Fire Safety Instructor will be BUCKY . He is Ruthie's Brother...
You KNOW you want to know about this stuffs...especially
That means as of Right Now... we have 8 Classes and 8 Activities WHEW.
I hear that Classes are fillin up FAST.... I suggest you get yourself PRE-Registered!!!
It is really EASY... Just go to Sarge's Blog by clickin HERE
THEN go to EVERY SINGLE CLASS LINK and Click on them one at a time... Go to their COMMENTS section and Say... "I would like to Sign Up fur Your Class"... See, couldn't be Easier. You don't want to chance ... gettin CLOSED OUT of any of them..
THEN go to EVERY SINGLE CLASS LINK and Click on them one at a time... Go to their COMMENTS section and Say... "I would like to Sign Up fur Your Class"... See, couldn't be Easier. You don't want to chance ... gettin CLOSED OUT of any of them..

NO Worries... again just go to SARGE and find the Links and EMAIL ADDIES both.
Click the Links... and read about what kind of pictures they are gonna need from you.. then get their email addys and ... START SENDING YOUR PICTURES..
HOW BIG is this thingy gonna be??? How FAST are thingys gettin sent in, you ask??? WELL, listen to THIS NEWS FLASH... Sarge has so many Munk Mocking Pics ALREADY that he is gonna do TWO posts... AND...he HOPES fur enough MORE to make it THREE whole POSTS.. How Cool Drool is THAT???

I do have to tell you ONE more thingy... I am really SAD about this.. there are HARDLY ANY CATS SIGNING UP... Here Kitties HERE KITTIES... Please come JOIN THE FUN... BLOGVILLE REALLY DOES WANT YOU. I'm just sayin. Get a Date and Sign up fur the fun stuffs... Don't have a date?? ASK ASTA fur HELP. PLEASE COME !!!
My Goodness, that is the biggest pooper scooper I have ever seen.
Way to spot em.
Oh so much goin' on.....Me not used to all of dis stuffs. Me needs anudder nap!
WOW, Frankie! That thingy POOPS out a curb?? What a machine!!
Frank, you are an awesome curb pooper crew boss.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
That is sure poopin' good news all around.
Love Noodles (who never poops, just poos a little)
Hmmm... Maybe I'll see who would like to be my date on my blog... too many girls for me to pick!
This is gonna be big!!
Us cats will try to come too. Mommy is kinda busy right now and doesn't have much time to help all of us.
Fenris has already went to ask Asta for advice and Arty took him shopping for a monkey suit so he is all ready for the pawm. He had a ton of questions for poor Asta so it may take her a zillion years just to answer his questions.
Our youngest boy bean is going to minor in political science at college so we wants to sign up for your class so we can helps him.
Hey Frankie!
Wow great post. You sure are workin' hard on that curb.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I asked her. I can't wait for her reply. :)
SO much cool stuff to do! We are glad to be home in blogville after our bloggy break! We will go check out all this stuff!
Oh kitty kitty's come sign up our sweet lil kitty kats
Benny & Lily
You always have some interesting thing happening, Frankie! You're one busy little guy!
My boys said they're going to take your advice. I'm not really sure what they're talking about since they say it's a secret but they wanted me to say thanks to you.
Looking forward to you be in my class, Mayor!
LOL! We love the curb pooper!
Emma Rose
Curb pooper...that's hilarious! BOL!
Waggin at ya,
You are a great poopervisor Frankie, keep up the good work!!
Thanks for all the great info too!!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Oh My Dogness my dear friend!
Sooo much going on in Bloggieville since Meee is MIA.
Unfortunately Meee has my paws filled with my new Sis, Aida. She needs lots of TLC so Meee cannot attend just yet.
Have a pawsome time with all these news activities.
Neeko :o)
Could I teach a class on language?
Sally Ann
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