Monday, May 14, 2012

My HALF Brother...

ATTENTION:   PUDDLES FANS...   She May not be able to post or comment much (if at all) fur the next few days beclaws... she was lookin at STUFFS on the InterMutt... and got a VIRUS . 
I up BOTH of these Videos beclaws... with all the excitement over MOM's Mother's Day pressie I REALLY couldn't remember WHICH one I had put up the other day.     Go AHEAD... LAFF at me ALL you WANT.   I have had a LOT on my mind lately.  I'm just sayin.    My mind has been goin like 87 miles an hour and I just couldn't remember.       Laff it Up Furballs.   

Well, now that I have my   VERY OWN     Half (1/2)  Brother...    I am thinkin that life will be a little easier fur ME (Frankie Furter).      Yep, Fur SURE.    NOW when Ernie does somethingy bad CUTE I can be really PROUD of it and BRAG and Stuffs.  Like the other day when Ernie CHASED a RABBIT... Fur the Furst time EVER...........!!!   OH Boy Howdy did he ever do a super job of it.   The whole thingy was SOOOOO FAST that we couldn't EVEN get a Video of it.       See.. I can BRAG now.
  I think I'm gonna REALLY like being the big boss loving big brother role too.   Like NOW I can be all PUSHY Pawsessive of MY Personal private Toys and Treats and stuffs and not be forced feelin like I have to Share EVERYTHINGY with Ernie.  
       My mom took a long time to CHEWS... butt she finally decided that she is gonna take ERNIE's Left side.....    Since I only gave her HALF of him.         I knew THAT was the side she was chewsing beclaws she was POINTING at Ernie and stuffs.
       I'm tellin you, my dear furends,  the woman was Speechless when I told her that I was givin her HALF   of MY (Frankie Furter) PUPPY fur her Mother's Day pressie.   I think she was kinda OVERWHELMED, actually beclaws she stood there and CRIED and CRIED and CRIED and she was muttering and mumbling words that I couldn't even UNDERSTAND .  THEN she got out her furend Jim Beam and a HOOOOOGE glass.   It must have made her REALLY thirsty to leak out all those tears.   Yes, she was overwhelmed, fur SURE.   

HEY....   have you been thinkin of all of your     NICKNAMES?         Sarge is havin a SUPER contest....with FANGTASTICAL PRIZES .        Be sure to go       HERE        to find out all the pawticulars.        THIS is gonna be a BLAST ...  FUR SURE!!!


Remington said...

That was so nice of you....I know your mommy was happy! Loved the video! Thanks for letting us know about Puddles....that is not good....

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow Ernie, look at you. Looks like you almost knocked your Dad over while Frankie was jusr standing there. Weenie whines like that too when he don't get his dinner fast enough.


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

It is very nice of you to share Ernie with your Mom.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

BOL>>>>I bets dat you gave Momma da BAD half of Ernie...right? Da one dat gets into trouble!

Just leave it to Puddles. Her be visitin THOSE InnerNut sites again! Her will never learn.

HH and The Boys said...

I remember seeing the short video but not the longer one. I liked them both. Have a great day and thanks for sending us to check on the party.

pawhugs, Max

Scooter said...

hey F-n-E!
Wow, I think Papaw Pantslegs is sorta thick...he isn't getting the hint AT ALL! BOL. He needs to turn his hearing aids up a little. BWAR HAR HAR. BTW: I think Mamaw's half of Ernst was wiggling more than his right half.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Daily Pip said...

Hey buddy! I am back and so happy to see you both and your fun videos! So glad your mom loved her pressies! Was the Jim Beam part of her gift from Puddles? Bawhahahaha!

Your pal, Pip

Matilda the Boxer said...

Aww, she cried even. You're so sweet!

Posie said...

heeheehee eet iz sooo good dat yoor mummer was soo happy n dat yoo can now boss abowt ernie heehee love pdorg xox

Patrice and Higgins said...

That was so sweet of you to share!


GOOSE said...

