Monday, July 23, 2012

Pressie Swap with DOMMY

You will NOT believe all the super super DUPER stuffs that we got from DOMMY... who lives in Malaysia.       I want to THANK   BOTH  DOMMY and Sprinkles Wyldchild/Chico and Shiver's mom fur settin this up.    Furst I am READING the Card that Dommy sent to us...     I did it out loud so ERNIE would know what it said...

 THANKs Dommy....   We Really loved your drawing too.
 OMD OMD   THERE were    THREE different types of TREATS...  and they are all DELICIOUS.
 And a Ball in a Bag...   THAT was REALLy Exciting and lots of fun.
 Come on ERNIE.... let's see what is in THIS...
 OMD OMD....  Goose will faint...   we got a SNEAKY SNAKE that is JUST OUR SIZE..
 AND would you CHECK THIS OUT....  Dommy even sent us FUR REAL Chop Sticks and Place mats...     My dad was in Japan fur 3 years and HE does FUR SURE know how to USE these!!   Mom and dad were THRILLED with THIS... let me tell you that.          Careful Ernie... You'll Poke your Eye out.
 Here is EVERYTHINGY all nice and NEAT fur you all to see.   
This was a fun pressie exchange.       THANKS again  WyldChild and DOMMY.     


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh wow!! What a great haul! That snake looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Dog! That is so exciting!

Teddy said...

Is there anything more exciting than getting pressies to open? And from Asia, no less!!! Lady uses chopsticks all the time. She feeds me noodles from them.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Frankie and Ernie,

Dose are sure great pressies! We know dat you will enjoys dem.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

3 doxies said...

Hehehe...Goose would like those chop sticks too! Are you gonna teach Ernie hows to use them?
Ya'll sure did gets lots of loot.
Hey, don't furgets me while I is gone okays?


Frank The Tank said...

BOW-WOW! You guys hit the jackpot there with all your really cool stuffs! I love that ball and the snake! What a great day with some great gifts! Wahoo! Love from Frank xxxxxxx

Princess Jasmine said...

Wow, what an exciting parcel you got. Look at all those wonderful things you have. You two are very lucky woofies indeed :)xx

My Mind's Eye said...

YAY FRANKIE AND ERNIE...PRESSIES ARE THE BEST especially when they come with noms and good smells.

Oh geez the crazy mom's first thought at seeing the chop sticks were
OMDs there is no way two vertically challenged Doxies will ever use them...ahhhh
What beautiful placemats your peeps will enjoy them for years and years
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Finn said...

Excellent loot!! I love your new snake!!

Lovable Lily said...

Score one for Frankie and Ernie! What a load of loot you got from them. I especially love the snake and I know you're gonna have a lot of fun with him.

Lily Belle

Unknown said...

Wow guys what a swag bag that was. Have a good Monday.
Best wishes Molly

GOOSE said...

OMG! Look at all the super duper stuff! I really like your Sneaky Snake. And did you say chopSTICKS?!! I really like that you read to your little brother. Enjoy all your loot. Be careful though he is called "sneaky" for a reason.

The Websters said...

That snake looks so cool!


Patrice and Higgins said...

Wow, lots of great pressies!!! Y'all made out!!


Remington said...


ShellePenn said...

Wow!! What great pressies!!! Our mom loves the choppy-stickers... she can use them too... but she learned at McDonalds when she was a little girl and didn't have to go to Japan
(True story.)

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

stellaroselong said... name is stella rose long and noodles told me that you are the mayor of blogville and it would be okay if i stopped by to say hello. I am reading your blogs this morning...they are really funny! what cool presents you received from your friend n Asia! Stella Rose

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, that Doggone Dog Swap is so much FUN! You scored big from Dommy and he is obviously a super shopper. Love that snakie! What fun fun fun!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Athlete

Millie and Walter said...

Dommy sure was a great swap partner to have. You boys got some real cool stuff.


Duke said...

What great gifts! I wonder if we could manage chopsticks? hummmmmm

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

HH and The Boys said...

How wonderful that you got such nice things. Sorta like Christmas in July..... Have fun, pals.

Hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

Dachshund Nola said...

What a great package!

Ruby said...

SCORE!! Aren't pressies great?!



Backcountry Brodie said...

That do be some pawsome loot you got there. So those chopsticks, not fur nomming? I do not mean nomming WITH coz we cannot hold them in our paws (nor can mom hold them in her hands, BOL) butt, fur chewing ON? They be just your size fur that, no?

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Frankie, you are going to have to either take over Jennifer Jeeps house, or add on to your play room to store all the neat things you're getting. What a haul!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Asta said...

Fwankie and Ewnie
Those fwiends wewe soopew thoughtful to send you just the pawfect pwessies. Gweat snake and even yoow Mom and Dad got gweat things
Thank you fow yoow wowds about my fwiend..i know yoo would have loved him too, he woold have made a gweat membew of blogville
Smoochie kisses

Murphy said...

Great presents!!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

sprinkles said...

You got some really great stuff! That was really kind of Dommy to include your mom and dad in it.

Thank you so much for participating in my annual Doggone Dog Swap!

Shawn said...

Great pressies, speshully the chopping stickies!

I just got my pressie in the mail, Mom helped me open it butt a Ginormous Thunder Boomer scared the $#!+ out of me and I wasn't having anyfing to do wiff da flashy box!! Mom says she will try again,maybe this weekend..Then She Put The Box In The Closet......Geeeeeeesh woman, can't I at least have the pressies!!
Your furiend,

booahboo said...

Frankie and Ernie.. thanks for doing the post already... ours is not up yet. We are still unfaithfully somewhere else.

You guys are great! Glad you like the stuffs.

Thanks for the wonderful pics and post :)

woofs n licks,

The Daily Pip said...

Dommy is a heck of a guy and I know his assistant is a most wonderful artist!

The treats and toys look wonderful! An let me give you a little tip about chopsticks - humans tend to drop more food when they eat with chopsticks ready, my friend!

Your pal, Pip

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD Frankie and Ernie, that is way cool. You have a sneaky snake and I love the colorful looking ball thingy that was next to it. I hope the treats are yummy. I am thinking that maybe when you are teaching Ernie to use the chopsticks that you should put his glasses on for safety. I am so excited for the Olympics, it is so close now. I can't wait for the speach.

Good luck, and gargle with salt water and drink tea for your voice.

Loveys Sasha

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool, all the way from across the seas
Benny & Lily

Wyatt said...

Wow, your very own chop sticks and place mats. I'm thinking stir fry some Green Beans and Rice for dinner, with beef of course! I'll bring the dessert!


Bassetmomma said...

What great pressies!

I'm just playing a bit of catch up while on holidays. :)