Monday, January 12, 2015

JUDGE Frankie Court of Common Fleas

HEAR YE !   HEAR YE !         Blogville's Court of Common Fleas is now in Session...
     The HONORABLE      Frankie Furter ,  Pawsiding...

 ALL RISE......     as Hizzonor Enters the courtroom.

 You may be seated...      TAKE NOTE:  I will not tolerate any Nonsense in my courtroom..
                              No  Fightin   Bitin    or   Pharrrrtin in my courtroom.*
Let me begin by saying THANK YOU to Blogville's Newest MAYORZ...  Murphy and Stanley   fur Appointing me to the Judgmental    Judgeship   BENCH for our Court of Common Fleas.
    In this courtroom we will hear All Cases of ALL descriptions...   From the Deading of Stuffies to the GASP...  TARDINESS of our Suppers...    It is an All Occasion card  Court...    You name the OFFENCE and I will hold Court...

My Credentials are as follows....   Judge fur the BEST of SHOW   MangoMinster
                                                          Mayor's Court    fur my entire term...   

*I work in CLOSE association with the Blogville Pawlice Dept. so be aware of that...  They have PLENTY of empty Cells...  and I won't HESITATE to hold anyone in Contempt of Court...    Just sayin

       All cases heard by me will be either  DEFENDED or PAWsicuted by...  

Ready fur it????    

                                    Are you SURE???

Better go PEE furst............................................   Court is in 87 second Recess until you all return   (THWAP)  that was me  banging my gavel....  this is a Classy courtroom... we gots all the bells and whistles and whackers and smacker here

OKAY....  I see you are all back...    now as I was sayin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    Cases will be either Pawsicuted by or Defended by...    




 YES, dear Furends and Fellow Citizens.... My KID BROTHER....   Ernie  went to the ON LINE ...PetSmart University and stuffie distributorship... and   got his pedigree  DEGREE.... and
 He STUDIED HARD....   and is now.......   Ernie the Attorney...      this is his Official picture...
 This is from when he was still taking classes...  and learning to write BRIEFS and stuffs....
 And HERE WE are....  Together fur a Family Pawtrait...       Our mom had this Biggified about 87 times and has it on the WALL...  she is SO proud of us...
I will be Hearing Cases... as they come outta my pocket  up on the docket. 
If you have somethingy that needs to be brought to Trial....  contact:
Ernie the Attorney...  at his NEW FURm....      vonSchnitzel, Katchum, and Deadham ;  Attorneys at Paw.

Now we also have MORE exciting news... from our new MayorZ     CLICK HERE to read about it.


Julie said...

Bet you two will easily mop up the cases!
Er, and we won't mention my snaffling Mum's Gin and was an honest case of mistaken identity, I thought they'd said Mr P Gin! Honest Gov!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

I feel so at all look so British with your hairs! The lawyers in this country don't wear costumes so I don't take them seriously!

Unknown said...

LOL Leah's comment about mopping up the cases. Bravo to your appointments and we look forward to the proceeding in court. Nice to be back. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

you will certainly have a clean slate in your courtroom :)

My Mind's Eye said...



Frank The Tank said...

Frankie and Ernie you are going to be PAWSOME as the Judge and attorney, congratulations on your poawsitions, you are looking very official in your wigs and that is such a great courtroom, I am sure that you will work well with the Blogville Pawlice depawtment to get those criminals in jail and I am sure there will be lots of furiends wanting to make complaints about their late foodables and such!
Love and licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxxx
PeeS, My Ernie came over to play with me this weekend and he is doing very well, needs to have tests done but he is happy and well even if his face is all hanging and droopy!

Unknown said...

Well, Furts and Turts, it seems you have the court room locked down and covered! One judge and one attorney in the family?!? Your parents must be super proud. I hope I will not be in need of your services this year. :-O

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I tinks you twos make a great team! Gotta make sure me stays on da right paw of the law! {Dat gonna be hard... :( )

Ranger said...

Wow...... I can't wait for our 1st trial. I may have to go out and arrest somebuddy, just so we can have a trial.
Ranger, DTC
Pees..... love da wigs (hehehehe)

Ranger said...

Wow...... I can't wait for our 1st trial. I may have to go out and arrest somebuddy, just so we can have a trial.
Ranger, DTC
Pees..... love da wigs (hehehehe)

Lovable Lily said...

Ernie the Attorney.... Ha, Ha, Ha! Has a great ringy to it.

While we sure hope we are never bad enough to be inside your court room, your Honor, we sure would love to sit on the Jury. We heard there are lot's of snackies in the deliberation room.

Congrat's Frankie on your new appointment.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom is laughing so hard. This post almost beats the underpants. By the way I am a firemans and she forgot to post!!
Edward (& Lily)

Kismet said...

"Put something in my pocket and I'll take your case off the docket" is your motto?

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, you will certainly have the judicial system well in paw! I think there will be some amazing trials and hearings in our near future. Love the wigs and the briefs. BWAR HAR HAR ahem. Order...order...order...I'll have some pizza bones. Okay, I couldn't resist that one.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

easyweimaraner said...

aaaahhhh I can hear the bells of justice while reading your post...and I will ring that bells soon .... when I'm not allowed immediately to eat my dried chicken feet in bed...
Easy Rider

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

If you can't See Sarge's Post today... go to the Dood's or any other post that has the full HOP up... and Click on #6 Sarge... it will take you to his post..

