THIS is what Ernie and I looked like the other evening... after a big Play fest.
NOW then... Yesterday.... I had a BUNCH of Hard Yard work to do... before it RAINS again... fur THREE DAYS.. (so the weather tawkers are sayin).. and I Asked very PAWlitely... fur my MOM to watch my puppy fur me fur a little while so I could get Bizzy.. So do you think she Did It Right??? NO WAY.. She let Ernie get into my Special Hiding Spot... and he Found the Pressie that I got fur my DAD's Christmas... I got it about 3 months ago... when the Bargain HUNTIN was really GRRRRREAT... and I Hid it so Dad couldn't find it... and THEN MOM went and disappointed me with her POOR Puppy Sittin Skills... So DAD started Screamin fur MOM and I came runnin and was just STUNNED... Ernie had pulled Dad's Pressie out and Dad SAW it. WAAAAAAH WAAAAAH SOB WHINE WHIMPER... Now my Dad's Christmas is all RUINED. ALL beclaws of my STUPID Mom!!!! Dad just LOVED it though. I could tell by the way he SNATCHED the Rabbit Leg away from Ernie and took off RIGHT AWAY fur the HOUSE... I think he might have put it up on the Wall in his Man Cave... Beside his Hoooooooge deer head thingy.
My mom is just a big ol Poop Head.
Fur those of you with puppies... or Kitties .. let this be a WARNING to you.... Don't Trust your MOM to take care of him or her fur you!!!
Now speakin of NEW Puppies and Kitties... and NEW BLOGGERS... I hope that you have been to get set up to atttend Ronnii and Ujio and Izzy's big Welcome to Blogville Pawty.
They want EVERYBUDDY to attend... so that we can ALL meet all the new ones!!!
Be sure to tell all your furends about the Pawty too!!! EVERYBUDDY IS WELCOME AND WANTED!!!
Did I tell you that my MOM is a Poop Head????
I hope your Momma doesn't read all that!! You guys sure look cute napping together! :)
Gosh Frankie, is it gonna be 87 weeks before you forgive ol' poop head??? I'm sure your pa will love the gestures you showed by hiding it soooo long!
It's hard to put ones puppy in the care of another, poop head was just doin' her best!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Ernie, me thinks you're in the dog house now!
Sorry Frankie that Ernie spoiled the surprise for you. I hope that somehow, some way, you can forgive the little booger.
Oh goodness. What a tragedy! How can she live with herself? That was so nice of you, though. We never get our pawrents anything on our own. We send out one pawrent to buy for the other. Mom always buys exactly what we say for Dad, but Dad doesn't do so well. He usually forgets and then we have to give Mom our own special pressie (if ya know what we mean, wink wink).
~Milly and Shelby
Gail is saying thank you so much for a wonderful post which totally vindicates her policy of not buying any Christmas presents until 24th December...
Toodle pip!
ROFL. Frank, what a great pressie for your dad and now its ruined. Maybe you can find another carcass somewhere to give your dad.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - don't be too hard on your mom. She didn't know you had hid a pressie for your dad that Ernie cood find.
Gail is saying thank you so much for a wonderful post which totally vindicates her policy of not buying any Christmas presents until 24th December...
Toodle pip!
Wow you kept it all that time thats brilliant and then the surprise was ruined.. Sheesh mum's.. You both look mighty cute .. HUgs GJ xx
Clearly Ernie is a ton of work!! Look at how tuckered out you are!! Please furgive your mom. They just do the best they can...
-Bart and Ruby
Oh no! I am sure your mom feels awful and will do something to make up for Christmas.
At least you have a bit of time to get your Dad another surprise. I'm surprised that you couldn't trust your own mother....that's pitiful.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy
If you find the other three bunny legs, could you send them to us?
Hoomans, eh? Can't live with 'em..can't run the can opener without 'em.
Hopefully, ole' poophead has learned her lesson & will keep a better eye on Ernie...we're sure your Dad loves his prezzie anyways!
(((hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
Firstly Mr Frankie, we don't think you should call your mum a Poop Head ok cause she is in charge of the treats. Well maybe you can but say it kinda quiet, you know like "poop head, silly old poop head" not like "POOP HEAD, SILLY POOP HEAD". That way you can reduce your stress levels but still get fed.
Second, Little Ernie is just so darn cute. Mum says we all slept the same way when we were babies (Rory still does even though he is a little bit bigger than Little Ernie).
Lastly, wow oh wow where did you find your rabbit leg? Hope your Dad liked it anyway.
Mum and Dad found an old fox leg, part of his head and some bit of body when they were out walking the other day, and would you believe they didn't even bring it home? "Silly old poop heads".
See ya buddy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Oh dear, these things happen sometimes. I gotted a cupcake today when my daddy wasn't keeping a good enough eye on me. Yep, things happen hee he :)xx
You look cute sleeping together
kisses and tail wags,
Dachshund Nola
Sometimes our moms can be so hard to train. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
OMD! I cannot believe your mom was so irresponsible with her Ernie watching duties! I am going to sit Mom and Dad down and have a serious talk with them about the dos and don'ts of puppy watching! Our puppy will be here soon. I can't take any chances!
Yep, your mom's got her work cut out for her-making it all up to you, Frankie. Hooboy, wouldn't want ot be in her shoes!
Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving!
youguys look so cute napping together..nope, can't trust those moms
Benny & Lily
Ha! Lil Ernie is an adventurer! Wahoo! :D Sorry bout Dad getting his present early Frankie butt, he really liked it so you did GOOD! :D
Y'all nappin together is way too cute SQUEEEEEE :)
Waggin at ya,
Wow! You are a great shopper, Frankie!
Critter Alley
hey Frankie!
Wow, I'm so super embarrassed that I missed this post! Oops. Boy, cute pix of you kicking Ernie's butt and him sleeping it off! BOL. Wow, that's a pawsome critter part you had there for Papaw Pantslegs. That's alright, he might as well have it now..he might need it! BOL, that's an inside joke. Teeheeeheee.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Nope not his fault at all!
Stop on by for a visit
You two are so cute sleeping!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! :)
Thanks for joining today's Dogs in Cars!
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Man raising a puppy is harder than it looks. I bet your dad will be happy on Christmas anyways. Hopefully your mom person doesn't get coal for slackin' off.
Nubbin wiggles,
PS - Guess who brought home a snowman kitchen rug??? It's not as bad as in your house, Frankie, but my mom person has the snowman disease bad!
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