Dear Furends,
I have been getting a LOT of emails and comments... and I am seeing comments on OTHER blogs... about getting DATES lined up fur the Furst EVER Blogville BACK TO SCHOOL PAWm... We have had regular dances before.. butt NEVER a fur Real... like High School PAWm. Now you know that EVERYBUDDY love a good DANCE and this one is gonna be a HUMMMMM DINGER fur sure... so I know that MANY of you will be Wantin DATES butt don't know how to go about Askin ... and of course... some of you will want to go withOUT a DATE so you can MEET NEW pawsibilities... all of these thingys are causing a LOT of excitement... and some anxiety too.. WELL, our dearest WISE AND WORLDLY furend
MISS ASTA has stepped up and says she is willing to HELP you with your dating questions... (She lives in NEW YORK CITY.. need I say more about her qualifications??) all you have to do is go to her blog STARTING TOMORROW.. and ASK your QUESTIONS and she will help you with them.. I made a LINK fur you to use BUTT PLEASE help me spread the word.. PUT HER BLOG ADDY UP ON YOUR BLOG FUR OTHERS... http://astasworld.blogspot.com/ THANK YOU ASTA
I have been getting a LOT of emails and comments... and I am seeing comments on OTHER blogs... about getting DATES lined up fur the Furst EVER Blogville BACK TO SCHOOL PAWm... We have had regular dances before.. butt NEVER a fur Real... like High School PAWm. Now you know that EVERYBUDDY love a good DANCE and this one is gonna be a HUMMMMM DINGER fur sure... so I know that MANY of you will be Wantin DATES butt don't know how to go about Askin ... and of course... some of you will want to go withOUT a DATE so you can MEET NEW pawsibilities... all of these thingys are causing a LOT of excitement... and some anxiety too.. WELL, our dearest WISE AND WORLDLY furend
MISS ASTA has stepped up and says she is willing to HELP you with your dating questions... (She lives in NEW YORK CITY.. need I say more about her qualifications??) all you have to do is go to her blog STARTING TOMORROW.. and ASK your QUESTIONS and she will help you with them.. I made a LINK fur you to use BUTT PLEASE help me spread the word.. PUT HER BLOG ADDY UP ON YOUR BLOG FUR OTHERS... http://astasworld.blogspot.com/ THANK YOU ASTA
I just asked my boys if they'd like to go but they couldn't think of who to ask.
WELL NOW... miss SPRINKLES... THAT is JUST the kinda Issue that I believe Miss ASTA will be able to help them with...
NOW... HELP... I need for
DORY and Ruthie/Bucky to
email me...
Oskar already asked me....of course I accepted.
BUTT... Bella, we can't have those pretty Sisters of yours... being Wall Flowers... now can we???
You are so right.. Asta will give the best dating tips. I'm ready to bust a moove.
I asked an adorable guy and he is heart is already somebody else's *sigh* Now...I am just like...what do I do now???
Oh too funny BOL! What a kick! Dating advice Ha! Oh I can't stop laughing. This is too good BOL! :D
Will be sure to visit Asta :)
Waggin at ya,
Hey Frankie!
Wow, thank goodness Asta's here to help with the singles scene!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Yeah, Fwankie.....me and da brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) still need dates. Ujio already has asked sissy April so she be all set. Da Neked Couple! BOL
WOW...dating advice is always appreciated here, we will stop by for sure!!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
That sure is nice of her. :)
Now Mr Frankie, how old do you have to be to date? Mum says I could go with a chaperone. I must go and ask Miss Asta now. No worries, and love, Stella
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