NOTICE: Tomorrow (Saturday Jan. 7, 2012) there will be a Special BLOGVILLE TOWN MEETING... IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a meeting of all the town.. Officials... BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming Your WAY... DON'T miss the Meeting everybuddy.... Snacks to follow.
So this is Baby Ernie and ME.. way back in October...

It was a lot of fun teachin him to do Zoomies...

and showin him how we DACHSHUNDS Dig HOLES...

Hope you are enjoyin the Peeps are Flakes Stories... Some of them are real.. corkers!!!

Now... I gotta tell you... we are gonna have some company fur a few days... so I won't be having hardly ANY time fur doing much more than READIN and keepin track of the Flakey Peeps Posts.. AND doin the DRAWIN fur the WINNERS... Which will be ANNOUNCED on Jan. 11th... after the company goes back. BUTT TOMORROW I am gonna have a VERY MUCH SPECIAL POST UP... SOOOOOO ATTENTION ALL
BLOGVILLE SECRETARIES OF.... (WHATEVER) AND Clerks, and Fire and PAWlice and stuffs... I am calling a SPECIAL MEETING... SO BE SURE TO ATTEND... YOU WILL WANT TO BE THERE FUR THIS.. Tomorrow Jan. 7th..
Awwwwwww, I bet you are the greatest teacher of doing the zoomies. Oooh, we are looking forward to tomorrow and will pop back to the meeting with pen and paper to take notes :)xx
Civilian Desk Clerk Mona will be there!! Our first official meeting of 2012, wouldn't misd it.
We Beaglebratz, Secretariez of Social Netwerkin', reportin'fer duty Mr. Mayor Frankie sir.
Shiloh'n Shasta
My secretary will be there but is slightly in thrilled about an official meeting being on a Saturday! :)
Un thrilled, un...
Oooo company. :) And a big announcement. Hmmmmmm...we'll be there.
What ya got goin on there Frankie? I'll be sure to attend the meetin. Got my hairs up ya did :)
Waggin at ya,
Did someone say SNACKS?? Yummmmm! Cheetos, Beer and Burgers?
Good job on teaching the young ones how to do the zombies! It really shows the dedication and the love that you have for them and towards them. I am really impressed!
The Co-secretaries of Help & Humane Services...The Slimmer Puggums...will all be there Mayor Frankie. We can't wait for the news!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
As secretary of parks and recreashuns, I will try my bestest to be at the meeting butttttt I mite be late coz I has house guarding dooty while mom be off doing sumpin tomorrow. Sumpin flaky no doubt. And on that note, I has anudder thing to tell on my mom about.
Will check back for da big announcement. Hope it sometin unlimited tweets for all! :o)
PeeS...I finally finished and posted my flakey momma NOVEL!
Did you say a party? Oh my bad, a meeting. I will be attending...hopes you has a buffet of my favorite foods and you can has your mom makes me some REAL cookies?'s just so thrillin' to sees a young doxie brings great joy to my heart. Does he needs to learn hows to hunt ground hogs...I'll show him...I'll show him. Frankie, did you just say heck no?
Can't wait!
Dachshund Nola
A big announcement? What could it be?? I will be there ...though my feline sister Rosie may be with me. She has been put in charge of babysitting me. I can't seem to shake her ...sigh!
If you would like me to bring some of my mom's world famous, fire resistant cookies to the meeting just let me know.
Your pal, Pip
Hey Mayor Furter!
Wow, I will definitely be there as Chief of Police! I can't wait to see what the heck is going on...Golly will there be snacks? Donuts??
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Oh my word we BET it willbe a big announcement. Ernie is so cute
Benny & Lily
See you at da meeting Frankie!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Did you teach him how to dig holes in your couch???
We're sure the contest will be above board.
The meeting sounds exciting.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy
Oh boy a special meeting for all the blog peps...wonder what that is all about.
Have fun with your company. :)
Hmmmmmmm, I'm curious about what the big announcement could possibly be! Guess I'll have to show up and find out.
Oh wait, I'm not an official secretary of Blogville so maybe I'm not invited?
I'm gonna sneak in anyways!
Frankie, you and Ernie are purty cute...tough one to beat!
We will be back for the special announcement...ohhh the suspense!
Those are some great teaching pictures!!! Sssshhhh but we are announcing the arrival of our new foster sister Sookie tomorrow!! Mama just brought her home tonight....we hope we can teach her zoomies like you taught Ernie!!
Happy Weekend Smileys!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
Oh Mr Frankie, we do think you are the cutest. We love your photos. We would never believe you would try and bribe a judge at all!! Offering some nice biscuits is just because you are such a kind hearted dog. Good luck with the competition. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Ronnii will bee dere wivs bells on cos her still has a post wee finks butts Izzy n mee is nots anyfing butt wee is nosy so wee will bee hidin in da crowd like da nosy pups wee
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