I hope your mom filled up on the liquids cause I have a feeling there will be even more leaking every time she looks at Ernie's left side. You are to thoughtful Frankie.

Anonymous said...

You were super nice to give your mom half of Ernie, I'm sure she enjoyed her special day with both of you!

The Websters said...

They always cry like that when they're happy.


Bassetmomma said...

Oh poor Puddles! Your Momma must have been so happy with you and we're not laughing at you we're laughing with you! BOL!

ShellePenn said...

Puddles shouldn't have been posting all those lyrics and messages about that song to me... that is what infected hers!

I think she picked the correct half. That would be the side closest to the heart, right? I'm sure that he is living real close to your heart and hers.

But I had to admit, knowing she picked up her good friend the KENTUCKY friend, Jim Beam instead of that Tennessee friend, Jack Daniels, made me happyful.

Hope your day is great!
Shelle :)

Peggy Frezon said...

You are such a thoughtful dog and what a nice Mother's Day!

FiveSibesMom said...

Loved the video! You are such a good & thoughtful sport for sharing! Hope your mom had a really nice Mother's Day with lots of kisses from you both!

We are working up a post for Sarge's fun-sounding contest!!! We have lots of nicknames over here!

sprinkles said...

What a precious gift to give your mom. No wonder she shed so many tears!

I love those videos. Your dad must've been preparing a special treat for you.

I hope you'll join in my annual Doggone Dog Swap!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

The Shiloh-Meister here – yep, bein’a big bruther iz kinda neeto-sweeto sumtimez butt gotta admit, sumtimez it ain’t (like when Shasta triez tu take ALL the foodablez that drop on the floor an’duzn’t wanna share) BUTT it iz kinda cool when Shasta triez really hard tu b just like me (BUTT that will never happen cuz there iz ONLY 1 ME! - wunder y mom sez thank godness) An’don't worry ‘boutz the double video – mom tellz us tu du sumthin’a few timez b-4 she realizez we already did it an'b-sidez with blogger the way it iz, just never know what showz up til it gitz there.
Thanx fer tellin’us ‘boutz Miss Puddles – wunder if the Stoopidz had sumthin’tu du with the virus?

Murphy said...

The left side is a good side - good sharing! Oh, watch out for those viruses!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Scooter said...

cute video!! I hope you gave her the bad side??


Anonymous said...

Oh Dog! I thought for a minute somebody's pants was gonna come down!

Duke said...

We loved your video! We're glad you told your dad to hurry it up. You could starve to death if he keeps you waiting too much longer!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Shawn said...

Loved the sorry your Mommy gots a 'puter virus..that is awful!!! Tell her to have another Glwass of her friend Mr. Jim Beam..dat always makes fings bettew!

Your Furiends,
Winston, Chloe and Cecil

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so happy your Mom was so happy. We think you definitely chose the RIGHT side - BOL.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lorenza said...

Watching the second video... now I have a better idea about the time your Dad takes to prepare your food!
Kisses and hugs

Dachshund Nola said...

Thanks for letting me know about Puddles! What a cute video
Dachshund Nola

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, I love your videos, you showed excellent control. Ernie needs a little more guidance so he doesn't make such a spectacle of himeself. The songs were very pretty though. I hope Miss Puddles works things out soon cause a day without Puddles is like a day without...umm...well Puddles. I will miss her and I hope that sassy virus gets punished. I hope your Mommy got the side of Ernie that toots.

Loveys Sasha

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I didn't see the video where Ernie almost knocks her dad down while waiting' for some din dins!! BOL! I woulda been told to "pipe down" long before all that!

I'm glad your mom was all overwhelmed by receivin' Ernie's left side....

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Anonymous said...

BOL! Yap, Jim Bean sure does help wash the tears down er away ;)

Laughed myself cuckoo over your videos. How'd your Dad manage to stay standing? Your half of Ernie sure is strong! ;)

Waggin at ya,

Erin said...

Hey me and Bubbles sound just like that when mom is at the food place!