Our Furend RUBIE who lives Down Under... was the FURST one to put up a Post... Givin Sarge the BIRD... AND a grrrreat post it was... She showed us a picture of a REAL kookaburra... they are such Cook Birds. When our furend Barb came to visit... from Australia... she brought my mom THIS... Kookaburra. It lives on the computer Desk... where I can't even hardly SEE it...

Even though it is just a Pretend kookaburra... my mom TREASURES it.

Australia has some very unusual birds.

Be SURE to check out Rubie's Post so you can see some GRRRREAT pics of them.
That's a wild looking bird! Have a good Monday there you two!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, what a neat little birdie and all the way from Down Under! That's a perfect entry for Give Us The Bird. Thanks for helping to get the bark out and I love that unusual little birdie! :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
What a neat-lookin' birdie dat is. It's head looks bigger den it's body. Hmmmmmm.....must be a smart bird!
That bird reminds me of the song about the gum tree. Now I'll be humming it all day!
Critter Alley
That really is such a cool bird, Frankie. The little bipeds and the Momster love the kookaburra kiddie song.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
That's one cool looking bird Frankie!
Mummy is singing some strange kookaburra song now and leaping about ohh errr. I will just sit here until she calms down :)xx
That's one cool looking bird!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
That Kookaburra is really pretty!
Happy Thanxgiving!
Almost forgot, I really love that header pic, Frankie!
Love the header, my friend! Great little birdie!
My daddy has seen Kookaburras steal peoples Breakfast!!
It's true!
They are funny birdies!
You gots some great bird fotos too!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
Hi my Furiend Frankie, didn't realize that you have your own little piece of Aussie wildlife there - sooo cool! At least that one wouldn't wake you all up in the morning with the Kookaburra "laughing" - can't be ear piercingly loud - but mum says not as LOUD as my BARKIN"!
He he,
Thanks for the mention - just about to go and post day two! Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Why is it, I wonner, why our moms put their most treasured pawseshuns where we can hardly see them?
That looks cool. I'm off to check out Rubie's post.
When my mom person saw those little Ernie puppies yesterday she snuggled them half to death & she's got the puppy fever bad! My dad person is not quite on that bandwagon yet.
Oh yeah, our house isn't as bad as your house, but our first snowman item, a new kitchen rug, has been put out in the house. Has your invasions started yet?
Nubbin wiggles,
We are hoping through bloggie world and just wanted to stop and say hi! Looking forward to getting to know you!
Great looking bird, can't say we have ever seen one!
Miley and Maggie
Mom says thanks fur the earworm -
Maybe she'll plug her ears with some gum from the tree -
PeeEssWoo: I've got a license plate fur woo on my Monday post - akhtually, Mom snagged it fur woo!
cool bird..we are liking it
Benny & Lily
That is a kookie-looking bird! I am off to check out Rubie's post.
Your pal, Pip
I luv your Kookaburra! Sarge is gonna so enjoy this one Frankie :D
Waggin at ya,
Hi Mr Frankie and Little Ernie, we just love the Kookaburra too. They have a very unusual laugh. Nothing like a kookaburra laughing at mum when she's struggling up a hill while out walking. Hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
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