Sunday, May 13, 2012

Half is a LOT.

 Happy Mother's Day  to all the moms out there in Blogville.  
   See the Picture at the top... THAT is a YARD FLAG the my "Sister" Lori (Sarge's Mom) gave to OUR mom fur Mother's day...      and Below is a Brand New Glass Cutting Board that she gave her too.    My Mom LOVES them BOTH.              
 Now THIS is a Mother's Day Card that my VERY MUCH GRRRRREAT FUREND...
                                   PUDDLES....    made fur Ernie and ME to give to Mom.   
                                                 Isn't it GRRRRRRRRRREAT.    She is gonna
                                                       be soooooo surprised when she sees it.
                                                              THANKS PUDDLES!!!
And NOW... to What I (Frankie Furter) ... FINALLY came up with...  
          You all know how much I (Frankie Furter) wanted my very own PUPPY... and when I got Ernie I was Thrilled.   Well, see Ernie has become a very good boy and he has really learned a LOT of the stuffs I wanted to Teach My Puppy.   AND I Love him most of the time A LOT.      So here comes Mother's Day and Mom has EVERYTHINGY in the world and I couldn't think of a THING to give her until...... all of a Sudden   PooF... I had  I had an Idea.    Since I (Frankie Furter) have turned Ernie into the ALMOST perfect puppy...   I am gonna  GIVE MOM HALF OF ERNIE!

She will just LOVE IT.        Now I just need to decide about this...  Should I give her the FRONT half... that sometimes BITES and BARKS...   Or should I give her the BACK half that ALWAYS Pees and Poops?   Hummmmmmm I don't think she would be happy with EITHER of THOSE Halves.   DO YOU?                How about I give her one SIDE?     That would still be HALF of Ernie, RIGHT?
   I know...   I'll let HER Chews...   She can have EITHER the Left Side or the Right Side.   YEP!  THAT WILL WORK..        Butt WAIT.... there's MORE...

     When I give Mom one side of Ernie... and I keep One side...  that will mean that MY Mom will be Sorta Like Ernie's mom too... and...  that means that   Ernie will be my   HALF BROTHER.    
Right???      WOW....    I've Never had a Brother before.     I'll be Ernie's BIG Brother and Also his OWNER..  so now I can REALLY BOSS him around and stuffs.
     THIS is gonna work out GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT   fur ME.

Now I just gotta go get mom and show her this....    
Come and See THIS...

Happy Mother's Day...  Mom!!!
     I am giving you HALF of ERNIE...  Which half do you Chews.. Left or Right?
       Half is a LOT, you know.  
I hope you like your Pressie Mom!!  
I love you mom!!!   
    PeeS....  Hey mom...  Your PRESSIE... just left you a pressie out in the yard.   I'm just sayin. 


Posie said...

Dat is da bestest eye-deeea evir Frankie! well dun indeedy! Im shoor yoor mumll appresheeate gettin halff of ernie n i fink it was very wise nottt to give herr da back poopery end! heehee! Eets funny kus when ma dadder n mummer adopterd me I waz appurantly costed moneyy (i dontt beleeve eet maself!) butt mummer waz a styudent n cood nutt contrirbyoot so dadder says dat mummer can has ma backk end n he owns da frunt! I fink mummer would has preeferrd a siyde like yoor mum haz owf ernie tho! heehee!

Anyways, happy Merican Muthers Daiy! Love n likks pdorg xox

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Franks - I'm sure your mom will be thrilled to hear you have given her half of your pup - after all you have put in soooo much work into his training and rearing proper like. So you could offer her the pawfect side and then you can work with the side still needing a little attention! Anyway - she will be one happy mom!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Finn said...

What a grrrrrreat idea! Let us know which half she chooses!