GRRRRRRRRRR the Squirrels at Blogger may end up being our FURST Case brought to TRIAL... Ernie the Attorney says... they are GUILTY as ...Guilty can be...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
BOL BOL BOL.. cough splutter.....breaaattthhhh....

OMD I can hardly type for wiping the tears of laughter away. You guys are sure to keep everything swept and dusted as far as the law is concerned; now can I borrow you to clean up the mess I just made on the carpet???... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

The Daily Pip said...

Oh good, glad to see I have friends in high places in case I get into any problems ...not that I'm looking for trouble, but you know how that goes

Murphy said...

We are very excited about your court and can't wait until the furst case comes up!! Thank you for your service to Blogville!

Mayorz Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - We love the titles of your names!

Duke said...

Our mom is killing herself laughing over your family portrait! You guys are just gem ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Well, looky-looky here. Is there a blog hop linky in this post?!? Why, yes sirree Bob, there is! It seems that my transportation instructions can work for everybody if they just take a chance and give it a try! Woof-hoo! I am proud of you boys. Now, you are like old pros at the blog hopping!

Wyatt said...

We will probably be needing your help in the near future...trouble seems to find us!

Wyatt and Stanzie

P.S We're hosting squirrel appreciation day on the 21st. I just sent Sarge a note for the Blogville Calendar :)

Little Miss Titch said...

I'm sure you will be fair in all your judgements,xx Speedy

Sketching with Dogs said...

We know one young lady you might want to defend Ernie - she is a bit too keen with the old toofers.
Dip and Elliot x

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woofs to the new appointments :-) Ohh another big responsibility and for sure you guys is going to do a pawsome job. Golden Woofs

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Roxy has been kissin' the screen again. We just got it clean. SHE wants like 87 copies of Ernie's official Ernie the Attorney portrait!

JoAnn Stancer said...

You guys crack me up, I laughed out loud during your whole post, that antler gavel was the best and to throw in the breifs too, wonderful! You guys will do a great job and just so you know Gambler deaden a toy Easy sent over from france in 87 seconds, he will be talking about it tomorrow on the SS blog.

The Army of Four said...

Oh, my! How exciting for both of you! I was pointed to a bench a few times, but the slats were kind of far apart and I was afraid my paws would get pinched. I prefer the sitzbank. Ha roo roo roo!
Good luck, boys!
Yours sincerely,

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD.....We have warned Arty he better be good or else he will have to face Judge Frankie!! We just know you will be fair and orneryrable!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Kinley Westie said...

No fightin, bitin, or fartin? Guess I better stay home.

LBJ said...

Just give me their names - I'll have the Non law abiding in the pawdy wagon and back to jail in no time. There's the squirrels who still have a few henchman lose, and the guy that threw a packet of salt at some poor hungry dog that was eyeing his burger - well right there that's A Salt With a Deadly Weapon!

Junior Officer Abby

sprinkles said...

Ernie the Attorney has a nice ring to it!

Anonymous said...

Well get ready you gonna have a full docket from the police department with real criminals, they gonna be coming in bunches

Top Cop Bites!
Ohhhhhhhh, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We printed a lot over the week end, Hehehe

Millie and Walter said...

We hope we never need Ernie's services or have to go to court in front of Frankie. Thanks so much for bringing the rag mop wigs back our mom loves them.

KB said...

Oh my, I'm laughing and laughing. The wigs put me over the edge!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We hope we are never in a court room with you as we won't be able to stop laughingiiiiiiiiiii

Taffy said...

Sounds like we are going to be working together a lot.....there are a lot of rowdy folks here in Blogville.

Fozziemum said...

Goodness me I best mind my pees and q's hahaha well done lads...o hope you are kept not so busy an hope blogville is on its best behaviour! lookin good guys..pee ess maybe you could take WP to court for not having you come up in my reader rrrrrr loves Fozziemum xxx

Sam said...

You guys make quite the legal team!

Sam & MargeDog

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am keeping this information vert close right here on my wall, so I can find it fast if I need to!
Were proud of you!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ...... if Dui and I apprehend any Aussie crooks they'll be on their way to your courtroom before they know what's hit 'em. Top Cop Bites already has some suspects for us to keep an eye on.
*get up Mum ..... what are you doin' rollin' on the floor??*

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the appointment Frankie and on your degree wonder your mom is so proud, not one but TWO legal eagles in the family!
Wally & Sammy

Unknown said...

Guys your gonna be busy, I already have some miss behavin Sea gulls lined up to attend court.
Congratulations on such a high bench mark of achievement.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom x

marley said...

*gulp*...oh hello yeronner.....*begins hidin evvydense*

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! Your pawrents must be sooo proud to have an attorney and a judge in the family! Did you write on your briefs? ROFL!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow i shoor hope that the nekst time i git tossd into prizzin i end up in yore kortroom for my trial!!! yoo wil giv a vizsla a brake rite??? their mite be sum parshally destroyd stuffie bribes in it for yoo i am just saying!!! ok bye