PLEASE keep those grrrreat Tongue pics GOING in to
pawsofpeace(at)gmail(dot) com with TONGUE in the Subject Line
THAT fun event WILL Be Up and GOING for the Big Blogville
Announcing: a NEW... and Much NEEDED Class to be offered on FRIDAY Sept.2nd..
PAWm Eat A Kit
BOY HOWDY do we EVER need this one... Get all the information you need to make it a Special PAWm... EVEN... HOW to get a DATE.. and that CLASS will be the pawfect place to scope out the Pawsibilities... I'm just sayin. Click to the Link above to Learn about the class and the instructor(s). You can BET that I'll BE THERE!!!
AND this class was added late last night READY.... Bucky is gonna do a FIRE SAFETY Class I know it will be a huge class... beclaws I hear there will be stop. drop. and ROLL Practice involved. This will be FANGtastic... learn how to get your PEEPS out of the House in the event of a fire!!!
I'm tellin you folks... I have been ONE BUZZY Fella lately.. On top of all that I have going on.. I got LUCKY and landed a JOB. AND it was right on Ruby and Penny's Street....
Click the link to read all about it...

I really NEED the extra green Papers... beclaws the wives want to go to the FURS Salon and get their PAWm Dresses and stuffs... I gotta keep them in the manner to which they have become accustomed, you know. Butt the bestest pawt was... I got to be with my Wives... after work.

I think I might have eaten all of these ... MYSELF...
And then I have been helpin the neighbor guy.... he mows HAY in the HOOOOGE field across the road... See the big Roll of hay behind me?? AND I am SITTIN on One of them.. HEY SEAN... That Last Row still needs to be TURNED and Dried.. before you can Bail it.... I'm just sayin buddy.
It is a 20 acre field and I had to ride my 4-wheeler all the way around it... good thingy I found a shady spot to park it fur a bit... it was REALLY hot out there. The woods behind the field is one of the places that my dad hunts.
Now.... you need to be MARKIN YOUR CALENDARS..... SUNDAY AUGUST 21st will be a Super SPECIAL DAY fur the FURTERS.... You will be wantin to start visitin our WEDDING BLOG on the 20th. though... so PLEASE Click the Link NOW and get yourselves to FOLLOWING us.. You can Review our BIG DAY... while you are waitin. I'm just sayin.
You are such a busy dude!
The Back to School Bash is gonna be awesome and I can't wait!
Your pal,
Oh my gosh, there is so much going on! I think I need some kind of secretary to keep all this straight for me. Of course, I will be there on the 21st!
Your pal, Pip
P.S: Those berries look yummy!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, another great class! Good work with the road crew and I can't wait to see the Mrs Furters at the Pawm.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
You are super busy! Look at all that hay, and those berries look delicious!
geesh frankie didn't know there were different kinds of poopers! a curb pooper! wonder if there's a cookie pooper somewhere?
um. share the razzzleberries plz:)
You have your own red raspberries? Gosh, you're so lucky!!
We are so excited about the PAWM. How much fun it is going to be!!!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
You sure are a busy boy!!! We are following the wedding blog! ;-)
What a busy dude you are, handsome Frankie!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you and yours bunches, Frankie!!!!!!!!!
Yah, I guess you do NEED a job to keep the wives happy and getting already fur the pawm. Have fun hanging out with them afterwork and dont eat too mnay berries BOL
Jazzi and Addy
Frankie, we can't keep up with you, you sure ARE one bizzy guy. We think you will make the very best Curb Pooper ever - uh, we mean the best Curb Pooper driver ever:) BOL.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
All the excitement, whooa!
Benny & Lily
Heehee! Can you jump onto the round bale all by yourself?
You are SO busy!!! We don't know how you gets all this stuffs done Frankie! Amazing!
Sugar the Who
Hey Frankie! We found the perfect place for your romantic anniversary dinner. Check our blog when you get a minute from your super bizzy schedule. Are you sure you don't have a whole staff of assistants over there to keep up with all this???
The Road Dogs
Me bets dat Ruby and Penny carries your lunch out to you every day. Dat a hard job you haves dere.
Dos berries look delish!
Gee BIG Bro I is not suprised that you can juggle all things, you is the Mayor. Have you thought about runnin for Prez????
We could you a pup like you! I'm just sayin.
woos, Tessa
Whew...we are tired just listening to Mama read your bloggie to us!! We have Mama charging camera batteries for a big Friday photo shoot!!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
I got back just in time for PAWm!! I love your field! That's a lot of hay!
Wow, I didn't realize it's already been a year, Frankie. Happy Anniversary!
Those berries look yummy.
My heads spinning!!!! And I don't think it's alcohol related!
Hi Farmer Frankie! Wow so much going on, we'll have to get our PA to keep a diary of it all, Louis has a date for the Pawm, guess who, Tessa!! I'm going solo and am going to offer my paw to any laydees needing sance partners. Very impressed by the way on the tractor control front there Frankie, and how you managed self control around those yummy berries we don't know! Dex and Lou xxx
Is there a class on how to get Remington to ask you on a date? BOL
Frankie, however do you manage to pack so much into a day??? I'm exhausted just reading about everything you have going on, BOL.
Looks like bumper crops around your neck of the woods...or fields.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
I think I need to sit down and rest to process all that! Whew! I'll try to remember to keep all this stuff straight.
Dude, instead of taking extra jobs, you need to be resting from doing all this Mayoral work! You are doing a great job keeping everyone up to date!
Nubbin wiggles,
Holy cow Franky...Get around much?! We'll try to join in, but Mommy is helping her mom who just got out of the hospital back east for a bit, so not sure how we'll pull it off. She's bigtime busy with caretaking. Will try to enter that tongue contest.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and HOotie
Hey Frankie I know you're busy with all this exciting party stuff now, but if you get a chance and haven't done it already, jump over to my blog and see I've nominated you for the Tripbase My 7 Links!
Good grief Frankie! You're makin my head spin! Glad you found a job. Hope it's part time cause you already have a full plate! ;) What's this about a wedding? You already have TWO wives. Are you adding more??? Your raspberries look might tasty :P Drool
Waggin at ya,
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