They came all the Way from MAYBERRY R.F.D. to look for .................

See... It's Sheriff Andy and Dep. Barney.

I'm tellin ya folks... it was an all out no holds barred Puddles Hunt.


I fear that this has become a NATION WIDE ... SEARCH

No foolin'. That girrrrrl had best be in deeeeep cover... beclaws she is obviously in DEEEP DOO DOOO for ..... SOMETHING!
Whoa I dont know what she did but I dont want any part of it... darn kool aid will getcha every time!! I hope they dont come to Texas looking for her :)
Are yu sure it not be a planet wide hunt Frankie as we gettin lots of the boys in blue round here lookins fer someone
xx xx
note to self: I checked the surf report this morning. It is a great day for surfing......... oh! Hi Frankie! Yea. I see what you mean about a ginormous search for Puddles. Nope. Haven't seen her here on the sunny beaches of Cali sitting under a palm tree drinking kool-aide (scratch that) white wine and having the time of her (I mean their.. uhhh... his.. um. Nobody's))life! I sure do hope Puddles comes to her senses and contact's you very soon! Don't want a cat-tastrophe!!
Hugs & smoochies!! XOXO
We'll hide her if she wants to come here! I bet we can figure out how to diguise her as a Shar Pei. Or as one of our stuffies. She's little.
If they discover her, we'll bark, "You'll never take her alive, copper!", but I bet they won't catch her if she gets her without being followed.
lotsa licks, Lola
Shasta here - yep, I still think it wuz a case of mistaken identity - there r a lot of red doggiez out there. Little Miss Puddlez just cood never b guilty of anythin'she iz my HERO - any evidence that sez she iz guilty iz all ser-cum-stan-shal an'that iz my story. How cood that kool-aid stuff be bad - sumbuddy had to haf spiked it.
She's innocent until proven guilty!
We hope Puddles does have a great hidin' place! There sure are lots of po po after her!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
That girl better run!
And here we have been thinking that kool-aid sounded pretty tasty. So are you saying the DD in Puddles stands for Doo Doo? What ever did she Doo Doo?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'm keeping my PeePee(Puddles Plan) a secret incase the come to your blog searching for clues!
They might as well give it up. If Pu---, uh, SHE doesn't want to be caught - she WON'T!
The Road Dogs
I can't imagine Miss Puddles doing anything wrong....ha ha!
Puddles HIDE!! And stop leaving the train (poo) so they can find you!
Thanks for keeping us updated on the hunt :)
Frankie I'm worried, do you think those Elgin Pugs are ok, I know your saying about Puddles an all,but the puggies have there answer machine on!!!!!
See Yea George xxx
OoH Don't dose PoPo have anything better to do than harass my good furiend Puddles. If she comes to my house I will gives her beer and cheetos! ;)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
She's small so she could be hiding anywhere!
I've talked to my boys and they've both agreed that if anyone comes looking for Pu - uh, you know who - they won't give her up.
Oh no! I even see that last one trying to flag you down to ask questions. That Puddles Duddles sure gets herself into troubles with dat kool aid!
Can I have a HINT about the secret????
Those ker-azy Po-Po. You KNOW that the dog-who-shall-not-be-mentioned is way too smart to just waltz down the street in front of a big ol' police car. Now, if they went undercover as beer vendors, they might have a chance.
wiggles & wags,
She better watch out. Looks like they are bringing in the big guns.
Nope, we didn't have any wind damage this time. But last year around this time our roof got blown off. (well not all of it but did put a whole in the roof).
And I don't mind you sharing the photo or my blog..I can use some new pals. :)
Uh-oh, it looks like trouble!
Nubbin wiggles,
False charges!!! A set up!
Now, give me another round of Kool-aid, please. Ahhh ... that's good stuff.
Your pal, (Puddles disciple) Pip
I'll have to ask Khousin Harley to chekhk and see if she's hiding in the bottom of the toybox!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins
Does this have anything to do with that Kool Aid she's trying to sell?
All of them looking for her??
Oh-oh! I guess she is in real trouble!
Kisses and hugs
I thought I heard da PDR whispering round some of da blogs.......butt I prolly mistaken.
Her is gone deep undercovers.....or is is under-the-covers???
They sure are searching. Can't believe Mayberry peoples were there. Those PoPo's are out of control
Benny & Lily
Curiouser, and curiouser. We can't wait to find out what the probem is!
XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
Maybe she's made one potion too many!
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