Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hummmmm Dingers...

Here are some HUMMING BIRDS... taken at the Front Porch Feeding stations...

Sometimes we have 8 at once...   


Ruby and Penny said...

We love hummingbirds. We are lucky if we see 1 a year.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh wow, you're lucky. Such pretty birdies.

Finn said...

That's pretty awesome! Have a great Sunday!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mimi's a hummers fanatic BUT we only have about two at a time at the most!! Do you have ruby throated O HI O?
Absolutely wonderful series of pictures
Hugs from your BFFF

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL mom tried to changed my name to MAFI
BUT I only answer to MADI

Unknown said...

How lucky are you to have such lovely birds. Wishing you all a very happy Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Millie and Walter said...

How do you get so many at one time? Our resident male always shoos all the others away.


Unknown said...

I aprove of the fact that they are drinking red wine at sunset. It's the right way to go!
Indigo the Great Dane

The Army of Four said...

That is so cool! Our mom loves Hummerz!
Play bows,

Lovable Lily said...

Oh you're killing us over here! 90% of Mommy's garden is hummer friendly and we've only seen 2 of them this year! How come you stole them all from us?

Lily Belle
p.s. Do you know why hummingbirds hum?

Cuz they don't know the words! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.......

K9 Katastrophie said...

Frankie, you are BRILLIANT!! A comic setion would be great!!! Thanks!


Pee.s. Cute Humming Birds!

Murphy said...

When we went to camp there were a zillion of them. They are fun to watch.

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Two French Bulldogs said...

those maniacs dive at our head
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, what super pix of your hummer friends! I have a few of those here too, but not that many. My peeps like to watch them dog-fight in the air and chase each other. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Ruby said...

Oh, I just love my Hummers! We have at least one pair nest under our patio cover every year! It is so cool seeing the tiny little birdies after they hatch! I don't like it when they buzz me though. It's just rude.



Val said...
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Elaine Pritchard said...

They are beautiful - and probably too small to bully me so I like them.

That Hitchcock film you mentioned seems to be super-scarey so I think I better not watch it.

Love and licks, Winnie

WFT Nobby said...

Oh they look amazing. I have heard about humming birds but we don't have them in Scotland, so thanks for showing us what they look like Frankie.
Toodle pip!

Dachshund Nola said...

I love humming birds!

Stewey said...

That's so pawsome! Thanks for sharing your pics!

Duke said...

Your hummers are so beautiful, Frankie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

Yowsa! Look at the snooters on those things.


Backcountry Brodie said...

That is so pawsome, Frankie! Mom thought a bug woz buzzing in her face once when she woz hiking and the swatted at it then realized it be a hummmmm dinger and she felt rilly bad but she did not hurt it.

Sagira said...

How cool! All we get are those big black birds around here.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

You guys is so lucky to have dose little birdies in your yard. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

OMC, look at the delicious, I mean beautiful birdies!!!! Yummy, I mean cool.
Oh, thanks for stopping by and leaving the mom birthday wishes for her special day!

GOOSE said...

I love watching those little birds. They zip around so fast sometimes I get dizzy.

Val said...

Woof!Can I chase those birds? Woof! All the blogging family thinks that they are sweet! Woof! My human Kate has been practicing her computer skills, and she made a computer Olympic medal!Woof! Now she is wondering whether you could use it. Woof! Echo the Alaskan Puppy.

Sweet William The Scot said...

I have two small feeders by my front porch. I have them feeding all summer long. I know I have three different species. They come right up to my face and chatter. But there is on bully who loves to chase the others away from the feeders.
Sweet William The Scot

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're just getting caught up! Can't believe Sarge didn't let you off that charge. Guess he's too honest. We love those humming birds.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

sprinkles said...

I love humming birds! I remember a long time ago, when I still lived with my parents, one came and visited her garden. As I ran in the house to get a camera, my mother called out to me that the humming bird would be long gone by the time I came back with a camera. It stuck around, I took the picture, and seconds later it flew away.

Declan said...

They are great! We don't get humming birds here... Deccy x