Friday, July 6, 2012

20 days .. and MORE of our pics

Today we will  be looking at 7 more of the 34 Events...   I hope that you will see what Ernie and I have done to TRAIN and that you will want to Enter EACH and EVERY one of these Events.  YOU can DO it....  THINK PAWSitive... and You can Do it!!
 Furst Event fur July 31st. will be GYMNASTICS... brought to you by our Host   MADI.   There are a LOT of Pawsibilities under Gymnanstics.. so I told Ernie he could Chews which thingy we would train fur....    I read em off to him and he say......   WINGS....   butt I think he mean RINGS.

 These rings are NOT like what I thought they would be... In FACT they kinda remind me of a couple of toys that I seem to recall havin in one of our toy boxes.   BUTT whatever...  We had to jump HIGH up and hang on fur dear life.  And then do all sorts of HARD thingys.   I admit that THIS was NOT as easy as I though...  
 Ernie was REALLY good at WINGS or RINGS .   He just latched on and made it look EASY Peasy.      There is another pic of Ernie.. butt somehow it got outta order and you will see it later. 

 Our Next Event will be held on JULY 31st and is  the      COUCH potato PEELING...  with Lily Belle and Muffin.    TRUST MEEEEEEE... Ernie and I are BOTH REALLY GOOD at this EVENT...   We hardly had to train at all.   I'm just sayin.   Now when you get to training fur this event you will want to do it the RIGHT WAY.... Not at all like we did it...    Here I (Frankie Furter) am... with my MOM TRYING to Peel ME off the Sofa.   I think it was a LOT harder on HER than on ME.

 And when it was ERNIE's TURN to be PEELED off the Sofa/Couch...   He REALLY gave her a RUFF way to go...    All this trainin has made him SUPER strong.   I'm just sayin. What YOU will REALLY be doing fur this Event is havin your pictures taken in your FAVORITE PLACE... WITH your EYES CLOSED...  Catchin some Zzzzzz's....       We were just bein silly and sayin we were gettin Peeled off the sofa.    YOU will be following Lily's directions as she put them on her blog post dated   6/23/2012    OK?    I'm thinkin that this will be a very RELAXIN EVENT...  and you KNOW how we all LOVE to do THAT.      

 Now like I said Yesterday....   it is SUPER to get DOUBLE DUTY outta these Training session pics...  Sooooooo here I am...  Ready fur AUGUST 1st.  that is when    MONA's    TONGUE CURLING EVENT  will be held...

 I did a bit of Tongue Curling during the time when we were wearing our Sweat Bands.  BUTT I gotta say.... ERNIE Beat me like a Dirty Rug in this event... just wait until you see HIS pics...

 Here it comes....

 Work it ERNIE.... WORK it..

 TA DAAAAA   TA DAAA.....   CHECK it OUT... and I mean OUT.. that thingy is OUTTA this world.        Kinda SCARY, isn't it????

 OOOOPS.... this one got outta Order... butt then what else would you expect from Ernie... He is just NEW at all this... RIGHT???  
 Now WHERE was I... Oh Yes....   on August 1st.  Weenie is hosting...    CRITTER STALKING.
Now you all know that Ernie and I BOTH love to Stalk GROUND MOLES...   We like to call it Gwalk A Moley...     and we go around the WHOLE Yard  about 87 times a Day... STALKING those CRITTERS.    We have about 87,000 HOLES dug here and there over our two acres.   It makes our dad SOOOOOOO happy when he is riding his beloved John the Deers thingy.  I'm just sayin.  
 Next up on AUGUST 1st.  will be PIP's   Discus/Frisbee Event...    We thought it would be good to take it to the cool beach to Train.    
 You have NO idea how STREN  U  US   this sport is...  it looks like FUN... butt BOY HOWDY.. you gotta be able to make that thingy...   "SAIL".      We LOVED it though.    I'm just sayin.
On August 2nd.  GOOSE will be hosting....   STICKS...    There will be two pawts... One fur STICKS.. SINGLES...    like Ernie here...

 And ME...  With MY stash of STICKS...

 AND there is STICKS DOUBLES... where you and a PAWtner can TEAM UP fur Major Stick time.
 Then on August 2nd.. we will ALSO have BERT bringing us the mostest SCARY of ALL the Events... At least in MY (Frankie Furter) opinion...     Maybe it has somethingy to do with the fact that Ernie and I HAVE to enter the GROUND HUGGER category in Free Style Zoomies.    WHATEVER the REASON this POLE JUMPING event scares the poops outta BOTH of us.   
  I mean REALLY... have you ever SEEN how high up you gotta JUMP fur this???     I was afraid my NOSE might run or somethingy.     BUTT we gave it our bestest effort...    I went furst beclaws I am the BIG BROTHER and I thought if I couldn't do it... I wouldn't LET Ernie even TRY.    SO here I am....     POLE jumping...   Aiiiiiiiiieeeeeee   I think I need to visit a tree furst...   ...... .....   OK I'm back and ready... here I goooooooo                  UUUUUUUUPPPPPP and....
 OVER!!!     YEP I fur SURE did manage to Clear that really HIGH POLE.         You can clap and cheer fur me now.         

