OKAAAAAAAY.... you all need to be especially careful of what you are seeing and hearing right now.... Beclaws... You all know WHO... is at it AGAIN... with the Kool-Aid stuffs.
she is now claiming that she has it in all 5 food groups... WELLLLLLLLLLLL now we KNOW fur a fact that....
UGRE and TURD Kwah ZZZZZ are NOT food groups... we want to ... ingest.. especially when we Know the source.
Man, Puddles better start suing websites that show that picture before it goes viral!!
Dude I did not need to see that, but I will be on the lookout!
Nubbin wiggles,
Thanks for the heads up!!
Have they no shame? Poor Puddleypo - can't a doxie have some privacy?
(((hugs)) our friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
Dude why you wanna rat out da Puddles....SHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
I almost haves them all to follow...I was a born leader ya know.
I love this picture, it cracks me up every single time!
OMD!!!!! Poor Puddles..... how could they??????
hugs & smoochies!! XOXO
peeees us girls have belly aches too, they just don't stinko like the boy's do!!! Freash as roses!!
Ohh Me Oh Mi Yoo has Puddles goin potty, I not no why tho. I has lots too lern I finks
x x
....Puddin' or Puddles? ;)
WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
ok puddles is cute and all but not sure about her taking a poo :) haha ok she is still cute but a little crazy... like "hug me jacket" crazy
I think I need therapy now...
Oh Puddles you're killing me!
Benny & Lily
I am speechless!
Kisses and hugs
Oh blech! Gross! I already drank some.
Waaaaaah! Oh no, Puddles, is that you?! BOL
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Oh dear...
Ut oh...um...no one is supposed to see those things we do!!
Hmm...I think I need to catch up on this whole Puddles thing. Can someone fill me in? :)
gweat post frankie
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
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