SEEEEEE !!!! It was just like I (Frankie Furter) have been tellin you all... The PoPo were EVERYWHERE... and they kept askin' Dawg after Dawg... if they had seen... You know who. They kept on sayin' that they just wanted to QUESTION her... about some STUFFS. They were really BIG and Mean lookin too. Ummmmm, &^!!*#$... you better keep a Low Profile for a while girrrrl... WHAT THE HECK did you DO ... THIS TIME????

Well, on to lighter thingys... Look at this Hoooooge fella. He was really sweet though.

This is Pumpkin Lady.

AND... these are Pumpkin colored Dawgs. I really liked them both.

One took a BOY in the parade and the other took a GIRRRRL. These pics were taken BEFORE they went in the parade though.

Now... like I said... the PoPo were all over the place. There was no place to hide from them. I did TRY though. Wait until you see Tomorrow's Post... GASP!!
Wow, we are getting worried about our little P girl - we haven't seen a post from her this weekend - the PoPo must have found her.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woof! Woof! How FUN ... that is sure a huge fellow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
BTW: Please read your email ... sent you an important email. Golden Thanks
If Our Mutual Friend needs a low-key place to hideout, she can come visit us; Mom's pretty good at avoiding the Po-Po (except for when she's driving her fast little race car, and then, well, not so much...).
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Hey that great big huge giant fellow looks like el'bow from Germany. Has he scaped??? (without hauwii)
Bobo and Meja
Oh do we love parades minus the costumes
Nitey nite
Benny & Lily
I'm getting a little worried about what Puddles might be up to at the moment! If only she'd taken that train ticket and come here for a hike this weekend!
I think somepup might wanna come and hide out at my house. We could totally switch in and out like twins. No one will ever know who is who!
Frankie, you look so little next to that relentlessly huge doggy! I don't even know if I can wait until the next post. You have me on the edge of the dog bed.
lotsa licks, Lola
I wonder what she did this time!
I hope she will not get arrested!
More pumpkins! Thanks for sharing them!
Kisses and hugs
oh my, i sure hope it all works out well
I wonder where I can get a pair of those pumpkin glasses....
Hi Franky,
All your pictures looked like everyone was having a good time! We you there Franky?
Our Tom is doing great. He has the best lookin scare I have ever seen!! I did miss him a lot tho. Just a few days after he left I fell and didn't feel good the rest of the time he was gone. I feel better now!!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
OOOOhhh Frankie it really looks like you had a Grrrrreat time!
But, you know I am really worried about...well, you know who!
What is the world did ah, you know who do?
until then!
woo woos, Tessa
Frankie, are you and you know who, in trouble with the law??
Only you, could find trouble at the pumpkin festival....BOL
You look so tiny next to that great big dog!
Frankie! You met a blond ME! How wonderful for you.
Well, it's a real good thing that big guy didn't decide to shake hands with da Frankie Furter. Dere would be one less Furter in da world today.
Do you need some help with the bail?
We can band together for PuddlesAid....
Be careful of those popo - you know we have criminal records now. We need to be on our very best behavior.
Your pal, Pip
Pssst - you may be right about my weight vs. the pumpkin. I am solid guy.
sounds like someone or some people are in trouble with the law... you can always come and hide out in texas and you know who can come.
hehe the pumpkin lady.
We hope the Pud isn't in too much trouble.
There was soooo much to look at. Did you get dizzy?
XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
Hello's 'deres Frankie!! Nice to see yous agains... Been awhile ands all since 'da last times...
Yous know since 'da wedding and before 'dat was Jail.. hu hu.. wits 'da George..
Me's sorry me's towering over yous and alls, butt yous sitting on yous butts...
Great day we's had at 'da parade!!
Good ting da Po Po was not around..
P. Mastiff
Hi! Khrya was telling me that you were at the Pumpkin show to. We live in Columbus and were there on opening day. Maybe we can be furpals to? :)
Yeahhh! I have a new furpal. I am actually in Grove City. We were at the Pumpkin show on Weds, but I wish I would have been there Friday instead because I heard they had a pet parade! That would have been so much fun.'re married? Who is the lucky lady, does she have a blog to?
I have a crush on a few boys on here but nobody has asked me to be their girl yet. Oh well..sometimes the single life can be full of adventure and fun as well.
My name is pronounced SAH-GEAR-AH (I hope that I did that right). haha. My name is Egyptian for "Little One". See I started out as a foster with my mom and dad and they always try not to get attached and just called me little one. Well, it seemed every where they took me people would call me little one as well and they didn't even know that is why mom and dad called me at home. When mom and dad decided they couldn't live without me (which how could they?) dad looked up names that meant little one and found my name and liked it.
I signed up to follow you as well. Another blogger from around here is Ricky the Sheltie. I have actually met Ricky in real life. A few more on my friends list are Turbo and Zoey but they don't blog as much as Ricky and I do.
That looks like a fun day inspite of all those PO PO s swarming the place!
What a big fellow ur gentle furiend is. did u get his name?
We think P-girl should come here to hide. thePo po will never think of looking for her in India!!
buddy n ginger
Hi Frankie,
My Mommy hasn't been feeling very well and we haven't been around much to say hello but we went back and caught up on all we have missed.
The Pumpkin events looked like lots of fun. You'' love Sagira, she is a great pal. We need to fin out what fellas she'[s got her eye on and try to hook them up. Love is grand.
Hi Frankie
I'm trying to catch up on your bloggie! Hey my mom used to go to the circleville pumpkin show every year.. plenty of yummee foodables.I hope all worked out with the p and that the popo didn't get her.
OMD - Frankie, you look so TINY next to that Mango-like creature :)
The Road Dogs
Gosh, I can't remember how long I have been friends with Khyra. I used to not have many friends and then the wonderful OP Pack shared my blog with their friends and then I had friend after friend. I am all the way up to 70 pals now. have TWO wives? You lucky dog you!
You are welcome to use the picture of the handsome Lucas. He actually got adopted yesterday. Mom is super excited for him. He was such a sweet boy. The vet who donates her services to my moms rescue decided to adopt him. She has like 5 Weimaraners. haha
Sure is fun to see other photos from the Pumpkin show. Looks like the show ended just in time before this big storm. Hope you didn't blow away. Yikes!
You've got us on pins & needles waiting for tomorrow.
cool event!
you should have dressed as a pumpkin too. hehehe
~Buy WoW DeathKnight~
Hey Frankie!
These PoPo look a lot like my Dad when he was a real cop! Someday I'll be a K9 cop too, I just know it!
Grr and Woof,
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