See this is what I've been tellin' ya all about.... THE PoPo was all over that Pumpkin Place.

They were stoppin' all the dawgs and showing pictures of....
*^!!*@$ and askin LOTS of questions about... HER.

Every time I turned around... there was another one...

They were walkin and ridin in all sorts of vehicles.

They were out in FULL FORCE.

AND... there were all different KINDS of them. BUTT you just wait until TOMORROW... You won't believe how FAR they came. It is a real DRAGNET.
SHE... had better Lay Low... And Keep Movin' around. I'm just sayin'
To Be Continued.
Pssssstt....shhhhhhh..I'm trying to whisper so da PoPo don't hears me.
Frankie, just say you don't know where I am and you havn't seen me in a month of Sundays...hehehe!
Can you grab me some of those chili cheese fries?
Frankie you better lie low, they already have your name and number!!
See Yea George xxx
This is really getting exciting. Bet that girl tricks the PoPo.
Hope your area missed all that terrible weather yesterday.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Ruh Ro! If you need my assistance, please let me know. I will start gathering my "fool the PoPo" supplies ready to go - nose and glasses, wig, fake dog tags, CASH, and Puddles' "forget your troubles" Koolaid.
Your pal, Pip
Shasta here - oh no - pleeeeeze tell me it ain't true. What ever duz the PoPo want my sweet mentor, my idol for? Shurly it cood not b sooo bad to bring so many PoPo. It MUST b a case of mistaken identity - that'z it, anuther doxie - oh no, haf I sed tu much - I didn't mean tu. It cood haf bin ANY doggy - she or he, cood haf dyed their hair red - that'z it - they got hold of sum of Miss Lucy's make-up - dyed all their hair red.
I gotta go b-4 I say much more....... Oh dear, not Miss Pu .. I mean, I don't no nuthin....
bad boys, bad boys whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do when they come for you....
Frankie you betta hide out and head on down to Texas, we will keep you safe :)
Looks like they are really trying to know who!!! She'd better hide those beer bottles and lay low!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
I'm sure she'll dig her way out of anything thing they try to use to hold 'her'
Khyra and The Golden Khousins
Those PoPo are everywhere!! Somebody better be layin' low!!!
No worries, I had to go tells him not to listen to you...hehehehe!
He would haves so much fun withs me...or it would prolly be da furst time he ever gots in trubles...hehehehe!
"Just the facts, ma'am."
Doubtful they will find her....she is sneaky.
WOW That is a TON of PoPo. I hope you watched your P's and Q's while you were out. You never know bout these guys!! In our town we have a bunch of Barney Fifes!! but they think they are HOT STUFFS!! BOL
Them is some big PoPo. I don't think they can out run you.
Wow, so many Cop-ers. We have never seen so many in one place. Hope everything turns out well.
Flash, Alven and Dottie
That is way to many po for me! She better be hiding good!!
Dat sure is a lot of PoPo in one place!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS We saw on the TeeVees dat you had bad weather yesterday, hope all is well.
Neither is turqwaaaahize...but, it makes me grin and giggle.
What color would you like? It's FREE!
Are you sure they're lookin' know who? They might be looking for the Great Pumpkin! I hear he's most elusive.
Wiggles & Wags,
Have you found out what they want to question her about? AND are you going to be an accessary!
Do you know any good dog lawyers?
Ooooooo, this is getting exciting!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Frankie, be careful - scotsmad is right, you could be considered an accessory to the crime if you don't tell the PoPo what you know.
Hee hee hee! Dad even got an APB for her on his phone the other night! She'd better watch her back is all I can say. I didn't tell him that I even know her, though!
She must have done something real bad, cuz that is lots of PoPos.
Franky by the looks of the PoPo's bellies, they won't catch any buddy running
Benny & Lily
Wow...must have been something major going on the day you were there. We didn't see that many popos at all.
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