Saturday, June 6, 2009

I got babysittered yesterday.

I put this picture back in today JUST FOR MY FRIENDS... Tinkerbell, Oscar, & Tucker !!

You just will not even believe this one. Jim the Grinch Guy made my dad go down there and WORK all day yesterday. Mom had to go to WallyWorld and I was going to have to go with her, BUTT........ She stopped and asked my friend Fawn Tell if she wanted to go with us, she said no butt... she let me stay with her!!! I got babysittered for real!! That is the first time in my life that I have ever had that happen. She was very much nice to me. I cuddled with her and we both liked that (well,I sure did). FawnTell kept me safe from the Grinch Guy while I was there. SHE IS REALLY GOOD!!!!!!
My mom paid FawnTell a whole plastic thing when she came back to pick me up. Then... I had such a good time that when I got home I MADE A CREDIT NOTE FOR FawnTell. I gave her fifty (50) whole credits for taking care of me. AND SHE DOES NOT HAVE TO GIVE ANY OF THEM TO THE GRINCH GUY EITHER !!!!

1 comment:

Nibbles Treats said...

Yeah! We love it!!! Thanks!!!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker