On July 28...the GAMES BEGIN..... First up is Jazzi's Window Nose Art/ Snot Smears.
NEXT you will be seeing some of our TRAINING CAMP Pics.... as we prepare for the 34 events.. Today you will see OUR thingys from the FIRST THREE DAYS of the Blogville OLYMPICS...
I was thinkin these might give YOU some ideas of the pics YOU will be working on fur the Hosts of ALL the Events that you will be entering. HOPE it Helps...
Here is what Mom sees when she TRIES to look out the Sunporch window.. by the door... You can HARDLY see US through all of the snot smears... In this one Ernie has a BONE in his mouth butt you hardly tell. We are Grrrrreat Window Decorators.
Peek A Booo... EYE sees YOU... Look at these super Window ART. Window Art Event will be on SAT. July 28th... get YOURS READY.
It is such HARD work putting them in JUST the Right place.. that we get all hot and thirsty.
Now you KNOW that a day of SWIMMING will wear you out... so when we got home... we started training fur Oskar's Crazy Sleeping SINGLES..... Which will be held on July 29th.
and Once we got RID of MOM and the Evil Flashy beast... we TRAINED like CRAZY fur Oskar's Other event.... SYNCHRONIZED SLEEPERS. Also on July 29.
Once we got rested up... . It was time fur BERTIE's BOUNCING.... His Event will be held on Sun. July 29th... |
Here is Ernie... Bouncing on the SOFA!! We aren't EVEN allowed ON the sofa and HE was BOUNCING... |
Now Bertie Wants some NARRATIVE with this.... So here is what ERNIE wanted to say about HIS ... bouncing... Whoooooo HOOOOOOO FANK dis iZ phun.. Kum ON Fank Bounzzz wif ME... Hi ER HI ER I goin HI ERrrrrrrr Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee oooops I made a dribble. sorie. (he is just little and doesn't know how to write the way we do, butt he did try)
This is MY (Frankie Furter) Narrative... Fly.... I see a FLY up there on the WALL... Fly... gotta get the fly... Need to be CLOSER... Hop Hop Bounce... Bounce a couple more bounces and it will be GOOD BYE FLY... hop bounce HOP BOUNNNNNCEEEEE SNAP.
THE END. PEEs..... be SURE to see Bertie's blog post DATED JUNE 24th... he has ALL of his RULES and Suggestions there fur you!! OK?
Next we have one of our trainin sessions fur the DACHSIES WITH MOXIE's Cross Neighborhood Walkabout..... We had to go to the little town to train fur this... beclaws on our hill.... we don't even HAVE a neighborhood. Ernie said he was gonna PAWtend that he was going to an actual Trainin CAMP. He is such a squirrel sometimes. It was REALLY an invigorating workout. Be ready to see this one on MON. July 30th.
DWM... are ALSO hosting CATCH ME IF YOU CAN... On July 30th. I had to give ERNIE a HOOOOOGE head start... I hope you can see him.... he is that little brown SPECK half way down to MY Maple TREE.. and then..... Off I went... |
After THAT training session we were SOOOOO HOT that we thought we should go back to the Beach and Cool down.... by Playing some BEACH BALL.... which Benny and Lily are going to do on Monday July 30th. . It was Soooooo refreshing...
I decided after
Seriously folks..... there really ARE THIRTY FOUR (34) PAWsible events... and in order fur US to TRAIN WITH YOU for EACH and EVERY one Ernie and I are being VERY CREATIVE with our picture taking and Plotting and Planning. AND GUESS WHAT... WE really ARE in EVERY TRAINING CAMP
I hope that this post, and the NEXT FOUR, will help you get your creative Juices flowing.... Remember you can have REAL pictures... Drawings... Pretend Pictures.... Photoshopped thingys of all types... WhatEVER it takes to represent the Events....
PeeS.... the Blogville Olympics is NOT intended to downplay the REAL Olympics or the tremendous devotion and dedication of the ACTUAL Olympians. I am sure that YOU will take this Blogville Event in the spirit it was intended.
MOL Ernie and Frankie...you two look sooooooooooo good in your tighty whiteys I think we need to have a swimsuit event!!
Great post your Mom is working so hard give her a hug for us.
Madi and Mom
Those was some nice exampulls, Frankie. Thanks fur using Ernie as your show-and-tell model. Hey, that is wot siblings is fur anyway I think.
Frankie and Ernie, I am so impressed by your dedication to training, and I feel confident that the young one's narrative skills will have progressed to a more comprehensible level by next week....
Have fun guys.
Toodle pip!
Wooooaaahh - Frankie and Ernie....all your training is paying off big time....you are rocking all those events!!
I'm feeling tired just watching.... so I'm gonna have a little nap now..
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
You definitely know how to get the creative juices flowing, Frankie and Ernie! A big THANK YOU!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Well you stirred up some creative juices in me watching you guys in those tiny trunks! I was inspired to think: Note to self - white not be the best colour on a 4Leg - ha ha, kidding - I am jealous my mankini don't look as cool on me as those whities on you!...
That's some freakin' awesome window art!! How nice of you to show Ernie how to swim! I don't know how you do it, you always give, give, give....your such a trooper Frankie!
.,woof woof, those photos looks great..
Dog Fence
Pet Solutions.com
You guys have sure been busy! Have a great Thursday!
Best wishes Molly
Keep Away! Best event ever, of course. :D I'm so impressed at how hard you and Ernie are training, Frankie! I'm trying to keep up with you, but it's getting exhausting. How do you move so much on such little legs? Or maybe it's having to move such long legs that is making me so tired!
You have given me some real good ideas for some of the events. Do I have to wear swim trunks for the swim thing? I was thinking more like water wings.
Great post. We love the swimming pictures the best because it's so hot and you look like you're cooling off there.
Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
Oh my word! The beach ball Olympians, BOL
Benny & Lily
You guys are doing a great job training!
You guys great examples!
Woof! Hi! My human Kate made a badge
for the Olympics and is wondering what to do with it. The balls look fun! Woof! Echo.
Secretary: Kate
Great training!
We would has been losted without these here training pics of you and Ernie! And nows we is finding out jus how talented the competitions are...
Sugar the Who
Hey F-n-E!
Wow. you two have really been training hard! I'm so impressed. Your ZoomO's are perfect for the swimming events and I like your form. It's really great for everyone to get to see your ideas and prep work!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Awesome training Frankie and Ernie! You're looking mighty buff these days.
Thanks for the informative post Mom!
Lily Belle
Oh my dog! Your bathing suits! You and Ernie really are fashionable no matter what you do!
Looks like you guys have a great head start in your training. Bokeh needs to find the frisbee event again. We know we saw it somewhere. :)
This is going to be SO fun and exciting. We can't wait!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
We have PLENTY of snaps for the sleeping events... We're big on snoozing in our house!
Also bitey-face... Shame there isn't a bitey-face event...
Thanks for all those examples. It is obvious you all have been working out a lot lately!!
Your friends,
Murphy & Stanley
You guys have been training real hard! I love your swimming trunks! :)
Oh my dogness, youse made me pawsativly tired
seeing all of you twaining butt gibed me a whole lottal ideas fow da different events!
You furiend,
I can't believe how hard you two have been training for all the events!
Kisses and hugs
Frankie and Ernie, thank you for those most wonderful suggestions. You must both be exhausted. I have been working day and night also and am ready with almost all events. I do however have a large problem with any water events, as I do not like water, except for drinking. Good luck to you and the time is getting closer. Keep the Olympic Spirit Alive!!
Loveys Sasha
I cleaned off the snot prints my dad's beagle left on my window earlier this week. He's coming over again on Sunday though, so he'll be back and can create a new work of art for me. bol
Wow guys it's really impressiv! We tried to get organised to participate to all the events, but it was so difficult that we decided to try on the day !!!
Indigo the great dane
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