Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dino DIGGING Day is FINALLY here...

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee       Dino Digging (or whatever you like to Dig) Day is FINALLY here.  

Let us BEGIN, Shall we ..     you gotta get out in the country side
 Come ON Ernie...  Quit Foolin around... we gots DIGGIN to do.
      I'm just checking the MAP Frankie....   I think we should have turned toward the RIGHT Paw back there a Ways...
 OK, let me have a Look Ern.      NO... we are right on course.    I know how to read a Map.      SEE it shows us were to dig and stuffs.
 OH I see now Frankie... I had it Down Side ↓  Up ↑.      you are RIGHT...    It says we have to go down this way and into the Thicket... and then we will find the DINO Digging spot.     Hurry UP ....
 HERE is where we need to be Ernie...  
 YEP Frankie I see the SIGN Now...  and LOOL there are Some Dinos ALREADY...    THIS is EXCITING...  Maybe we should go Visit a Tree... before we start to dig...  don't want to ACCIDENTALLY make  MUD.        
        Go ahead on over Ernie... I'm Fine.
 OKAY....   Can I start Digging NOW Frankie?
 SURE Ernie.... just don't dig HARD... you don't want to mess up anythingy with your big CLODS Claws.      Let me show you how to do it kid.
 OMD   look.... you found a tie ron a sore us   REX  Frankie.
 OMD    Check over HERE.....      ANOTHER dig site....
 OMD Ernie there is a   STEAK A SORE US       and     a TIE RON A SORE US.... right together.  
      OMD is RIGHT Frankie.... do you suppose they were in a Fight to the Deaf?
 HURRY let's Dig some MORE....    THIS is GRRRREAT.
 FRANKIE you have dug a PIT.    And found ANOTHER   Hole  Tie Ron A Sore Us Rex... and a big SKULL of some sort.            Let me help you, Frankie.      We gotta get them outta the PIT fur safe keeping.           Maybe we will be FAMOUS and somebuddy will put these in a Muse E Um.
 Be CAREFUL Ernie... and Would you PLEASE quit lookin over my HEAD... I can hardly breathe with your ear furs in my nose like this...     Go dig your OWN HOLE...  
 OKAY Frankie butt if I find a TREASURE... I'm not gonna Share the Glory with you.  
                 OMD..... LOOK what I just dug up...    
 OH BOY....   Frankie made a mistake.... HE should have dug HERE  X.        I just found ANOTHER STEAK A Sore US.    
 WELL that's OK by ME ERNIE...    Cause I  found another Dandy over HERE.

 Keep Diggin.....   there May be MORE....  
 After all that Digging    we were Needing to take our Treasures to the Grass and INSPECT them.  

We hope that you enjoyed Diggin with US...    

Tomorrow is  Another of Ranger's Special Days...    it will be BEST FURENDS day.   Just sayin.


My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL Frankie and Ernie I
A map....that is what I should have had... Doxies are the best diggers naturally and with X marking the spot you found TIE RON A SARUS, you speak volumes ...with team work nothing is impossible!
Bravo bravo
Madi your bfff

Unknown said...

BOL BOL X marks the spot. Pawsome digging pals. Play bows to The Masters. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love the map. And we really loved how ther was a sign on the ground that said DigHere. That was so funny. U guys sure found lots of dinosaurs.

Cowspotdog said...

You had a map to find them !!!!! You guys are expert archeologists - they will be knocking on your door wanting you to join in all the big digs now

Zoe said...

Wow! Great job there guys!
Yu gonna share sum of that Steak O Sarus?

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We sure did enjoy your dig. What a mine of dino sores you found. Must have been like one of those tar pits where they find fossils. And it's so close to you!

Great work, fellows.

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ... Can I have some of that steak o sore us! Great digoxin you blokes!

Anonymous said...

You are really pros! Ok Dachshunds are always pros, but that was the bestest lesson in dino digging I ever saw! We could found our own Jurassic Park with all the prehistoric anipals you found!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Wow, we wish we could read a map to find all that cool stuff!

WFT Nobby said...

Wow, you make it look so easy...

Ranger said...

OMD…. you found like 87 zillon die noses. And in sooooo many colors. Amazing! Dat was a pawsomely good map.
High paws boys.

Murphy said...

Wow, you guys did some major explorin' on your dino dig! Of course having a map helps! Thanks for pawticipating in our Dino Dig Fest!

Your Diggin' Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, your map is the coolest! I shoulda thought of that and maybe I would have done better at the dino finding. BOL Holy Moley a tie ron a saurus is a jurasic-fantastic find fur sure. I'd be chewing on that skull asap.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Idaho PugRanch said...

OMD ! you had a where to dig map and everything!!! Looks like you found some eatable dinos too!!!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

C.L.W.STEP said...

We just found your blog. What fun! Please come visit us at The Daily Bone where I recently conducted an important dig too!

Duke said...

You guys are scorin' dinos bigtime! Nice work, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

We can't believe all the dinos you two found. Great job.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Marcus is upset he missed the digging day. He digs holes while playing soccer. We have lots of mudholes (from rain) if you want to come play in them.

Ruby said...

OMD!!! That's what I was missin'!!!
I didn't have a handy dandy MAP to tell me where to dig!!! Wells, I sure am glads you guys found all those DINOS!! Very impressive indeed!
Nows, abouts those Steak O Sarus...any left??? bol
Ruby ♥

Kinley Westie said...

Dat were one pawsome dig!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said... guys did a great job following that map...what great diggy finds you made!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilb

Anonymous said...

Looks like you two had lots of fun. Me and Nellie love to dig too, but for some reason mummy does not appreciate our efforts to dig in her garden. Something about being bad dogs. Nellie and Jasper, the two bestest maremmas in all the land.

The Army of Four said...

WOW! So ... X really does mark the spot? Very interesting!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher