Sarge is having his Give us THE BIRD thingy... Click the Blue thingy and you can find out ALL about it...
AND..... there is gonna be a SPECIAL PAWTY next week. You will NOT want to miss this one.... EVERYBUDDY is WANTED and WELCOME... PLEASE PLEASE do NOT pass up this Wonderful Pawty... There will be Tons of "foodables" and LOTS of our Old Furends.. AND it is a way to Showcase/INTRODUCE Yourself or any NEW one in your home. I am gonna be takin MY ERNIE. AND YOU need to come so you can MEET EVERYBUDDY ... It will be a BLAST... I'm just SAYIN!! It will be a super way to KICK OFF THE HOLIDAYS in addition to being a Special Meet and Grrrrrrreet . PLEASE Come and Bring all of YOUR FURENDS.
ALSO: you can check out all the grrrreat Blogville Events by going to HERE .
Oh my gosh Ernie is getting so big! You are doing a great job of teaching Ernie the ways, lol I cant believe yall like that pepper!!
Hi Frankie & Ernie, I am so glad to see Frankie that you are willing and able to show Ernie the 'ropes of life.' You two are so precious, you make me blush! Hugs, Lily Belle
Hey Frankie!
Wow, you two are like the most perfect match! What a special pack. You're a great mentor for Little Ernie. I can't wait for the big meet-n-great's gonna be great to see everyone!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I didn't know that we could eat green pepper. I eat persimmon, do you?
Ernie is cute and showing that he is a quick learning. I'm a quick learner too when it comes to bad stuff.
Frankie, you are just the bestest teacher effur!! And we LOVE your new header!!
-Bart and Ruby
Hi Frankie, I meant to ask you: Is Ernie from one of your wives? Or did you find him under a cabbage patch?
Hey Ernie
I never did see a cool pepper like that one you found.
I bet it tasted really good. You are so lucky that you have a pal like Frankie to teach you things.
and boy are you growin.
Ernie is so fortunate to be able to learn from Frankie.
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Ernie is fitting in just great Frankie. He is so cute.
Jazzi and Addy
Ernie is growing up so quickly! I've tried a pepper before, but I'm not a big vegetable eater. I stick to yogurt, fruit and meat!
P.S. Why are our humans always setting us up?
We just want to kiss and cuddle Ernie! Green peppers...we never thought about eatin' those. Must try one.
Thanks for the heads up on all the goings on in Blogville.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack is really growin' up. Ah...Ah....Ah....{whisper} Do ya like...older women???
That's a very colourful pepper ( Reminds us of the Italian flag a bit.
XXXOOODaisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy
Hi Mr Frankie, glad you are teaching Little Ernie to eat healthy foods. Thanks too for the reminders. See ya there. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
OMD that ernie is soooooooooooooooooo cute.
You boys are so cute eating your pepper and all. :)
That's the way to do it, Ernie! You would fit in around here!
Oh boy! A holiday meet and greet :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
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