!?! What a great hunter he is. That stash should last you and Ernst for at least 87 days! BOL. Enjoy.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Same problem as the op pack. I want one so bad and am hoping and hoping.
I guess kitties don't really gnaw on things, but enjoy!
pawhugs, Max
Wow, them things look tastty!! I never had one and Sissy neither. We don't know anybody that ever had one and we don't know maybody that hun ts. Dang it!! Guess we'll just dream about them.
Guess what? We gots the heater in today!! Stupod Texas weather!!
Snitt ya later.....Weenie
Oh Frankie, you and little Ernie are such lucky guys. I could have had some antlers to today, you know. I saw this great big stag when out on my walk today. If only I had been allowed to chase him....
Toodle pip!
Dachshund Nola
Wow, it doesn't get much fresher than that huh? Enjoy!
What a great present! And your Mom didn't even have to spend 87 million green papers on them...they are usually kind of pricey in the store. :)
You guys are sooooooooo lucky! I wish my dad would find something like that in our woods!
Love ya lots,
I don't think I have ever had them. I guess I will have to do something about that. MOM can we get some antlers?
We would love love love one or two of those !!!!! Well Zoie would!!! I have not seen any in the Pets Smart!!! Of course I KNOW where you get yours!!!
You have a great DAD!!!!!!!
xx, Xoie & Fern
I have never had those before, do they taste like chicken?
licks and sniffs Sasha
What a score!!!!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
OMD they look so yummy! I've never tried them.. we don't really have deer down under hehe..
That sounds like something amazing. Never heard of eating antlers.
Love and licks, Winnie
Ooooh! Meee is jealous!!! Those antlers look soooo yummy because they are fresh.
You Guys are soooo lucky :o)
Neeko :o)
Frankie and Ernie,
OoH we luvs deer antlers too...yum!
Happy Sunday!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
You are so lucky! Those things are expensive in the store. :)
OOOOH! Lucky you! :)
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
She got me one of those once and my power super jaws cracked it!!! I'll never get another one!!
Frankie, can you plant those and grow more like your Milkbones? I think you mite want to save some fur sprouting and dig a hole fur it, you think?
OMD.... ernie's too young for them so I'll take the extras.
My Vickie gets me Elk Antlers. They fit my mouth perfectly. Thats funny cause John went out to find us some today. He always brings home the best ones ever.
happy chewing my friend.
Wow, what a haul! You are lucky to have such great pawrents to take good care of you. So glad Ernie is feeling well enough to chew on some antler for a while.
Jed & Abby
Hi Frankie and Ernie!! Now those look like some pretty good nom noms! We like anything chewy, especially door frames ;-) Glad to see Ernie is back to mischief, you had us a bit worried there! Dex and Lou xxx
Yummy yummy antlers!!
mmmm deer antlers
Stop on by for a visit
Yummy! That is so cool!
I has never tried antlers. The ones in the stores are too smalls for me, maybe i needs a whole rack! BOL>
woof - Tucker
WOWSERS dat sure nuff wos a goodly finds
Ronnii, Izzy n Uji
xxx xxx xxx
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