This is a picture of my Ernie and ME (Frankie Furter) on Oct. 15, 2011.. his GOTCHA DAY.

Here Ernie is learnin how to use the RAMP from the front porch down into our Safe Fenced area.

THIS is a picture of him... havin his very furst dinner in his new home. Hehehehe Ernie was sooooooo little back then.

THIS is a FLASH Pic... Just to Remind you about the Peeps are Flakes thingys...
And YOU think YOUR Peeps are Flakes????

In this picture.. Ernie is Layin Down.. and I am sittin UP... Just so you can see our sizes together NOW... THIS pic was taken on Jan. 4, 2012.

Your Flakey Peep stories are just Hilarious I am lovin them like Mad. Now you still have until Saturday night to get Yours in... In case you haven't done it yet. Last count I have 16 names on the list...

NOW TODAY is Ernie's 5th. month birfday... he is gettin SOOOOOO big.. and he has lost some of his puppy Teefs... thank Dawgness... I'll be really glad when the are ALL gone. AND it is ALMOST time fur him to go fur his "Bobblectomy"... butt I have NOT explained THAT to him yet..
SO take a look at how much he has grown since the day He come home... Oct. 15, 2011.
HERE is my little LITTLE Ernie.. on the DAY I brought him home!...

He was only 8 weeks old.

This was the FURST Picture of Him...

AND Here he is NOW... at 5 mos. old... Look at his furs color and how much THAT has even changed.. At FURST he was more Brown with Black Overlay.... NOW he is gettin RED with the Black Overlay... and MUCH furrier.. I gotta get you a gooooooood pic of his TAIL... it is a RIOT.. it looks like somebuddy was trying to Braid a Rope... BaaaaWaaaah.

Those are my Furs at the bottom here... I was tryin to Look at ME... butt he was being a Stink head and wouldn't do it. Mom helped me to use the Sewing kind of TAPE MEASURE thingy and Ernie is 15 inches from shoulder to base of tail. WOW!!! I NEVER EVER thought he would be THIS big.
Well, now that my eyesight has come back - thanks for that surprise FLASH pic - Ernie was such a little peanut! His dish nearly swallowed him up. The two of you make a very handsome pair!
Nice to see that Ernie actually has legs as opposed to some doggies I could name.
Great post Frankie!! Ernie is getting so big. Oh my goodness, I do remember that Flake pic of your Dad. hee hee!!
Good mornin'Mayor Frankie - thank u fer that post so we cood c Ernie in the b-ginnin'since that iz when Mom wuz havin'bad troublez with her eye an'we wuz gone alot. BUTT that pic of your dad ALMOST messed it up again.
Our Peep is a Flake post is up.
Shiloh'n Shasta
OH NOOOOOOO wos dat a Frankie Dads Butt ? Mee had to covers mi sistas eyes ..........BOL
WOW dat Ernie sure nuff is growin fast Frankie Mi furiend, him goin to bee a big n handsome as yoo befor too long
Oh Frankie, you must feel proud to bursting, having brought up such a fine and thriving pup.
Toodle pip!
PS What's a bobblectomy?? (Gail says I haven't had one...)
Ewwwwww my eyes....!!!!!!!
Coulda warned me about that peep crack!!!
Yep Ernie is grow'n heaps - bet you been keeping the tooth fairy bizzy!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Oh me eyes! Me is blinded by da MOON! back...had to wash me eyes! sure are growin a big boy. What if HE gets bigger den YOU???
Can I take my paws off of my eyes now? Geebers, I woz just laying in my hidey spot in mom's bedroom minding my own bizziness when she comes in to get dressed and goes to the mirror to check out the whopping BROOZE on her HINEY where she falled TWICE and split her one side OPEN the last time she falled on the same spot rite atop the furst BROOZE. Then I come here and I get anudder FLASH of HINEY but with no black, purple, green, bloo brooze with a red gash... Oh, I is scarred fur life.
Eeeeek! And Pickles was skeered to post a foto of Uncle Tommys TUMMY yesterday! Then, you go and post THAT! BOL
I totally got sidetracked what I wanted to say....BUTT......
Happy Day to precious Ernie! I hope da toofs fairy is bringing you lots of greenpapers fur your lost puppy teefs!
Darlin' Frankie, you are doing an excellent job of raising the cute lil' Ernie!!!!!!!!!!
We love y'all.
WOW!! He IS growing up fast and he is gettin cuter all the time!! You two are very handsome guys!!
jazzi and Addy
What a cutie! Happy 5 months to Ernie!!
Ernie is so cute! That was one shocking photo in the middle -- ha ha! Still laughing!
Aw Ernie you're getting so big! YOu're already bigger them me!
Dachshund Nola
ANDthe very best part, Frankie,is how cute heis!!! Mom just loves his sweet face. The boys here send him sympathies for his bobblectomy but tell him all will be fine.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
What a CRACK up! BOL
Benny & Lily
The young ones grow up so fast these days!
Riley (and the no longer "little" Enzo)
Ernie - you are getting soooo big!
He's growin' like a weed!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
He is awfully cute. Love the then and now pictures.
Ernie is still darned cute! It's amazing how fast the little guys grow, isn't it? Mom and Dad check Kuster every morning to see which part of him got bigger overnight!
In the last several posts, I kept thinking Ernie looked like he'd grown! He's soooo cute and getting big!
That butt pic - unfortunately, I am forced to see a female coworker's crack quite regularly. She's been gaining weight lately. Being a poor college student, she doesn't have the $$ to buy new pants so she's always having to pull them up. They're too tight and don't fit well around her waist anymore. Anytime she bends down for anything (which seems to happen a LOT!), I see her butt crack. Ewwww!
We can't wait to see Ernies TAIL!!! We have tail envy, you know!
-Bart and Ruby
Mr. Frankie, Mr. Puppy Ernie sure is growing up into a handsome young gentlepup! You are doing a super job helping him become the doggie he was born to be!
Is that your dad in that photo? Mom calls those kinds of pants problems "Plummer's Butt". Is your dad a plummer? My dad isn't, but sometimes he has that kind of problem too! But he sure would be unhappy if we posted a photo, BOL!
Ernie is growing like topsy! Those baby pictures are too adorable. I know you're very proud of Little Brother.
Critter Alley
Nawww! Ernie is so very cute!
My Flaky peeps post will be going up later today! Thanks for the explanation! :)
OH Frankie how Ernie has grown! Pretty soon he will be a BIG as his BIG Bro!
Ah, about your ah, well, ah, Pop, well, that is NOT a good pic of him, I'm just sayin.
Love you BIG Bro! Tessa
We just loves your puppy Ernie, him is such a cutie patootie. :) You is doin' a great job of raising him!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
Sure Ernie has grown a lot!
I have been reading your posts all these months!
Kisses and hugs
Dang Franky - how did he get so big so fast? Are you feeding him Super Grow Food?
It looks like you're doing a great job training. He looks like an excellent student!
Yep, the little ones sure grow fast. Of course, you did the same thing when you were little; you just don't remember. Ernie is quite a handsome dude and a credit to your puppy rearing skills.
Your pop is going to take terrible vengeance when he sees that FLASH photo! Good thing you waited until after Christmas pressies to post it.
Jed & Abby
Frankie, do you think he will get bigger than you? He sure is a cutie pie!
Hi Hi Frankie!
Not sure where to post this, but My Peeps are flakes!!
Read all about it :D
Awww, Puppy Ernie is getting so BIG! Will we still be able to call him Puppy Ernie even after he's all grown up???
The Road Dogs
They sure do grow up fast don't they? Are you ready for another puppy yet?
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