Friday, June 6, 2014

Fashion Friday...

For those of you who Follow    FERN REED... From Florida....       She called yesterday and said that the KITTIES... knocked her Computer Tower Off the Desk and it will need to be taken for Repairs..IF POSSIBLE.    She wanted you all to know that she will be  away until she can find a solution to the problem.      We hope she is back SOON.   

OMD   it is FRIDAY already...    Can you DIG it???      Speaking of Digging.... hope you are ready fur TOMORROW......   THAT will be Diggin Day...    Be sure to post about YOU doing YOUR digging...
     WE are READY ........   Are YOU?????

 We said that this is Fashion Friday... and i want to say ... hey ERNIE you have a BIG nose to match your BIG BUTT... we want to thank our good buddy   GOOSE fur the Fabulous.....   BOW TIES...
 I (ERNIE) can SEE what you tried to say, Frankie.  
REMINDER:    Murphy and Stanley are STILL lookin fur  ENTRIES fur a BLOGVILLE LOGO... the Dead Lion is      JUNE 15th...  so you had better hurry and get YOURS ready to send to them...    Once the LOGO is choosen... we can ALL use it fur EVERYTHINGY...  even Flags and stuffs... and have them on our side bars and such.      It will be GRRRRREAT.
    Just Sayin.
PeeS..... did you hear that Ranger has declared   Friday June 15th. to be...
   ADVICE fur DUI DAY              You know that Bella and Roxy gotted a little Brother and named him  MacDUI    (pawnounced Dewy)...     So the poor guy is Surrounded by WIMMEN and Ranger thinks he needs LOTS of Advice... on all sorts of Stuffs...  From ALL points of view.     SO, be sure to start a LIST of ImPAWtant thingys that you think DUI should KNOW ABOUT... and Post it on June 13th.              We HEARD that if you DO ... you will have GOOD LUCK all that day...butt that Might just be a Blogville Legend or somethingy.


Anonymous said...

Oh that's bad, not only dogs do naughty things. Let's hope Fern is back soon. I like your bow ties, we should have a bow-tie-day once. My digging-post is ready, guess what? I really found a dino!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey .... advice for Dui day!!!!! He sure needs it. He's lookin' a bit grey around the gills at present.
I'm all ready for diggin' day. No dino for me though!!

Sheltie Times said...

You two look very sporty in your bow ties.

Ranger said...

I think Frankies tie looks like a rawhide bone. Hehehe.
Thanks for Dui's Advice day plug.

Unknown said...

Have to get our thinking caps on for Dui. Looking forward to some digging tomorrow. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

stellaroselong said...

Wesa will miss the dig cos Mom will be helping her friend this weekend BUT oh boy howdy will Gussie have some advice for Dewey!!!!
stella rose

Unknown said...

You two look smashing in those bow ties! Dapper Dans, indeed. Hmmm, I think the postman said he would be delivering something to you today...I hope he is right. BOL

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are looking very handsomes
Lily & Edward

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hey there....Max here! Ernie...I have a word of advice fur your future brudder-in-law, DUI. Being the only BOY in a house full of GIRLS (sorry, Dad. I wasn't counting you) in a house ALMOST filled with girls, RUN, RUN FAST. I waited too long and now I'm too OLD to run anywhere. Find a good hidey spot that the girls don't know about. They just don't leave you alone.

Cowspotdog said...

Oh my gosh - there is so much going on it is hard to keep up with everything. We have our digit post ready and will start work on the Dui post too

WFT Nobby said...

Oh one just can't have enough of those bow ties.
And I have SO MUCH good advice for wee Dui.
Toodle pip!

My Mind's Eye said...



Idaho PugRanch said...

We are ready for tomorrow!! and now that Mom has the school things all done maybe we can get her to work on an entry for the logo.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Duncan said...

I get to dig on purpose? That is so exciting -- gonna start NOW. And advice for DUI too? What fun stuff there is going on right now. Looking good in the bow ties, boys!!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

I can READ that, too....Roxy!

We've been digging like mad. Even Dui started digging when we went to the river.

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

And we girls think we need advice on dealing with a LOUD, annoying little brother!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a fun place Blogville is!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Duke said...

You boys are looking smashing in your bowties! We hope Fern gets her puter fixed soon!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Army of Four said...

You boys look VERY handsome in your bow ties!