SEPTEMBER 3rd. 4th. & 5th.. EVERY FUR Person is Invited!!! We Love ALL types of fur folks in Blogville.
Miss Minna Krebs had this GRRRRREAT thought fur a THEME fur this Blogville.. End of Summer (in this country) ..... A BACK TO SCHOOL PAWTY/PICNIC/PAWm... EXTRAVAGANZA!! Like only Blogville can do!!
Here is what I KNOW will be going on..
Bounce House... sponsored by the Wonderful ROAD DOGS..
... evening of the 5th... a full out DANCE/PAWm... just like from High School. Everybuddy can Dress Up in formals and stuffs if they want to!! (We need a Sponsor blog fur this.. one where everybuddy can send their PAWm Pictures to.. and have the place all decorated and stuffs.. If you would like to.. sponsor that... email me at the addy below .
Back to School Classes/Lectures
the only one booked so far is... PAWlitical Science being presented by Me (Frankie Furter)
WE NEED MORE... So if you would like to present a Class/Lecture on Your Blog PLEASE let me know... email the Title and your Blog Addy to frankiefurter(at)wildblue(dot)NET
Here is what we are hoping to have...
Miss Maggie Mae.. Blogville Nurse... in the Em. Med. Tent (are there any other Nursey or Dawgtor types out there who would be willing to help Maggie Mae... She was swamped last time)
HighRollers Jazz Band
A School Daze .. Puppy to Grown up Picture thingy.. One pic of you as a Pup and one "Now".. sort of like School Pictures Kindergarten to Graduation pics.. Then and Now.. (Would someone like to do this one...???)
A Pool Pawty... perhaps the Dachsies With Moxie might still like to host that one...
I am going to see if that Wonderful Company... PUPsi will donate all the cold drinks again.. If they do... please let me know what "Flavors" you would like to have.. in addition to Cold MILK and WATER.
Of course we are hoping fur TONS of Food... anybuddy want to sponsor a Food trailer?
....... AND....
Some day time activities ... sort of like the Wally Melon and Tube Steak Bobbin that we did last time... everybuddy had a grrrrreat time with those (Squash a Squirrel and Mash a Mouse were a couple of suggestions that were made). Let me know at the email addy ABOVE if you would like to sponsor an activity on your blog... Heck... the BUG/Creepy Crawly house and the Flower Show were SUCH hits... pawhaps you would like those to be brought BACK with New and or Review bugs and flowers... ANYBUDDY??? You all know what you LOVE to do.. so PLEASE consider puttin an Activity on YOUR blog. We will be SURE to have LINKS up fur Everythingy that is going on.
REMEMBER: EMAIL ME... if you are willing to SPONSOR AN EVENT..
We need ALL of Blogville to make this a FUN FILLED event!!
Wonder if I can jump start momma to help me participate? We've been missing so many parties lately due to her mentals being sucked out at the work place.
Ohhhh YAY mee has peemailed yoo Frankie
OH! The excitment!
Ooooohhhh this sounds SO VERY excitin!!!!!!
I cannot wait BIG Bro, but I sure will try!
woos, Tessa
This sounds hilarious. We will do a French Lecture
Benny & Lily
Darlin' Frankie and Mom....our mama's nickname since she was very young has been "The Bug"....so maybe we could host the bug entries????
Things are very topsy turvey at our house right now, but maybe our mama needs to do this????? Could you email us and let us know what it would entail???
We love y'all so very much, and are so thankful for your friendship.
Hee hee that sounds great fun, we get to go to a back to school pawty and we don't even have to go back to school!
We'll do whatever we can to help, just let us know :-)
Best not involve cooking though as the emergency tent could be very busy!
Dex and Lou xxx
The DAchsies With Moxsie would love to host the pool pawty!
We are going to get together with Mama and email you, we would love to have a Back to School class called Squirrel Chasing 101!!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
You guys put on the best events. :)
This sounds like another fun event! You have some really great ideas so far, too!
We'll get our thinking caps on.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Well, this sounds really fun. I am going to work on My Vickie to see if we can help. I have a headache now so I'll talk to her tomorrow.
Hey Frankie!
Wow, I'd really like to sponsor an event! Here it is: Sarge's MUNK MOCK! I'll host this one. When we're ready, anyone who wants to participate: Send me your strangest, funniest or scariest face pix all to go Ptthfthttt to Chipmunks! Mock those Munks! They're first cousins to squirrels you know! What da ya think of them apples?!?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Sounds like it's gonna be a fun time for everyone!
What a great idea! Sounds like a ton of fun :D
Not sure if we'll be able to sponsor anything :( Our plate's rather full at the moment. Will email you if we can butt otherwise will certainly attend :D
Waggin at ya,
Tube Steak bobbing??? OMD! My snack supplies are dwindling so I am desperate for some noms! Since I am so tall I bet I could get a ton of them! Whenever I find any water deep enough to stick my head into, that is what I do! Momma gets mortified when I visit pal's with deep water bowls! Of course there are no tube steaks in there but it is still fun! I really hope there will be tube steak bobbing!
Sorry I have not been around in awhile. Momma won't let me on the 'puter lately!
p.s. I have never even had Wally melon!
Oh this sounds like big fun! We look forward to participating!!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
We will sponsor the school days picture thingy!
We can't wait for all of the fun to begin.
Nubbin wiggles,
It's sounds more have fun! I'm very excited! Woof! WooF! :)
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