YES I am...... I feel SO VIOLATED...... Jamison Called me a LIAR and I hope that Judge FARTer Throws the Book at him...
WE of vonSchnitzel, Ketchum and Dedum hope so too... Roxy, are you ready? .... let's head to the Court room..

ALL RISE....... MY Court is now in session...... {{THWAP}}
Jamison.... Please remain Standing the rest of you may be seated...
I have reviewed the oral and visual arguments and have reached a VERDICT in this case...
I find you GUILTY as CHARGED.... and I am sentencing you to ... Make a Full and PUBLIC aPAWligy to Noodles.... Said aPAWligy to be POSTED on NOODLE's Blog... within 87 days .
WE will be WATCHING fur it....
GUILTY as CHARGED.... Go forth and Fib no more...
Yay, for the Court of Common Fleas!
This new legal system for us blogsville residents is working pawfectly!
(although, maybe I ought to reserve MY judgement until the verdict in MY case comes through?)
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
that will teach that CAT !
Great verdict and go and fib no more is sound advice from your honour. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
We think you were most fair in your judgement! Sure am glad we have you to keep the peace around Blogville.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Hari OM
.....yikes; we all had better stay on the right side of that gavel... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
Thank the doggy gods (and you Ernie)! I am SO glad this is over! Let's see if he complies. What happens if he doesn't?!?! Have you ever had someone in contempt of court before?
WTG Hizznor!!!
I bet Noodle is a happy puppy. I have one itty bitty piece of kitty advice for him!!!!Sleep with one eye open..cats have 9 lives and long memories!!
Hugs Madi(son) D. Cat
Is there a pic after the red print?
If so, I can't see it Dang it
I never saw an a cat who made a pawblic apawligy...that could be hard for jamison...harder than paying a fine of 87 mice... much harder...
well done,lady justice smiles and i will look at noodles blog for the news :o)
easy rider
Well, that decision came down lickety-stickety! Now, to see if the public apology ever happens....Hmmmm....
Who paid off the judge? That cat deserved mandatory declawing, starved for 1 whole day,and to do public service for a whole month such as licking a dog clean every day. Woof! Ray.
I think that was very lenient. You'll have a repeat offender on your hands soon.
Whoa, you guys are pretty tough! I hope my humans take note of that.
Now that was short and simple your judgeness!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
Woo know I'm all about THE KHATS ;-)
PeeEssWoo: And the SNOW of khourse! We've been trying to entice Dexter and His DOH to khome to Khamp Khyra!
Nother great verdict. This court system is awesome
Wow, the thwapping gavel of justice is swift and mighty! BOL I'll be curious about that public apology. Hmmmmm.
OMD, I just realized that VS, K & D has a perfect court record so far!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
Gr8 job! I still think Jamison should have to pay in cat kibble. Humiliating a cat can be risky. Ever see one run into a wall, shake it off and then strut off like nothing happened, all to try to save his dignity? Watch your back, Noodle - literally!
Guilty? Really? I didn't see that one coming.
Good swift, quick punishment, boys.
Yay! We knew the CAT had to be guilty! We'll be looking out for an apawlogy.
Yikes, you are a strict Judge Frankie!
Dip and Elliot x
Wow Judge Furter! You REALLY dropped the hammer of the LAW.
Love Noodles, not Noodle the wronged, but Noodles with an ESS
Whoa, you hammered so hard it knocked the photo right off your post! A wise decision we think!!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
That Furter is one strict Judge!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
That judge is a tough one - can't get anything past him. Now to see that apawligy!!!
Woos - Phantom, Ciara,, and Lightning
Wow you guys are doing an amazing job getting to the bottom of these civil disputes....I hope Ernie is charging enough monies....stella rose
Another fair verdict.
A very wise decision
guilty in the 1st degree!
Lily & Edward
Thank you for making sure justice prevails.
Abby Lab
The perfect verdict!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
good call Your Ragtopness!
The Mad Scots
Hi Y'all!
What happens when he doesn't make a public apology? I mean, if. Although,I agree with Easy! Never saw a cat apologize, especially in public!
Y'all come on back,
Hawk aka BrownDog
You are one tough judge Frankie.
I don't knows...a kitteh apologizing?? BOL
Congrats Noodles...I lift my margarita glass to you!! (and you too HizzHonor...☺)
Ruby ♥
Crikey ..... great outcome. Of course the CAT was guilty. Hizzoner always gets it right, aye??
And that's a thwap! We respect you for making the tough decisions. We also really like the wig and gavel...just sayin'!
"Fib no more." Advice for the ages..... Justice prevails once again.
Love and licks,
Congrats on a just fur-dict! Now go 'furward' in peace you two.
Monika & Sam
Um ... we missed the whole trial, but since we're a cat and dog family, we're a bit confused over the charges and verdict. We thought at first it must have been the human who hacked the blog without permission. Why wasn't the human the one on trial here instead of the cat? :)
Pawtastick verdict!! Mee new this wood werk out fur Noodle. Hee was trulee violated.
Now let uss see if Jaimeson will bettur have the Pawddy wagon on standbye fur when heee doessn't ;)
Sinseerlee Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum
Oh nooooo. I wanted the cat to win! Great trial.
hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am so glad this trial is over!!! i kept wurrying that sumhow i wuz going to end up in prizzon eeven tho the trial wuz for sumbuddy else on akkownt of thats wot always seems to happin wen i ever git ennyware neer the justiss sistem!!! ok bye
The apology is up:
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