She will answer... as soon as she Pawsibly can.
PAWlitical Science class... information...
I am "beggin" all of you to Please PRE-Register by leaving me a Comment saying Who will be attending. WHY??? You ask... Well, I am gonna be doing a more informal type class with an EMPHASIS on how to GET ELECTED to OFFICE.
I am asking that you ALSO leave Comments.... with YOUR QUESTIONS about Pawlitics and getting Elected and stuffs. I will EVEN get into how to Find and KEEP FUNding fur your future camPAINs.
Note: My camPAINs are all funded by LUCY's Avon Pawducts, INK. You can tell from the Picture above... that I am TRULY greatful for her sPAWnsorship. I even use her LIKENESS whenever pawsible. THIS is an example of the type of PAWly Sigh Wisdom you will come away from my class with...... ONE PAW... WASHES THE OTHER.
Don't miss out... Pre-Register... and give me your QUESTIONS. YOUR Public Servent and PAWly Sigh Instructor Frankie Furter
Hey Frankie!
Wow, I'd love to be in your class! I bet you'll be a pawesome teacher.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We don't know anything about politics but we have a question. Will there be snacks at your polly-sigh class? If so, sign us up. If not, sign us up anyway, we'll bring our own :)
The Road Dogs
Me don't nose too much bout POLY-TICKS. Do dis mean dat da ticks are....wash and wear? Guess me better sign up for you class and plan on doin a lot of listenin and learnin'.
the DWM would love to attend!~
Please can I register? (I hope it will be like 'proper' science and we willl be doing some interesting experiments?)
Toodle pip!
If'n the class clown, that Amber DaWeenie, is going to be there, I just has to sign up fur this class.
Oh Frankie I would not want to miss your class!
I have a question for you to ponder...Will you be runnin for Prez anytime soon?
woos, Tessa
Sounds good Franky we will do the same on our blog
Benny & Lily
Dory, Bilbo and I sooooo want to register Frankie!!
Thank you Smileys!
Oooh yes please, Louis and I would both like to register for your Paw Litical class yes siree :-) I would like one day to run for the office of Blogland Cryer as in the Old Town Criers we used to have here that swung a huge bell and shouted "hear ye...hear ye" before giving announcements. I noticed Blogland didn't have one so have been practising barking really loudly in preparation for my campaign...Louis will just be the bell polisher and keeper ;-) Dex and Lou xxx
Frankie, we'd do most anything for you!!!!!!! Even though we aren't very politically minded, please sign us up....and we'll try to keep Sammy awake!!!!!!!
My boys wanna attend. As for a question - they couldn't think of any but I did:
If I were to run for office, what's the most impawtant thing I'd need to know?
Sign me up!!! And if you need any additional tips on getting elected, just ask me. You know, I have lived in Chicago all my life and I know a thing or two about these matters. Just don't quote me on this ...bawhahaha!
Your pal, Pip
I bet your students sure are going to learn a lot. :)
I would like to attend Frankie! I'll have to think up some questions!
Nubbin wiggles,
Frankie, this class sounds pretty interesting! I'm the princess of my house, so I prefer a monarchy, but I'd still like to learn about the political process!
I would LUVS to attend your class! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Frankie! Bucky and me will be attending. We can't wait! Too bad the governor is out of office. Do you know she went?
I'll be there! Here's my question - I keep going to work with momma, but I don't GET PAID! How can I lobby for better working conditions?!?!?! You know we are in the office for EIGHT HOURS A DAY???? What's that all about! Who's watching out for me?!!? :)
Yep sign me up for your class Frankie!! My question is "how does one "bend" the truth" - my mum says Politishians are always bendin' the truth!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
Mayor Frankie ~ I would most like to sign up for your class. I hope registration is still open. My question is ~ What differentiates a grassroots movement from Astroturf. And what is the scoop on poop on Astroturf in regard to PAWlitical Science? Is every dog going to get a chicken in his pot?
Sweet William The Scot
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