ALL RISE........
This court is now in Session...... before me I have the case # 87-4 Noodle Vs Jamison
Are all the pawties Present Ernie? They are your Honestyness.
Very well..... {{THWAP}} You may pawceed.
I call NOODLE to the Stand....
Now then Noodle, I understand that you are claiming that Jamison... over there... has caused you UNDUE STRESS and EMOTIONAL HARM.... is that Correct?
YES it is and I have PROOF..... well, I gave YOU the proof... you do have it don't you?
I do.... with his Hizzonor's pawmission I would like to have my Paralegal, ROXY... show us the VISUAL PROOF...
Could we have the lights off so that it Shows up REALLY clearly...
From Jamison

FINALLY! He left his blog open!
Good evening, everyone. This is Jamison. Perhaps you have heard about me as I know my little brother likes to tell lies all over town about what a mean cat I am. I am here to set the record straight. I am an angel. I do no wrong. Look at this face and tell me you see a mean cat:

I LOVE cuddling.

I even cuddle WITH Noodle.
His accusations are simply preposterous. I mean, I sleep nearly ALL day long.

And when I am awake, I like to play with my rope that Dad tied on the back of a chair for me, my scratch post, and tennis balls. I am in training to become a hockey sensation. There’s just no time in my busy days to plot his torture or death as he claims.
If anyone in this equation should be upset, it’s me. Khia and I were best friends. Every night at 12:30 a.m., we would play tag and run back and forth through the house. It was our thing – drove Mom and Dad crazy. Then, Mom brings home this scruffy little ball of fur and, all of a sudden, Khia hates me and tries to eat me every time I attempt to play with her. Noodle’s a best friend stealer!
Even so, I try to play with him all the time. I miss playing tag. But, no, he cowers like a baby and runs to Mom. I’m just trying to be friendly! He acts like I am attempting murder.
I assure you, I am not the devil nor am I evil. Please, do not believe his lies.
I must go now before he finds me here. Surely, I’d never hear the end of it.

OH MY..... we can See by your STUNNED Laser EYES that you Truly were STRESSED Unduly and your Emotionals were certainly.... harmed by this.
Now you say that you did NOT give .... this Jamison.... pawmission to go near your blog?
NO SIR, I did NOT.... I know that one and I would Never grant him access... he just TOOK IT.... and subjected my loyal readers to his Horror...
So let me get this straight.... not only did he HACK your Blog... and cause YOU undue stress and emotional Harm....... YOUR LOYAL READERS AND FOLLOWERS were ALSO effected???
That's RIGHT.... OMD you are RIGHT
We can certainly SEE THAT, Noodles... Ummmmm Roxy we think we have seen enough you can take that .... PROOF down and turn the lights back on Please... Thank you DEAR...
Noodle you may step down...
Your HONOR.. we believe that Noodle has shown beyond a WHISKER of a doubt that Jamison is Guilty of Calling Noodle a Stealer and Hacking his Blog and all that other stuffs that we have mentioned...
The court (that's ME.... the one with the spiffy GAVEL) will take this under Advisement and give you my Verdict TOMORROW... I will be going to the actual Scene of the Crime to further assess the situation.... Do I have the correct Location HERE ?
Yes, your Honestyness..... just click and it will take you right there... and anyone ELSE who wants to learn MORE about my client... just Click and go.
Thank you ERNIE.....
Court is A Journeyed until tomorrow... {{THWAP}}
Can't wait for the verdict.
We'll go check out the crime site right now.
All I can say is, never trust a cat. They are sneaky, sly, devils in disguise!
Hari OM
Hmmmmmmmmmm..... I am concerned; some of our best Blogvillagers are of the FELINE PERSUASION. This is going to be delicate ... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
you just can not trust them cats
We are so lucky we just have a simple old cat like Nin. Baggy was another story but . . . . .
Sneaky that was indeed. We look forward to the verdict and what is the punishment we want to know? Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
Oh this is gonna be a very tricky case to decide, glad its Frankie's verdict not mine!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
oh wait, wait wait...your honor.
...well I forgot my popcorn bag... ok, now I'm ready.
have I missed something? hmmmm...sounds not good for Jamison, huh? pocorn your honor? or is that bribery?
easy rider
Wow, what a fascinating feline felony fiasco! BOL Boy, we love our kitty furiends, but this sounds a little devious to me. I'll be all in suspenders and on the edge of my cot until the verdict.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
WEll mercy me talk about a fine mess!!
This is a super fine mess.
Attorney Ernie and Foxy Roxy you did gave it your best defense.....butttttt
I say the blog was left unattended...
and well being a Smart Cat Jamison took the opportunity to state his own case.
Hizznor will have deliberate for 87 hours over this
hugs madi the cat who was well served by the Court of Common Fleas
Oh my...the cases are just rolling in and the accusations are getting bigger and better and juicier....ahem, anyway...this definitely sounds like a tough case to solve. I hope Hizzhonor can restore order to Noodles home.
Not only blog theft, but he's also guilty of defamation of character.
Mom thinks you are a sneaky monster like me
Lily (& Edwatd)
we hope if gussie turns into a cat he will be a nice one. can't wait for the verdict.
stella rose
What a day! This is absolutely draining!
I can't wait to hear what your Mopness decides. Dis one is a real nail biter.
If all the readers were harmed perhaps this should be a Class Action lawsuit? We can't wait until tomorrow!!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
I wonder what you will decide,xx Speedy
Wonder what will happen, we think both sides should win.
Dip and Elliot x
Going to be a delicate balance to get this verdict right.
But naturally, we're on Noodles side because we know what cats are like.....'specially black cats like the Front Yard Cats.
Can't wait for the judge's ruling - maybe a compromise is in the works:)
Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning
We never met a kitty that wasn't sneaky!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
This might be a toughie!
The Mad Scots
Oh my.....this must be close if Judge Frankie is going to the scene of the crime!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
Crikey ....... Poor Noodle's shakin' in his boots. I'm on his side.
It's looking bad the blog page was left open. You know about curiosity and the cat. They can't help it. It's a tough case for hizhonor
I believe my friend, Noodle 100%. Plus, there are cats in my neighborhood hiding under cars and I know they're trying to kill me.
Love and licks,
You're the best, Cupcake!
You sure love that gavel Frankie.
Wee reememburss reedin Jaimeson'ss blah blah blah an hee wass sorta convincin butt wee new hee was talkin sum *smack* bout Noodle. Hee iss allwayss buggin Noodle an hee wnet beehind mee furend'ss back an posted on Noodle'ss Jaimeson iss guiltee as charged as far as wee are concerned! good luck with thee case.
Sinseerlee Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum
Wee reememburss reedin Jaimeson'ss blah blah blah an hee wass sorta convincin butt wee new hee was talkin sum *smack* bout Noodle. Hee iss allwayss buggin Noodle an hee wnet beehind mee furend'ss back an posted on Noodle'ss Jaimeson iss guiltee as charged as far as wee are concerned! good luck with thee case.
Sinseerlee Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum
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