HERE I go......       CAN YOU SEE the finish  ,,,, LINE?       I didn't EVEN know that pole jumping HAD a Finish    LINE. 

 So Ernie watched how I did it... and he got his feet all set and concentrated and....

 he started his Move toward the High up there POLE and.....

 Can you EVEN believe it...   my LITTLE BROTHER actually managed to CLEAR the POLE and did not EVEN knock it off.         YEA ERNIE..... I (Your BIG Brother) am really Proud.    Butt I gotta say that THIS is just NOT a good event fur Dachshunds... with Faint Hearts.

Don't furget to come back tomorrow fur #3 of our series that will be showing us in MORE of the 34 events.     THEY are ALL open to EVERYBUDDY...   so get those pictures taken and ready to send...    OKAY????


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

You guys are such an inspiration...... I'm so happy you are helping us with our events!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

3 doxies said...

Oh dears, bein' one of short stature in a greyhound body, I ain't sures if I can makes them jumps...then again, I IS PUDDLES!!!!
I kid you not, I thought them wings or rings was jacked up Fruit Loops on steroids...bwhahahahaha.
Okays, I be back...I go practice a little bit furs my couch peelin' event.


My Mind's Eye said...

I can hardly wait to see your photos for the Olympics. You two have been training very very hard and appear to have a lead in many of the "low" level competitions...pun intended.
Keep working on the rings
Hugs from your BFFF

Unknown said...
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Finn said...

Great job guys! You are definitely raising the bar in the competition!!

Unknown said...

.,woof woof beautiful photos.,

Stopped for a visit.

Dog Beds

Unknown said...

Working hard you guys , we hope you are getting plenty of extra treats.
Best wishes Molly

GOOSE said...

You two sure are training very hard. And I am mighty impressed with your pole jumping.

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, you guys are doing such super jobs with these events! I'm totally impressed. You were both stars for the couch potato peeling. No surprise there! BOL. Now that (fishing)pole jumping is HYSTERICAL! Does Papaw Pantslegs know that you touched his favorite Mr Zebco?!? BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Unknown said...

Goodness these pictures made me laugh to tears!!!!
Well done guys!!!
Indigo the Great Dane

Beans4Biscuits said...

Frankie I thinks you and Ernie would wins furtus place fur sweat band wearin iffin that was an event. The momma is rollin on the floorsw BOLin at yous!

I sees we is gonna have some major competition in the tongue that Ernie has some curling talents!

Sugar the Who

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom is talking about peeing in her pants and making snorting laugh noises
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

Good job you guys!! I better really get a plan of action here.


Peggy Frezon said...

You guys must never be bored! wow oh wow those are some cool events. I think Kelly and Brooks would try the tongue curling! Have a fun olympics.

Bassetmomma said...

Gosh, you and Ernie are either going to be really wore out or really buff from all this training!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, you really got some air on that pole jumping! Grreat job!

houndstooth said...

Wow! You guys manage to make most of those events look easy! I'm very impressed!


Dachshund Nola said...

Such an inspiration! I posted my training pics today

Sheltie Times said...

You two are amazing.

Duke said...

You guys are acin' all of the events! Gold. Gold, Gold for you and Ernie, Frankie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Berts Blog said...

Boy you two are doing a lot of work to get ready and we all apreciate so much all you do.

As for your jumping skills for my event, I must tell you that the judging is not on how high you jump, it is on technique, lovability, abiltity to please a crowd. so you see, just because your feet are only 1/4 of an inch off the ground, well, your still a strong competitor. Both you and Earnie.


Sagira said...

Wow, you guys are going to blow everyone out of the water with all this training you boys are doing. :)

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie and Little Ernie, you two are in great condition. Wowza, you are an inspiration! We have to get our jelly bellies into gear for sure. Thanks for the ideas mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

BOLOLOL!! You guyses are SO funny!

Backcountry Brodie said...

You guys give such good exampulls but I did not know bribes was allowed in the Olympics?!?!?! (Hey, my snooter sniffed out those nom incentives, BOL!)

Anonymous said...

Whoa! You guys are champs!

Mimi said...

Man, you guys are die hard athletes!

Nubbin wiggles,