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, my Mom is so glad that Mamaw likes her Mother's Day pressies! Maybe that cutting board will produce some kind of fine yummer for you today. BOL.
Well, I think Mamaw is a very very lucky mom to receive half a pup today! I think it was wise to split up the pooper end. BOL. Very thoughtful and I know she and Ernst will both be happy!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

OMD! BOL! BaHaHaHaHaHa! Frankie that is the most 'unique' gift I have EVER heard of BOL! Oh gosh too funny :D

Happy Mom's Day to your Mom! She is one very special gal :) I'm kinda hopin she decides to keep her half of Ernie together with yours BOL!

Waggin at ya,

K9 Katastrophie said...

What a great gift Frankie! BOL!!!!

Happy Mother's day!


3 doxies said...

from abigail
did you like the card?
i laughed and laughed about the part when you said you would give your mom half of ernie.
Happy mothers day to your mom!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great pressies for your Mom from Sarge's Mom. We bet that flag will look wonderful in your yard.

And your card from Puddles is just pawfect too. We bet Mom is thrilled to have half of Ernie. We think you might have to trade sides once in a while so both sides of Ernie get brushed well:)

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom too!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara,and Lightning

GOOSE said...

Half of Ernie what a brilliant idea! Which half did she take?
Happy Mother's Day!

Millie and Walter said...

I'm so glad you finally figured out what to give your mom for Mother's day. I am sure she is thrilled with her gift.


The Websters said...

Oh Wow Frankie! You are so smart. Probably the best gift giver ever!


The Army of Four said...

Wowzers, Frankie! That's a GREAT idea, but all that thinkin' about which half and all about made my head explode! That's too much deep thinking! Your mom is going to LOVE your present, I just know it!
And we LOVE that flag for your yard - VERY cool!!!
Play bows,

Lorenza said...

Great presents for your Mom!
Hmmm.... not so sure about giving her half of Ernie!
Let us know how it goes, ok??
Happy Mother's Day!
Kisses and hugs

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow!! Wht great gift.n Which half did she want?

Oskar said...

Bwah-haha! You did a great thing giving half of Ernie to your mother!

I hope she has a wonderful Mother's day.

Nubbin wiggles,

Berts Blog said...

Do we get pictures? That is sure an original special gift. Let us know how excited she is about it. we are holding our breaths to see.


WFT Nobby said...

Can't wait to hear what Mom has to say about your most generous offer Frankie.
Ernie's viewpoint would be most interesting too...
Toodle pip!

Murphy said...

Half an Ernie, is that an Er - BOL?? Great idea!

Your Friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Elaine Pritchard said...

You are the most inventive dog I have ever met.

Love and licks, Winnie

Duke said...

You are such a generous boy, Frankie! So which half did your mom choose?
Happy Mother's Day to your mom!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

houndstooth said...

Looks like you had good timing with your present there, Frankie! Not a moment too soon, it appears. I'm glad to hear that you came up with the perfect gift for your mom!


Stewey said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mom, Frankie and Ernie!!

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL what a pawsome pressie you gave your momma! Happy mother's day!
Dachshund Nola

Debbie said...

Awe frankie, your da best!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Frankie you are so thoughtful. You might as well give the front half, the little E can't talk back
Benny & Lily

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, Frankie, what an amazing gift! You're so generous. I don't know if I'd be able to give up half of my very own puppy.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, I am touched at your generosity. I can only imagine your Mommy was so pleased and proud of her gift from you. I hope she had a great day. I spent the day giving my Mommy kisses and made her a nice surprise outside also. Frankie, I am just thinking that you might have to schedule things with Ernie now. What if you want to play with your half outside and Mommy wants to take her half for a walk. I am just saying it could be a problem. Good luck

Loveys Sasha

Declan said...

What a brilliant idea mate! I'm just off to find a hack saw so that I can presents Mum's with half of KC...hehe! Deccy x

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie, you are the bestest dog in the world. You are giving half of your most treasured possession to your mum and that is so wonderful. I do think you should have given the back half cause you said once your mum loves poop and stuff cause she collects yours. What a wonderful day. Happy Mothers Day to your mum too. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory P.S. Mum says your mum can have Rory's back half too if she wants!

Bassetmomma said...

You guys are just the best! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!